How to use in-sentence of “disregard”

How to use in-sentence of “disregard”:

+ Please disregard this notice.

+ Renames are a matter of discretion and bureaucrats may choose to disregard the guidelines where there is good reason to do so.

+ Please, btw, disregard the citations.

+ The preeminence of People’s Republic of ChinaChina and India as major manufacturing countries with unrealised potential has been widely recognised, but some commentators state that China’s and Russia’s large-scale disregard for human rights and democracy could be a problem in the future.

+ He completely re-made the feudal system to disregard people’s ethnicity and instead based it on loyalty and accomplishments.

+ The Prime Minister of AustraliaPrime Minister John Curtin said this was a “suicidal disregard of life”, and had no chance of success.

+ He lectures the boys on their disregard for the speed limit.

+ Acting with complete disregard for his own safety even when wounded”.

How to use in-sentence of disregard
How to use in-sentence of disregard

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