Make sentence of “polymorphism”

How to use in-sentence of “polymorphism”:

– Thus the order exhibits both genetic polymorphism and extensive polyphenism.

– By definition, genetic polymorphism relates to a balance or equilibrium between morphs.

– The technical way of saying this is: they have the same single nucleotide polymorphism mutation in all haplotypes.

– Genetic polymorphism is actively and steadily maintained in populations by natural selection.

– This contrasts with genetic polymorphism of the adults, where each morph inherits a slightly different genome.

– Other notable ecological geneticists would include Theodosius Dobzhansky who worked on chromosome polymorphism in fruit flies.

Make sentence of polymorphism
Make sentence of polymorphism

Example sentences of “polymorphism”:

– The origin and evolution of polymorphism in ants.

– Polyphenism is a kind of polymorphism where different forms of an animal are caused a single genotype.

– Heterozygote advantage is probably the main cause of polymorphism in biological species.

– This is a type of polymorphism where a single genotype produces two or more phenotypes.

– It is highly Polymorphism polymorphic, growing as a shrub or tree, and able to reach a height of in tree form.

– The evolution of the MHC polymorphism means that a population will not succumb to a new pathogen or a mutated one, because at least some individuals will be able to develop an adequate immune response to defeat the pathogen.

– The medionigra polymorphism of “Panaxia dominula”.

- The origin and evolution of polymorphism in ants.

- Polyphenism is a kind of polymorphism where different forms of an animal are caused a single genotype.

– He noted how surprisingly widespread polymorphism is in nature, with visible morphism much more prevalent in some groups than others.

– Consequently, both local races and polymorphism occur.

– The polymorphism is so high that in a mixed population there are no two individuals with exactly the same set of MHC genes and molecules, with the exception of identical twins.

– In this way genetic polymorphism is conserved.

– He was most impressed by the fact that polymorphism concealed powerful selective forces.

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