How to use the word “amount to”

How to use in-sentence of “amount to”:

+ The 10.3 seconds of arc it travels annually amount to a quarter of a degree in a human lifetime, roughly half the angular diameter of the full Moon.

+ She also donated a large amount to build a facility for invalid children at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore.

+ All prizes together amount to over $4,070,000.

+ The electric charge on a proton is equal in amount to the charge on an electron.

+ The other common forced bet is called an “ante”, where every player contributes a small amount to the pot for the right to receive cards.

+ Note that the idea that the radius of the observable universe must amount to only 13.8 billion light-years is incorrect.

How to use the word amount to
How to use the word amount to

Example sentences of “amount to”:

+ The minor differences amount to a sentence or two at most being added.

+ On 22 March, the government announced a second amount of A$66bn, bringing the amount to A$89bn.

+ The minor differences amount to a sentence or two at most being added.

+ On 22 March, the government announced a second amount of A$66bn, bringing the amount to A$89bn.

+ Very often, the exact amount to be re-paid is not defined clearly.

+ Cells must have the right amount to function properly.

+ Developing countries have been moved to harden their currencies, accept IMF rules, join the WTO, and submit to a broad regime of reforms that amount to a “hedge” against being isolated.

+ They do not amount to notability.

+ Guests can book and take part in a large amount to do at the villages.

+ Once a bring in has been completed, it can be raised by a subsequent player, doubling the amount to twice the completed bet.

+ Recently, major card issuers have increased cashback amount to 5% for purchases especially in grocery stores and petrol stations.

+ The combination of the word “death” and “bunny” seem to amount to the meaning of a bunny that murders.

+ However, from May 1 to September 30, Nebraska must allow a certain amount to go into Kansas.

+ In order to do so, Russia paid an annual amount to Ukraine.

+ Added to this, the “New York Times” declared in a report in November, 2006 that David Rockefeller’s total charitable benefactions amount to about $900 million over his lifetime.

+ They have discovered the majority of the fossil Hominins, which currently amount to over 200.

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