“authorized” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “authorized”:

+ Could I be authorized for the AutoWikiBrowser please? I am finding many Formula One articles that use inconsistent naming formats and link references.

+ The Air Force warrant officer ranks, while authorized by law, are not used.

+ The authorized capital of Ukrnafta is UAH 1,355,7127.50.

+ In 1895, the British Government authorized Herbert Kitchener to launch a campaign to reconquer the Sudan.

+ Beijing National Day School is also authorized to enroll international students by the Beijing Municipal Education Committee, and so far has international students from different countries of the world including the Germany, South Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Hong Kong and the United States.

+ With the new system, “sistema cambiario de bandas”, the exchange rates posted by the Central Bank are a “reference” and each authorized financial institution can determine their value independently in hopes that the free market will provide a mechanism to keep them reasonable.

authorized some ways to use
authorized some ways to use

Example sentences of “authorized”:

+ Two years later Henry VIII authorized the so-called Great Bible for the Church of England.

+ In 1653, during the Qing Dynasty, this title was authorized to Dalai Lama V by the Chinese Emperor for the first time.
+ The award has been given since 1991, and the winner is elected by authorized journalists from the leading Azerbaijani sport media.

+ Two years later Henry VIII authorized the so-called Great Bible for the Church of England.

+ In 1653, during the Qing Dynasty, this title was authorized to Dalai Lama V by the Chinese Emperor for the first time.

+ The award has been given since 1991, and the winner is elected by authorized journalists from the leading Azerbaijani sport media.

+ He was fired from the WWE on May 26, 2006 because he was travelling with someone that was not authorized by WWE to travel with him.

+ The Authorized King James Version is a translation of the Bible into the English language.

+ When the Second Continental Congress authorized an invasion of Quebec, in part on the urging of Arnold, he was passed over for command of the expedition.

+ Congress continues to make expansive use of the Taxing and Spending Clause; for instance, the social security program is authorized under the Taxing and Spending Clause.

+ In 1508 King Ferdinand authorized Ponce de León to conquer the remaining Tainos and exploit them in gold mining.

+ Congress authorized the structure March 4, 1913.

+ Pikachu is the finest known of all Pokémon because it is the authorized mascot of the series.

+ Guardsmen are authorized to wear these ribbons as a permanent decoration on service dress uniforms, to the left of federal awards, when operating under Title 32 status.

+ After Ziegfeld’s death, his widow Billie Burke, authorized use of his name for Ziegfeld Follies in 1934 and 1936 to Jake Shubert, who then produced the “Follies”.

+ Faithful Word Baptist Church only uses the Authorized King James Version of the Bible.

+ Alabama, Arizona, California, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan and Ohio each replaced one of their first two statues a few years after Congress authorized replacements.

+ In the Church of England there are currently two authorized forms of the creed.

+ For example, if a visa has been issued January 1st and expires March 30th, and the typical authorized period of stay in a country is 90 days, then the 90-day authorized stay starts on the day the passenger reaches the country, which has to be between January 1st and March 30th.

More in-sentence examples of “authorized”:

+ In the document, they appoint as their authorized representatives the son of melik Akhnazar, Ilyas, and one of the elders, Hikor, who were supposed to present the problems arising in the region to the Shah’s court and defend the interests of the local population.

+ The “Colorado Secretary of State” alone is authorized to affix the Great Seal of Colorado to any document whatsoever.

+ Cary became visibly active in construction after his father’s retirement in 1710 and in December 1720 he was authorized to work on the Governor’s Palace, in Williamsburg, Virginia, a project that his father had begun but was unable to complete.

+ The Bundestag passed this legislation but as President, Köhler was authorized to not sign it into law if, in his opinion, it contravenes the constitution.

+ Another pin—this time a gold star with a gold background and four oak sprigs around the star—was authorized by Congress in 1973.

+ Products sold by grey marketers generally sell for much less than authorized dealers.

+ In 1940, the Commonwealth authorized the creation of a dictionary and grammar book for the language.

+ President Roosevelt authorized the Bronze Star Medal by Executive Order 9419 dated 4 February 1944.

+ It also generally provides one with the opportunity to be authorized to access them.

+ It was later launched in 1797, “Constitution” was one of six original frigates authorized for construction by the Naval Act of 1794 and the third constructed.

+ In most US jurisdictions, the document presented to and authorized by a grand jury is called an indictment.

+ In the aftermath, the Mauritanian justice started to boil in a race against the clock for the construction of the High court of justice, only authorized to judge the president of the republic in the event of high treason.

