“tragedy” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “tragedy”:

– New fire regulations also resulted, and the tragedy contributed to the partial secularization of Chilean government over the next two decades.

– This was following the 1997 unrest in Albania and poor economic conditions in the Tragedy of Otranto and the Karaburun tragedy.

– The 1996 event was marred by tragedy when pace car driver Elmo Langley died of a heart attack during practice.

– The Virginia Tech massacre, which happened on the 16th of April 2007, was a tragedy in the history of the University.

– The later animes are from her short mangas: “The Tragedy of P”, “The Merchant of Romance”, “Middle-Aged Teen”, “Hidden In The Pottery”, “Aberrant Family F”, “As Long As You Are Here”, “One Hundred Years of Love”, “In Lieu of Thanks”, “Living Room Lovesong”, “House of Garbage”, “One Day Dream”, “Extra-Large Size Happiness” and “The Executive’s Dog”.

– In recent years, many works of Tamil language in Sri Lanka describe the tragedy of ethnic conflict and civil war.

tragedy how to use in sentences
tragedy how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “tragedy”:

– He wrote to his friend Voconius Romanus that the Comedy villa and the Tragedy villa were his two favorites.

– The tragedy of the commons is often used in modern debates on ecology.

– Although the play has a happy ending, some of the tragedy cannot be undone: Mamillus is still dead, and the bad things that happened in the past cannot be forgotten.

– Freud named his new theory the Oedipus complex after the famous Greek tragedy “Oedipus Rex” by Sophocles.

– This is called the tragedy of the commons.

– The story is typical of tragedy in Ancient Greek theatre, where pride in thinking oneself better than the gods – “ὕβρις” – brings punishment from the gods.

– Sackville is famous for “Gorboduc the first English tragedy written in blank verse.

– For him, the most important thing about the opera was to express the tragedy of the Russian people who are always doomed to be ruled by cruel tyrants.

– The tragedy resulted in all English association footballfootball clubs being banned indefinitely by the Union of European Football Associations, with Liverpool being excluded for an additional three years.

– The letter to Voconius Romanus describing the Comedy and Tragedy villas was illustrated with an imaginary picture of the Comedy villa drawn by Samuel Wale.

– Pliny’s Comedy and Tragedy villas were two Roman villas owned by Pliny the Younger in the 1st century.

– Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said that “the scale of this tragedy is devastating”.

– Because of the lax labor laws at the time, this tragedy paved the way for the rise of factory workers safety protections and the formation of workers Unions such as the International Ladies Garment Union.

– Restrained, however, by inhibition and convention, he finds only tragedy and death.

– In 1827, “The Tragical Comedy or Comical Tragedy of Punch and Judy” became the first published Punch and Judy script.

– Unfortunately, with the death of Phil O’Donnell, Motherwell have suffered a similar tragedy to ours.

– As a caricaturist, Castelao focussed on the everyday in a humorous way, although after the cruelty and tragedy of the Spanish Civil War, he turned to using his art to denounce the misery of Fascism.

– After the tragedy of World War I, however, Freud felt it necessary to add another instinct to the id.

– One of the priests said, “Something has happened to them in there.” Helen Rappaport, “Last Days of the Romanovs, Tragedy at Ekaterinburg” p.162-163 But the next day, on 15 July 1918, Anastasia and her sisters seemed happier.

- He wrote to his friend Voconius Romanus that the Comedy villa and the Tragedy villa were his two favorites.

- The tragedy of the commons is often used in modern debates on ecology.
- Although the play has a happy ending, some of the tragedy cannot be undone: Mamillus is still dead, and the bad things that happened in the past cannot be forgotten.

More in-sentence examples of “tragedy”:

– The tragedy helped to elevate Ponta Delgada to the administrative and economic status of capital and business centre from 1546.

– He wrote an opera called “Wozzeck” which is the tragedy of a man who is too simple to understand that people are being unkind to him and using him.

– The Bhopal disaster or Bhopal gas tragedy was an industrial accident.

– It is based on Euripides’ tragedy of Medea and on Pierre Corneille’s play “Médée”.

– History shows that it takes a tragedy – deaths – to fix something as basic as infrastructure.

– There was also tragedy in his personal life at this time: his two children and his wife all died.

– The seven muses were the gods of artists in the seven fields of human excellence: • Epic and lyric • History • Choral singing and poetry of love • Music • Tragedy • Religious Hymns • Gay poetry, poetry and rustic comedy • Dance • Astronomy and Geometry.

– The original creator of this kind of tragedy was Aeschylus with his “Oresteia” trilogy, 485 BC.

– Franklin suffered a tragedy when her mother died in Buffalo when Aretha was ten.

– It is a tragedy written in two parts.

