Example uses in sentence of “need”

How to use in-sentence of “need”:

– Unlike fluorescent lamps, most LED lamps do not need to “warm up” before they emit the full amount of light.

– This design had its name changed to the A300B, and it did not need a new type of engine, which saved money.

– For millennia wood tar was used to waterproof sails and boats, but today sails made from inherently waterproof synthetic substances have negated the need for tar.

– There are some serious problems concerning the rainforests that need to be fixed.

– On need to reconstruct traditions of ancestral deities and avoid cultural appropriation.

– Firstly, we need to go tell all admins about it, as some still don’t know that it exists and are flooding.

– After they cross into the Midlands, Richard finds out that the Mud People are the only people who knows where the box of Orden is that they need to stop Darken Rahl from taking over the world.

– I would suppose male-pattern baldness affects anywhere between one in three to one in four men, who need to come to terms with their new look.

Example uses in sentence of need
Example uses in sentence of need

Example sentences of “need”:

– Travellers who do not need a Schengen visa can stay for up to 90 days in a 180-day period.

– They can look after themselves and do not need as much attention as dogs do.

– We need reliable sources.

– A review of the results of tests may show that some parts of the software system may need to be done again, or may work well.

– This is mainly a Quack, but the underlying effect and what seems to be a potential sock farm may need looking into.

– In the United States, the band is 1920-1930MHz.To be sold in the US, only small changes need to be made to DECT equipment.

– All I want to try to avoid is that from us saying this content is “suitable for Children and others”, some people say that we need to censor all the content.

– They may need to stop on the way up to wait for enough gas to get out before it is safe to go up further.

– There is no need for you to know the name, let alone to evade transparency and privately supply you with such information.

- Travellers who do not need a Schengen visa can stay for up to 90 days in a 180-day period.

- They can look after themselves and do not need as much attention as dogs do.
- We need reliable sources.

– What if someone created a site on simple maori or simple dutch? Simple yoruba, etc, need I go on.

– You may need to this page to get it to display the latest edits.

– Medications alone usually will not cure PTSD; they need to be combined with counseling.

– If someone wants to make such a proposal, we need a separate section just for that, where arguments backed up with specific policies.

– At the time, Captain Quintino Bonomo, an Italian representative, discussed the need for common operating procedures.

– The drug name is followed by a “?” linked to Nomenclature of monoclonal antibodies, saving the need to explain how each monoclonal antibody has been named.

– You will still need to sign comments left using this template.

More in-sentence examples of “need”:

- Children need medical care for their bites more than adults.

- In most cases one won't need the anywhere in the text provided, it is necessary.
- They need help to put on jackets.

– Children need medical care for their bites more than adults.

– In most cases one won’t need the anywhere in the text provided, it is necessary.

– They need help to put on jackets.

– With Popeye around, the local bullies did not need the aid of any pliers or doorknobs to get rid of those useless bicuspids thanks to Popeye’s left-right to the jaw.

– Do we really need to separate things like :Category:LGBT Christians, :Category:LGBT dancers, :Category:LGBT models and :Category:LGBT sportspeople into gender and orientation? We’ve got :Category:Lesbian sportspeople with three entries in it.

– I have also written all the missing departments of France; they need expanding! And concerning french rivers, or mountains, or cantons, or arrondissements, there are hardly any written at all! There are also many articles concerning French literature that need to be written.

– It is found in places that make chromium metal, which is why they need to be cleaned up when they close.

– I need the bot flag.

– With the new TemplateData editor, it is easier to add information about parameters, because the ones you need to use are pre-loaded.

– Supercomputers can do arithmetic jobs very fast, so they are used for weather forecasting, code-breaking, genetic analysis and other jobs that need many calculations.

– These are very accurate, do not need to be wound and often have other helpful things like an A to tune to.

– Dictators normally need to do a number of things to put in place their dictatorships: they need to get rid of their opponents or killed.

– This is due to advanced farming techniques that need fewer people to farm.

– Russian, for instance, is almost exclusively written in Cyrillic, so there is no need to specify would be unnecessary for English.

– Vacuum tubes were used in the first computers like the ENIAC, which were large and need much work to continue operating.

– And of course we need to discuss how to name them, and to create the appropriate templates, once we decided.

– Internet café users need to be aware they have less security than most private networks.

– These four articles will need to be created in order for this article to become a good article.

– Farmers understood the need for a hard-working wife and many children, to handle the many chores, including child-rearing, feeding and clothing the family, managing the housework, feeding the hired hands, and handling the paperwork and financial details.

– People need both vitamin D and calcium to make their bones strong.

– It might need to be a little longer, but it’s still a good article.

– There are still things that need to be done before it can become a VGA.

– I mean not that there is vandalism, but I am telling you it is going to be at some point and we need to prevent that apocalypse of misinformation.

– Appalled by Gaston’s forwardness, Belle once again voices her need for a life outside this provincial life.

– A character does not need to have fur to be a furry.

– You do not need to make the table, you only need to make the headings.

– People with SzPD are introverts who feel the need to be independent or alone.

– These need to be repaired in order to stay good.

– Articles about people with eastern Asian names need extra attention when sorting.

– On the other hand, in Wales, where there are plenty of Welsh speaking people, all road signs need to be in both English and Welsh.

– They also made the Need for Speed series.

– If people talk about that they need to pay money to the state or the police, to get free, the correct legal term used is usually bail.

– They need more water though.

– They need to parliamentary support.

– Certain topics need their ball rolled and although this is an unusual place to begin such a debate, it is such a topic.

– You may need to resize the width of your browser to fully appreciate the issue.

– Almost all biochemical reactions in living things need enzymes.

– Okay, I feel kinda dumb for not being able to figure this out, but I need another admin to help me find where to change the toolbox links for everyone.

– If a user stopped vandalizing some time ago, and his or her edit history does not suggest a pattern of frequent vandalism, there is no need to warn or block the user.

– If we need more calcium for our blood, muscles, or other tissue, it comes from the bones.

– Both articles need to be merged together.

– An alcoholic feels like they need alcohol to live.

– There is no need to refresh it.

– Pidgins usually develop because two groups of people need to talk to each other but do not speak the same language.

– Since determining the order of execution of Instruction is handled by the compiler, the processor does not need the complex hardware required by ILP techniques described above.

– Although this is a rather deadly bus crash, this would probably only need to fill up this section of an article.

– If you need that then combine this template with one of the namespace-detection templates such as.

– I think we are going to need a clear policy line to prevent over-categorisation.

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