+ The Authorized King James Version is very popular.

+ Level 1 is an anomaly beyond the authorized operating regime.

+ His work made up a significant portion of the Matthew Bible which was the first authorized version of the English Bible.

+ With characteristically bold steps Leakey created special, well-armed anti-poaching units that were authorized to shoot poachers on sight.

+ It was authorized by the university in 1950.

+ He authorized additional help from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Homeland Security almost two weeks later.

+ But it always had fewer marines than it was authorized to have.

+ The Miller estate authorized an official Glenn Miller “ghost band” in 1946.

+ FMSCI president, Rajat Mazumbar, has said that “The only authorized body that can run motorsports in the country is ours” despite the fact the deal has been signed with the Indian Olympic Association.

+ The validity of a visa is not the same as the authorized period of stay in the issuing country.

+ Shelby then began to build cars as “rollers” that could be completed by an authorized dealer.

+ Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant never operated commercially as an authorized Emergency Evacuation Plan could not be agreed on due to the political climate after the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl accidents.

+ A proposal was made at Meta-Wiki, which proposes that the stewards will be authorized to determine whether an uncontroversial task may be assigned a global bot flag.

+ He sponsored the Authorized King James Version of the Bible.

+ In the document, they appoint as their authorized representatives the son of melik Akhnazar, Ilyas, and one of the elders, Hikor, who were supposed to present the problems arising in the region to the Shah’s court and defend the interests of the local population.

+ The "Colorado Secretary of State" alone is authorized to affix the Great Seal of Colorado to any document whatsoever.
+ Cary became visibly active in construction after his father's retirement in 1710 and in December 1720 he was authorized to work on the Governor's Palace, in Williamsburg, Virginia, a project that his father had begun but was unable to complete.

+ The Alamo was authorized in 1718 but was not built until 1744.

+ The Authorized King James Version follows the same practice, while placing Baruch in the Apocrypha section.

+ In Christianity, a minister is a person authorized by a church, or other religious organization, to perform functions such as teaching of beliefs; leading services such as weddings, baptisms or funerals; or otherwise providing spiritual guidance to the community.

+ It is also authorized to build roads within Town Panchayat limits and impose taxes on properties coming under its jurisdiction.

+ The faint dividing lines between collective and state farms were obliterated almost totally in the late 1960s, when Khrushchev’s administration authorized a guaranteed wage to kolkhoz members, similarly to sovkhoz employees.

+ These regulations are authorized by specific enabling legislation passed by the legislative branch, and generally have the same force as statutory law.

+ The commission was authorized to investigate violations of the Act and stop any wrongdoing.

+ According to Twelver Shia Muslims these twelve guiders are authorized by Allah for the guidance of Muslims and for protection of Islam and they are infallible.

+ The first building was the first lighthouse authorized by the U.S.

+ The Authorized King James Version called these books ‘Apocrypha’.

+ Once in the country, the validity period of a visa or authorized stay can often be extended for a fee if the immigration authorities choose to do so.

+ He also authorized planes to spy on the Soviet Union, but when a U.S.

+ Also for the solo artist’s legal name, or other officially authorized names that differ from their birth name.

+ In 1862, Congress had authorized the office of Commissioner of Internal Revenue.

+ According to the age and to the technical level, the rules and the conditions of competition are variable: particularly, there change the authorized and forbidden techniques, the time of fight, the type of surface of fight.

+ The ribbon was authorized by the Secretary of the Air Force on Aug.

+ The National Transportation Regulatory Commission demanded that Fepsa “refrain from carrying out any operation that is not authorized by the competent authority to change all or part of the bridge.” Days later, with the withdrawal of the already completed structure, the control body reiterated the request for restitution of the railway material before 30 days and threatened to initiate legal actions.

+ As far as I see it, unless we actually block users from uploading, the best way to do this is to change the current QD definition to exclude non-free images uploaded by authorized users.

+ To continue GMA Manila’s digital television broadcast, DZBB-TV and its GMA News TV subchannel are reported to transfer to UHF channel 15, which the National Telecommunications Commission, through a memorandum circular in 2016, authorized to operate as part of NTC’s plans to license digital channels 14-20 for major TV broadcasts.

+ The design of structures rests on authorized engineering procedures, principles and criteria meant to design or seismic retrofitretrofit structures subject to earthquake exposure.

+ The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.

+ From 1777 to 1863, Topographytopographical authorized eight officers to be a part of the general staff.

+ In 1986 public Law 99-145 authorized the award for wounds received as a result of friendly fire.

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