– The song deals with the tragedy of the terrorist attack of 9/11 by relating the loss of a loved one in what many saw as a whimsical and kitschy nature, making the video an internet meme.

– The theatre opened in 1783 with a performance of the tragedy “Emilia Galotti” by the GermanyGerman Gotthold Lessing.

– In opening the Press conference he formally apologised to the familes who were affected by the tragedy and said he had formulate a Team to investigate the Outbreak.

– A speech made by Pak titled “Retraction of “The Tragedy of the Six Marys”” can be found at.

– Lilli’s tragedy is just one of the many stories of torture during the Marcos regime.

– It starts off with the tragedy of Part 1 to the protesting of Part 2 to the fury of Part 3.

– It was printed again in 1570 as “The Tragedy of Ferrex and Porrex”.

– They invented the genres of tragedy and satyr plays.

– This moralistic warning shows the miserable tragedy of an ill-considered marriage for money.

– A Swiss traveller saw a tragedy about Julius Caesar at a London theatre on 21 September 1599.

– Marin attended a Press conference at the Carlie Hugh Memorial Hospital to address about the tragedy Instead the Speaking up at the conference, Marin differed to Prime minister, Dean Barrow to lead.

– He survived the 1999 Vargas tragedy which left his family temporarily homeless.

– It was a terrible tragedy for Monteverdi, and he did not want to go back to Mantua, but the Duke wrote to him telling him he must come back to provide music for the wedding of Prince Francesco Gonzaga and Margharita of Savoy.

– In 1560, he wrote the earliest English tragedy in blank verse, “Gorboduc”, with Thomas Sackville.

– The gods ended each sun with a huge tragedy and then created a new world.

– Book review of “Vaclav Havel: A Political Tragedy in Six Acts”, by John Keane.

– When they did the mission, an O-ring seal failure destroyed the shuttle 73 seconds into the flight, killing Scobee and the other six members of the crew; the tragedy was viewed live on national television and prompted several days of national mourning.

– On 25 November 1120 tragedy struck Henry I of England.C.

– Playwrights worked in both the classic types of drama, tragedy and comedy.

– They divided plays into two kinds: tragedy and comedy.

– It broke its usual silence when it denounced the Rwandan Genocide in 1994, and again in 1995 about the crimes that happened in and around Srebrenica when it said, “We must acknowledge that despite our efforts to help thousands of civilians forcibly expelled from the town and despite the dedication of our colleagues on the spot, the ICRC’s impact on the unfolding of the tragedy was extremely limited.” Mégevand-Roggo, Béatrice.

– When she became an adult, a tragedy happened: her mother was branded a “Enemy of the peopleclass enemy” in the 1970s in response to her record of speaking out in support of Nobel Peace Prize-winning dissident Andrei Sakharov.

– Shakespeare wrote three types of plays; histories, comedies and tragedies, and Macbeth is the shortest tragedy written by Shakespeare.

– After the release of Revenge of the Sith, the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise became one of the most memorable scenes of the “Star Wars” prequel trilogy.

– They are mainly about Qur’an, wilayat, the tragedy of Karbala, and usool-e-deen.

– In his letter to Voconius Romanus Pliny also wrote that the Tragedy villa was on a hill above the lake but that the Comedy villa was right on the water’s edge.

– Governor of MarylandMaryland Governor Larry Hogan tweeted that he was “bsolutely devastated to learn of this tragedy in Annapolis” and asking residents to “heed all warnings and stay away from the area”.

– I think that the real tragedy here was that the situation need never have occurred.

– It is the first line of prince Hamlet’s monologue from drama “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” that was published in 1603.

– Swinburne has written that: “Marlowe is a Father of English Tragedy and the creator of English blank verse and therefore also the teacher and guide of Shakespeare.” He is the best Elizabethan tragedian.

– His last words were “I hope that this execution is the last act of the tragedy of the Second World War and that the lesson taken from this world war will be that peace and understanding should exist between peoples.

– A major factor in the tragedy surrounding Herakles was the hatred that the goddess Hera, wife of Zeus, had for him, as he was one of the god’s illegitimate children, born to him by the mortal woman Alkmene.

– Two years after this tragedy both Hamilton and his mother became sick.

– In theatre, a tragedy as defined by Aristotle is a play that ends badly for the hero or heroine or others.

– A tragedy is usually about a person who has many good qualities, but also has one poor quality that causes trouble for him, and maybe his family or friends.

– His first tragedy was “Cambyses, King of Persia”.

- The tragedy helped to elevate Ponta Delgada to the administrative and economic status of capital and business centre from 1546.

- He wrote an opera called "Wozzeck" which is the tragedy of a man who is too simple to understand that people are being unkind to him and using him.
- The Bhopal disaster or Bhopal gas tragedy was an industrial accident.

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