Some example sentences of “vegetation”

How to use in-sentence of “vegetation”:

– In the natural vegetation of the Cordillera Septentrional, pines do not grow even if they grow in the other main mountain ranges of the island.

– In Europe if the heather and other vegetation is left for too long, a large volume of dry and combustible material builds up.

– Fish become unable to breathe and other aquatic vegetation cannot photosynthesize.

– The terrain has steep valleys, and the forest vegetation ranges from grassland to Yushania alpinaalpine bamboo to tropical rainforest.PBS: Nature-, 1996.

– It is a seasonally marshy region, the word “Rann” meaning “salt marsh”, alternating with “medaks”, elevated pieces of land where vegetation grows.

– Another example is of goats competing with cattle in Australia, or goats that damage trees and vegetation in environmentally-stressed regions of Africa.

Some example sentences of vegetation
Some example sentences of vegetation

Example sentences of “vegetation”:

– The capital of the state, BangaloreBengaluru is known to have more rainfall on an average, but in the last decade flood instances have cropped up time and again, it is attributed to amplified urbanisation causing stress on the natural resources, encroachment of flood plains, loss of vegetation and biodiversity, improper city planning leading to reckless constructions of sites and buildings.

– Where conditions permit, feral mice may be found in fields, along watercourses, and in other places where vegetation is dense enough to hide them.

– Costal vegetation includes black spruce, tamarack, white spruce, dwarf birch, aspen, willow, ericaceous shrubs, cottongrass, sedge, lichens and moss.

– This species is generally found in arid areas where the vegetation is not dense.

– It took 20days for new trees and vegetation to grow following the storms passing.

– Kangaroo mice are found in areas of the United States and Mexico, where there is some grass or vegetation left, but which have a rather dry climate.

– He was a god of vegetation and represented the fruits of the earth, which died in winter and grew back again in the spring.

– Cutting the trees for timber and wood, clearing vegetation for grazing and agriculture, and the introduction of plants and animals by humans has displaced much of the native vegetation.

– In the past, natural vegetation at this region was lowland, tall perennial rainforest, but this vegetation has been destroyed almost completely to give way to agriculture and ranching.

– The vegetation is exuberant and there are many lakes and rivers, a great number of which are well stocked with trout, one of the delicacies of Mérida.

– The vegetation of the park has been changed by the constant eruptions, but it is very beautiful and diverse.

– Through this cycle, called the results “silver eight” that showcases the very beautiful natural scenery with twelve ponds that are surrounded by meadow vegetation in protected plants – such as “Menyanthes trifoliata” which is an herb that has known its share in it drink, which has a great success both at home and abroad and is known for Becherovka.

– They may be the mature vegetation type in a particular region and remain stable over time, or a transitional community that occurs temporarily as the result of a disturbance, such as a major fire.

– The nest is a heap of vegetation in a tree.

– The vegetation is put on top of each other so as to make sure water stays away from the inner roof.

– Teeth which are best for vegetation are much less good for meat.

– It contains most of the rainforests orchids, because the orchids use water from the forest floor, vegetation from the understory and sunlight that is reflected from the canopy layer leaves.

- The capital of the state, BangaloreBengaluru is known to have more rainfall on an average, but in the last decade flood instances have cropped up time and again, it is attributed to amplified urbanisation causing stress on the natural resources, encroachment of flood plains, loss of vegetation and biodiversity, improper city planning leading to reckless constructions of sites and buildings.

- Where conditions permit, feral mice may be found in fields, along watercourses, and in other places where vegetation is dense enough to hide them.
- Costal vegetation includes black spruce, tamarack, white spruce, dwarf birch, aspen, willow, ericaceous shrubs, cottongrass, sedge, lichens and moss.

More in-sentence examples of “vegetation”:

– These areas have tundra vegetation of mosses, lichen and algae.

– After a process of ecological succession the vegetation in an area reaches a steady state.

– The southern part of the resort town is bordered by the spurs of the ridge, which is covered with coniferous vegetation and shrubs: mountain ash, and bird cherry.

– Vast Indus plains have had vegetation taken away to grow crops.

– They mostly eat vegetation like tree leaves or smaller plants.

