“Driving force” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “Driving force”:

– Ramachandran, Mirror neurons have been proposed as a driving force for imitation which lies at the root of much human learning such as language acquisition.

– This supports the argument, that volcanism is the main driving force behind mass extinctions.

– Those four stars were the driving force behind the greatest ideological movement in the history of Brazilian football: Corinthians Democracy.

– Unfortunately that makes it quite likely that it is a DRIVING force behind his edits which makes me sad because it makes it much less likely that we will get him to change.

– In the Edo period, Japan developed very much economically, and accumulation of the capital became the driving force of the economic development after the Meiji Restoration.

Driving force how to use?
Driving force how to use?

Example sentences of “Driving force”:

– The driving force for these reactions is often the entropic benefit of releasing a gas.

– Not only did this drama help skyrocket 5566 to celebrityfame, it was also the driving force behind the careers of Angela Zhang and Johnny Yan.

– His wife Olivier was found to be the driving force behind the murders.

– A group called the United Irishmen were the main driving force in the rebellion.

– The driving force behind the movement for Pakistan was the educated Muslim in the Muslim minority states of United Provinces United Province and Bombay Presidency, those of the Muslim majority areas such as Punjab region, Sindh or Bengal, parts of which eventually formed Pakistan were less enthusiastic and joined the cause of Pakistan in the last years before independence and partition.

– Bryne hails from the Irish-American Democratic establishment that was once a driving force of New Jersey politics.

– Owen was the driving force behind the establishment, in 1881, of the Natural History MuseumBritish Museum in London.

– In these cases, steric strain is often the driving force for the selectivity.

– Manchester has built some of the tallest hotels and office buildings in San Diego, including the San Diego Marriott Marquis Marina and the Manchester Grand Hyatt HotelManchester Grand Hyatt, and is credited as a driving force behind the development of the San Diego Convention Center.

– A major driving force behind the establishment of the college was Hugh Price, a churchman and lawyer from Brecon in Wales.

– The “escape and radiation” mechanism for co-evolution is the idea that adaptations in herbivores and their host plants have been the driving force behind speciation.

- The driving force for these reactions is often the entropic benefit of releasing a gas.

- Not only did this drama help skyrocket 5566 to celebrityfame, it was also the driving force behind the careers of Angela Zhang and Johnny Yan.

– Some of these sources claim that President Vladimir Putin of Russia was the driving force behind this original cooperative coalition of developing BRIC countries.

– Since then, he is considered to be a driving force in bringing back the West Coast hip hop scene into the mainstream and competing with many of his East Coast counterparts.

– Samsung has a powerful influence on South Korea’s economic development, politics, media and culture and has been a major driving force behind the “Miracle on the Han River”.

– García Robles was the driving force behind the Treaty of Tlatelolco.

– It was considered an intervening element, somewhere between fire and water, and the driving force for the birth of the cosmos.

– Moore’s law describes a driving force of technological and social change in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

– For some people, music is the driving force of their lives.

– They were a driving force behind the study of the geographical distribution of plants and animals.

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