“viewpoint” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “viewpoint”:

+ That viewpoint can focus the choice of wording, and the amount of complexity, to be used when developing infoboxes.

+ For example, the header “”Media criticism of aardvark film”” pre-supposes a negative viewpoint that the news media disliked the film, whereas the alternative header “”Media response to aardvark film”” allows a balance, for either negative or positive views, in the section, and does not limit the text into a “POV funnel” which would restrict the contents.

+ In his novels, he wrote from the viewpoint of one of the characters.

+ They only have relative, subjective value according to viewpoint and circumstances.

+ Mill Creek Falls, is a waterfall located in the Rogue River Canyon within the Prospect State Scenic Viewpoint in Jackson County, in the U.S.

+ From a viewpoint about one kilometre before the top of the pass, one can see the Swat Canal in the valley below.

+ In this viewpoint it was different from other Confucianist schools.

+ The series is in a narrative tone told from the viewpoint of a woman in Tokyo.

viewpoint - example sentences
viewpoint – example sentences

Example sentences of “viewpoint”:

+ A common Muslim viewpoint is that the existence of the verses is just a fabrication created by non-Muslims.

+ When the narrator is also a character within the story, he or she is sometimes known as the viewpoint character.

+ My viewpoint here is that the VGA linked to the mainpage always gets a lot of vandalism.

+ Normally, when two people verbally disagree with each other, each person attempts to convince the other that his or her viewpoint is the right one.

+ Nimoy’s fame as Spock was such that both of his autobiographies, “I Am Not Spock were written from the viewpoint of sharing his existence with the character.

+ He was known for his newspaper columns which offered a sympathetic viewpoint of the working-class people of New York City.

+ McKellen said that “Lowry’s mid-air viewpoint is like a view from the dress circle”, looking down as if to a stage.

+ Frankly, I find these to be RUDE! I think that the community understands that I am a firm admin, one who believes that examples should be made; one that has a similar viewpoint to that of Majorly’s.

+ The reason each spin can work so well, against the insults, is that, typically, an insulting remark must be mild, so consequently the positive spin can easily claim a viewpoint 100x times the opposite, as an enormous compliment.

+ If we try to observe China in a new way from the viewpoint of outsiders, and if China’s provinces are regarded as independent countries, Guangdong will become the 14th largest economy in the world.

+ It is told from the viewpoint of a Golden Hamster, Freddy Auratus, the main character.

+ They are a good way to go from one viewpoint to another.

+ A common Muslim viewpoint is that the existence of the verses is just a fabrication created by non-Muslims.

+ When the narrator is also a character within the story, he or she is sometimes known as the viewpoint character.

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