“infant” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “infant”:

– Except for infant formula and some baby foods, product dating is not required by federal regulations.

– As with other sifaka species, non-maternal infant care is common.

– Byron took her infant son to Aberdeen, Scotland, where they lived in lodgings on a meager income.

– The moon is named after the nymph Amalthea from Greek mythology who nursed the infant Zeus with goat’s milk..

– As the infant grows, parenting involves guiding and teaching the child.

infant use in-sentences
infant use in-sentences

Example sentences of “infant”:

- The cradleboard can also be stood up against a large tree or rock if the infant is small, or hung from a pole, or even hung from a sturdy tree branch.

- In 2010, Moore was charged with cruelty to children, after police investigators determined that he assaulted his infant daughter.

– The cradleboard can also be stood up against a large tree or rock if the infant is small, or hung from a pole, or even hung from a sturdy tree branch.

– In 2010, Moore was charged with cruelty to children, after police investigators determined that he assaulted his infant daughter.

– The replacement child or replacement child syndrome became popularitypopular in periods of high infant mortality.

– It is pouring rain, and the very weak and ill Melanie tries to protect her infant from the weather.

– They are the cause of 28% of infant deaths due to birth defects.

– His works include “Hermes and the Infant Dionysus”.

– The last seizure usually happens while the infant is still in the neonatal period, but seizures may continue after this time.

– The most noticeable symptom of the disorder is an infant with sweet-smelling urine.

– He remarried shortly after the War and, in 1950, emigrated to Haifa, Israel, with his second wife Batsheva, also a survivor of the Holocaust, and their infant child, and lived in Haifa until his death at age 113 years, 330 days.

– Then the Virgin Mary holding the infant Jesus, appeared in the sky.

– A bearded Shiva sits in the centre with his wife Parvati and their infant son Ganesha; surrounded by Ganesha, Devi, Vishnu, and Surya.

– The doctors and parents initially agreed to attempt an experimental treatment, but after the child had seizures that caused more brain damage in January, the doctors withdrew their support for trying the treatment because it was futile and would only prolong whatever pain the infant was suffering.

– Content of handbags might include such items as wallet/coins, keys, mobile phone, cosmetics and jewellery, books/e-books, pen and paper, food and beverage such as a water bottle, pepper spray and other items for self-defence, tampons and other feminine hygiene products, contraceptioncontraceptives, tissues and infant care products, or a hairbrush.

– The people who witnessed this apparition said that the lady and the infant was the Virgin Mary and the infant Jesus.

– Despite this show, Muhammad Ali’s goal was now to remove the current Ottoman Sultan Mahmud II and replace him with the sultan’s son, the infant Abdülmecid.

– He further wrote that the movie was “so ruthless in its exploitation of Miss Temple’s great talent for infant charm that it seldom succeeds in being properly lively and gay”.

– It is possible her love for him was even greater because she lost two of her first infant children.

– The earliest time in the pregnancy where the infant has at least a 50% chance of survival is called the “limit of viability”.

More in-sentence examples of “infant”:

– Baptists do not practice infant baptism.

– Their infant son is adopted by Kala, an ape.

– Obviously you cannot ask the infant what they hear since they cannot verbally communicate yet but by measuring certain variables such as their attention to audiovisual stimuli, effects similar to the McGurk effect can be seen.

– The sudden infant death syndrome.

– If an infant has a blanket in the crib, they should be covered only up to their chest, with their arms left outside the blanket.

– Food that is made to be used instead of breast milk is known as infant formula.

– As a pediatrician, she helped to considerably reduce infant mortality in East Germany, which, during her active years was even lower than in West Germany., see fig.

– It is the first relationship an infant has, usually with its mother or parents.

– A margay was seen to imitate the call of an infant pied tamarin while in the presence of a group of adult tamarins.

– After the infant reaches one year old, the risk decreases and eventually reaches zero.

– An infant is in this stage from birth to eighteen months of age.

– A broader term, “sudden and unexpected infant death” is used to describe “all such deaths, regardless of cause”.

