“crocodile” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “crocodile”:

– Guests may observe dwarf, green, quince, and crocodile monitors.

– Its re-release features the band performing live at the Crocodile Cafe in Seattle, Washington.

– After the animal is dead, the crocodile will grab a piece of meat in its jaws and spin around in a “death roll”.

– The mugger crocodile is a medium-sized crocodilian.

– The American crocodile crawls on its belly.

crocodile - some sentence examples
crocodile – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “crocodile”:

- The West African slender-snouted crocodile lives in West Africa and extends into Cameroon in Central Africa.

- The Crocodile Dundee movies were made here.

– The West African slender-snouted crocodile lives in West Africa and extends into Cameroon in Central Africa.

– The Crocodile Dundee movies were made here.

– American crocodiles are a somewhat aggressive crocodile species, and have been known to attack humans.

– It is one of five species of crocodile in Africa.

Crocodile hunting which has been banned since 1972 made a huge impact on crocodile numbers.

– The saltwater crocodile can be found in the southern part of the delta.

– The monophyly of crurotarsal archosaurs and the origin of bird and crocodile ankle joints.

– The mugger crocodile can be found in southern Iran, Pakistan, Nepal, India and Sri Lanka, but is probably extinct in Bangladesh.

– She was known as the crocodile goddess also known as Estriedia.

– The Nile Crocodile is carnivorous, or eats meat.

– This species is one of the largest of all crocodilian species, approaching the saltwater crocodile and the Nile crocodile in maximum size – males reach at least 5 metres in length, and often approach 6 metres.

– The mugger crocodile is also known as the marsh crocodile, broad-snouted crocodile and mugger.

– Sixteen extant species of crocodile have been discovered.

– The habitat of the New Guinea crocodile is mostly freshwater swamps and lakes.

– This would let it submerge as a crocodile does.

– The difference between an alligator and a crocodile is that one can not see the fourth tooth in the lower jaw of an alligator when the alligator’s mouth is closed.

– The Cuban crocodile is listed as Critically Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

– The Cuban crocodile is a type of small crocodile.

More in-sentence examples of “crocodile”:

– In 1820, scientist Gideon Mantell got hold of some fossilized teeth discovered near East Sussex, and in 1822, the British naturalist William Clift identified them as crocodile teeth.

– The mugger crocodile has an optimal body temperature of 30 to 35 °C.

– However, the American crocodile is better at tolerating saltwater than the alligator.

– The crocodile looks like it is a log, and hides beneath the surface of the water.

– Other animals include the saltwater crocodile and the musky rat-kangaroo.

– Two species of crocodile live in Kakadu: the Freshwater Crocodile and the Estuarine, or Saltwater Crocodile “C.

– It includes the largest living lizard, the Komodo dragon, and the crocodile monitor.

– The North of the Zoo consists mainly of a crocodile house, birds, kangaroos, tortoises, camels and zebras.

– The Central African slender-snouted crocodile lives in Central Africa and extends into South Sudan in East Africa.

– A female crocodile lays a clutch of eggs in a nest made of different plants.

– The crocodile can snap its jaw shut quickly and with much power.

– The Nile crocodile is the largest of the four crocodile species found in Africa.

– It was almost twice as long as the modern saltwater crocodile and weighed about 8 tonnes.

– Other activities available are guided night walks, 4 wheel drive tours, horseriding, kayaking, jungle surfing, tropical fruit tasting and crocodile cruises.

– Mugger crocodile hatchlings are pale olive with black spots.

– The West African crocodile or desert crocodile is a species of crocodile.

– Gustave is a Nile crocodile and is about Though the actual number is difficult to verify, he is a near-mythical creature and is greatly feared by people in the region.

– The freshwater crocodile, is a type of crocodile that only lives in the northern regions of Australia.

– Vector the Crocodile and the rest of his team got a walkie talkie from a client who can pay them.

– The saltwater crocodile is a large reptile growing to about.

– The dwarf crocodile is a shy and mainly nocturnal.

– These animals, such as the American Crocodile and Asian brown tortoise, have evolutionary links to the age of the dinosaurs.

– Only saltwater crocodiles and the Nile crocodile can grow larger.

– After World War II there were a number of small-scale activities, including dingo shooting and trapping, brumby shooting, crocodile shooting, tourism and forestry.

– The Borneo crocodile is a species of freshwater crocodile.

– When an animal comes down to the water to drink, the crocodile lunges out of the water, grabs the animal in its jaws, and pulls it underwater, where it drowns.

– However, if humans are at risk of being attacked, the crocodile is moved to avoid possible harm.

– This can be contrasted to both the modern Nile crocodile and the extinct “Deinosuchus”, both of which have very broad, heavy skulls, suitable for dealing with large prey.

– He also worked for free for the Queensland Government’s “East Coast Crocodile Management program”.

– The Siamese crocodile is a type of freshwater crocodile.

– Mandawuy is a crocodile man and also lead singer and song writer with the band Yothu Yindi.

– Like all crocodile, the American crocodile has four short legs; a long, powerful tail; and a scaly skin.

– She is also called “crocodile teacher” because of her self-portrait of a crocodile which wears glasses.

– It looks like a crocodile with a very thin and long snout, like that of the gharial.

– Using paperbark rafts, they would track the movement of a wounded crocodile and get the carcass for skinning.

– Sobek was seen as a crocodile headed man or very rarely a plain crocodile.

– The American crocodile is a species of crocodile that lives in the Americas.

– The Orinoco crocodile is a critically endangered crocodile.

– The West African slender-snouted crocodile is a critically endangered type of African crocodile.

– While an American crocodile cannot survive in water temperatures of 7.2 °C and below.

– It is one of three crocodilians in India, the others are the saltwater crocodile “C.

– The Cuban crocodile is very dangerous to humans.

– The mugger crocodile is a very strong swimmer that uses its tail and hind feet to move forward, change direction and go under the water.

– Usually, there are “No Swimming” signs near areas with high crocodile activity.

– Many years ago, Australia used to export crocodile skin.

– It is known for its botanical gardens, its crocodile pool “Bakau Kachikally” and for the beaches at Cape Point.

– The New Guinea crocodile is a type of crocodile.

– The Siamese crocodile is critically endangered.

– Because of this, the Fish and Wildlife Service categorizes the American alligator as “threatened due to similarity of appearance.” Their goal is to prevent people from killing endangered crocodiles and caimans because they have mistaken an alligator for a crocodile or caiman.

– This crocodile was over-hunted for its skin in the middle of the 20th century, but because of conservation it no longer an endangered species.

- In 1820, scientist Gideon Mantell got hold of some fossilized teeth discovered near East Sussex, and in 1822, the British naturalist William Clift identified them as crocodile teeth.

- The mugger crocodile has an optimal body temperature of 30 to 35 °C.

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