– The huge growth of vegetation at this time produced coal measures, and the fossils were found in concretions in the spoil heaps of coal mines.

– But cities have less vegetation and soil.

– They form an important part of the tropical forest vegetation because of the numerous climbing vines.

– They are not necessarily devoid of vegetation: they have large areas where vegetation is very limited in height or extent.

– Its vegetation is dominated by Scots pine and Norway spruce forests.

– The change from a solitary insect to a voracious locust pack usually follows a period of drought, when rain falls at last, and vegetation flushes in desert locust breeding places.

– They foragingforage for seeds and vegetation amongst the scrub brush of their native habitat.

– Amoebae are often found within freshwater, typically on vegetation in decay in still or slow moving water, or in the benthic zone of some lakes.

– That means they set some vegetation on fire to clear the land and then farm it.

– They are difficult to see in the dense vegetation they live in.

– The resulting coastal wetland is the most important of its kind in the region with extensive vegetation and many water birds, including migratory birds.

– This means that they are still in their natural state, with water flows and vegetation unchanged.

– They are well known as a climax vegetation in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere.

– The climate was moist and warm, Vegetation consisted of ferns.

– The vegetation in Bagnotar is naturally grown.

– Heather is the dominant plant on most heaths and moorland in Europe, and in some bog vegetation and acidic pine and oak woodland.

– Sparse vegetation inland supported “about six hundred sheep, many goats, a few cows horses”, and large numbers of guineafowl imported from the Cape Verde islands, as well as rats, Mousemice and land crabs.

– More than half of the original vegetation of the islands are cleared.

– The fact that the “Bagualosaurus” already has a dentition well adapted to the consumption of vegetation is especially important for the evolutionary history of the dinosaurs.

– The first began with “the creation of the Earth, and it had upon it vegetation and living beings.

- These areas have tundra vegetation of mosses, lichen and algae.

- After a process of ecological succession the vegetation in an area reaches a steady state.
- The southern part of the resort town is bordered by the spurs of the ridge, which is covered with coniferous vegetation and shrubs: mountain ash, and bird cherry.

– Water levels, and several types of vegetation also changed.

– As vegetation decays, tannins leach into the water, making a transparent, acidic water that is darkly stained, looking like tea or coffee.

– Because it is an arid region, the vegetation around the lake is poor with cactuscacti and small shrubs.

– About 5feet of sand was scoured, leaving beachfront homes in a natural vegetation state.

– Woodland edges, farmland hedges and gardens with relatively thick vegetation are favoured for breeding.

– Because the lake has less salt than Lake Hindmarsh, Lake Albacutya supports a denser cover of vegetation in its dry phase.

– The female lays 1 to 3 Egg eggs on a hollowed-out mound of dirt and vegetation very close to water.

– The natural vegetation of the Faroe Islands is like in the Scottish islands or in Ireland.

– This is the native vegetation of Curitiba.

– These snails are able to digest most vegetation including carrots and lettuce.

– While most of the vegetation on these islands is dry forest there are small areas of rainforest on these islands too, especially in lowland areas and riverbanks on Komodo.

– Also all the vegetation could be affected by the oil.

– Typically they inhabit dense vegetation in damp environments near lakes, swamps or rivers.

– Feral populations are sometimes used to manage uncontrolled growth of vegetation around wetlands.

– Apart from five species bordering the beaches, including coconut palms, the vegetation is undisturbed.

– In the local vegetation still appear remnants of the parana pine, which resisted the action of modern civilization.

– Thatching is building a roof with dry vegetation such as straw, reed, rushes, heather, or palm branches.

– Some of the most famous fossil beds are found in badlands, where erosion rapidly exposes the sedimentary layers and the scant cover of vegetation makes surveying and fossil hunting relatively easy.

– There is no vegetation to protect the soil, which is then removed by flash floods and strong wind.

– The vegetation of Ulleungdo is very diverse.

– Grassland vegetation can vary greatly in height.

– In country areas, a large part of the incoming solar energy goes to evaporationevaporate water from vegetation and soil.

– Oligotrophic lakes have very little or no aquatic vegetation and the water is clear.

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