– They implanted 42 mother monkeys, and 22 of them became pregnant, but there were only two infant macaques, and they died soon after birth.

– Oparin thought the infant Earth had a strongly reducing environmentreducing atmosphere, containing methane, ammonia, hydrogen, and water vapor.

– That was when Spurgeon spoke to AnglicanismAnglican Christian leaders who supported infant baptism.

– The Food Drug Administration, which controls packaged foods and drugs, only requires a use-by, or expiration, date on infant formula and some baby foods.

– Dress the infant in only a diaper to ensure skin-to-skin contact.

– The infant is weaned at about three years old, but usually maintains a close relationship with its mother for several more years; it reaches puberty at the age of eight to 10, and its lifespan in captivity is about 50 years.

– The heir to the throne was his infant granddaughter Margaret.

– By the time the infant is a year old and begins to walk, they are generally finished with cradleboard use.

– The mother also can gently guide the infant to latch on to the nipple.

– The famous statue of “Hermes and the Infant Dionysos” of Praxiteles was kept in the temple.

– It is known to come from our earliest infant universe.

– There are many laws that regulate how infant formula products should be marketed.

– However, it can be spread during childbirth if the infant touches its mother’s blood or other body fluids.

- Baptists do not practice infant baptism.

- Their infant son is adopted by Kala, an ape.
- Obviously you cannot ask the infant what they hear since they cannot verbally communicate yet but by measuring certain variables such as their attention to audiovisual stimuli, effects similar to the McGurk effect can be seen.

– In the modern world this is due to reduction of infant mortalityinfant deaths, control of infectious diseases, and improved agriculture so more people can eat.

– The death of the infant is typically sudden, without witnesses, and requires an investigation.

– In 1847 HungaryHungarian physician Ignaz Semmelweis brought down infant mortality at a Vienna hospital by disinfection.

– Any infant that seemed weak, sick, or had any kind of disability was killed.

– For example, if the risk of Infant mortalitybabies dying after birth in a population is reported as 1/1000, it means that out of every 1000 babies born, 1 is likely to die.

– In 1797, while suffering intense grief at recent news of the death of his infant daughter, Dumas captured a crucial bridge, then single-handedly held it against an Austrian cavalry squadron, receiving two sabre wounds.

– Even if the infant lives, there are ethical controversies over the care given to such infants.

– In 1826 Isabella escaped to freedom with her infant daughter.

– Watson wrote the book “Psychological care of infant and child” in 1928, with help from his mistress, turned wife, Rosalie Rayner.

– She also appeared as an infant in “Home Alone” with her grandmother and had a small cameo along with her father in “Home Alone 2: Lost in New York”.

– Widening Social Inequalities in Risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

– While the mother is gone the infant remain hidden and quiet, sometimes in a nest or den.

– In an interview with “60 Minutes” on March 25, Daniels said that she and Trump had sex once, and that later she had been threatened in front of her infant daughter, and felt pressured to later sign a nondisclosure agreement.

– Normally infant mammals drink their mother’s milk.

– She was buried at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, next to President Kennedy, their stillborn daughter and infant son.

– Malawi has a low life expectancy and high infant mortality.

– He was now the father of an infant son and had no home for his family.

– Baby’s Wild Ride: A baby-sitting job turns difficult when the infant acquires the Mask and joins a biker gang with their chief Lonnie The Shark.

– Zika virus is thought to have caused 2,400 cases of microcephaly and 29 infant deaths in Brazil in 2015.

– An almost campus feel evolved, with a triangular village green, infant and junior schools, the Bournville School of ArtSchool of Art and the Day Continuation School and a host of events such as fêtes and Maypole dances.

– Dressing the infant warmly and keeping the crib “naked” lowers the risk of SIDS.

– The American Academy of Pediatrics says that if parents share a room with an infant without sharing a bed, they can cut their infant‘s risk of SIDS in half.

– Siddhartha Gautama began life as the infant prince of a small kingdom in what is now the southern part of Nepal.

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