“bright” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “bright”:

– Following an extensive fitting session, Babar emerges from the store wearing his signature bright green suit, red bow tie, and a bowler hat.

– He received a Pulitzer Prize and a National Book Award for his 1988 book “A Bright Shining Lie”.

– It looks like a letter W or M, with five bright stars.

– It is bright green with a bronze stripe on its back.

– The fast-moving electrons then pass through a wiggler which produces a bright laser light beam.

– Their first album, “Turn On The Bright Lights” was released on August 20, 2002, through Matador Records.

– Potentiometers are used to control many things, including how bright or dim the lights in your house are and the volume controls on your television.

bright in-sentences
bright in-sentences

Example sentences of “bright”:

– It is a bright red crystalline solid.

– The plant bears pink flowers and bright red spiny fruits which contain red seeds.

– Earth light reflected on the Moon’s darker half is bright enough to be visible from Earth, and is known as known as earthshine.

– The future was bright for the club and fans could not help but feel optimistic they would enjoy many more triumphs in the coming years.

– In this way each user is very well informed of reply messages by the bright orange “you have new messages” notice a user gets when their talk page is edited.

– It is bright green on the back and sometimes has a white stripe from its jaw to its ear.

– The nebula is very bright in the infrared wavelengths due to the heat-intensive processes involved in star formation.

– Its orbit is less eccentric and inclined than those of its bigger cousins – being indeed the most circular of any asteroid found up to that point – and as a consequence it never becomes as bright as Iris or Hebe, especially as it is much farther from the Sun than those asteroids.

– The eggs are bright orange.

– Their belly is a bright orange.

– The lighter and finer ones floated above and became the Bright Air.

– It is the only bivalve with a bright display.

– We can know for sure that it is most likely that a photon will hit the center bright band, and that it gets less and less likely that a photon will show up at bands farther and farther from the center.

– The extreme northerly location combined with frequent overcast skies leads to very low levels of sunshine in the winter months, December averages less than 45 minutes of bright sunshine daily.

- It is a bright red crystalline solid.

- The plant bears pink flowers and bright red spiny fruits which contain red seeds.

More in-sentence examples of “bright”:

– Copper in the crystals gives the tourmalines a bright turquoise color that had never been seen before in the gems.

– The building was added to the National Register of Historic Places on June 6, 1979, The theatre is also known for the bright color lights that light-up the words “Chicago” side to side.

– He was trying to find the right way to calculate the intensity of bright lines in the hydrogen lamp spectrum.

– Iapetus is unusual: one side is very bright and the other side is very dark.

– While the sunniest month, November sees over 250 bright hours, the dullest month, February, equivalent of August in the northern hemisphere, has less than 200 hours.

– In 1818, Gmelin was one of the first to observe that lithium salts give a bright red color in a flame.

– The nebula was independently rediscovered in 1758 by Charles Messier as he was observing a bright comet.

– The dark spots are where bright foreground stars were removed from the image.

– It has a bright white stripe behind its eye and a narrower stripe reaching backward from the corner of its bill, bordering a blackish cheek patch.

– Although its very high orbital eccentricity means its opposition magnitude varies a lot, at a rare opposition near perihelion Bamberga can reach a magnitude of +8.0, which is as bright as Saturn’s moon Titan.

– The Circinus galaxy is a Seyfert galaxy, very bright and emitting huge amounts of electromagnetic radiation.

– His paintings were known for their bright colours, as opposed to the traditional natural ochre colours used by many other artists of the Western Desert.

– Berries are small, sweet, bright colored fruits.

– Males pheasants are usually larger than the females, and they have feathers of bright colours and long tails.

– An observer on a comet nearing the Sun might see the stars slightly obscured by a milky haze, which could create halo effects around the Sun and other bright objects.

– These small scenes, which have gold backgrounds and bright colours in the usual way, are very lively illustrations to the Bible stories.

– Special goggles are used for kinds of welding to protect the eyes from bright light.

– The story beautifully weaves various emotions and moments that a mother experiences while raising a daughter to give her a bright and a healthy future.

– The conifer coneseed cones are highly modified, each cone containing a single seed 4-7 mm long partly surrounded by a modified scale which develops into a soft, bright red berry-like structure called an aril, 8-15 mm long and wide and open at the end.

– Because this image of the Virgin Mary was said to work miracles, many hundreds of candles were lit in front of it which soon stained the frescoes so that their bright colours could no longer be seen.

– David Bright was a Botswanan football manager.

– Iodine dissolves in oleum to make a bright blue solution of I and sulfur dioxide.

– Prince Henry was widely seen as a bright heir to his father’s throne.

– Many species have bright coloured feathers.

– Large and bright screens also take more power.

– The first one was in 389 BC and was recorded as being as bright as Venus.

- Copper in the crystals gives the tourmalines a bright turquoise color that had never been seen before in the gems.

- The building was added to the National Register of Historic Places on June 6, 1979, The theatre is also known for the bright color lights that light-up the words "Chicago" side to side.

– They are pale brown to bright green in colour.

– This is comparable to the energy released in a bright Supernova#Type Ib and Ictype Ib/c supernova.

– At a party that night, Rhett refuses to accompany her, but forces her to go, first choosing a bright red dress for her to wear.

– You could find it by finding a very bright red star.

– They are also bright blue-white.

– The Moon goes around Earth at an average distance of days for the Moon to go from dark to bright to dark again.

– Then they get less bright very quickly.

– Some traits and aspects of Baroque paintings that differentiate this style from others are the abundant amount of details, often bright polychromy, less realistic faces of subjects, and an overall sense of awe, which was one of the goals in Baroque art.

– He said that he went to the woods far from his family’s house in New York, prayed, felt evil powers fighting him, and was rescued when a bright light appeared above him.

– They have bright skin colours as a warning to other animals.

– The newest member of the team they got is Panajot Kureta a talent with a bright future.

– Leo contains many bright galaxygalaxies, Messier 65, Messier 66, Messier 95, Messier 96, Messier 105, NGC 3521 and NGC 3628 are the most famous.

– Secondly, Edmund Halley noted that an infinite space filled uniformly with stars would lead to the prediction that the nighttime sky would be as bright as the sun itself; this became known as Olbers’ paradox in the 19th century.

– The album again spawned successful singles “Disease Disease” written with Bright Lights”.

– Her work is has bright colors.

– The stars that make Antlia are not bright or easy to see.

– It was originally composed of two bright bluish stars.

– The dying star is so bright it can be seen during the day.

– It sublimes when heated to make a bright purple vapor.

– MaX desktop is highlighted with a bright blue background and a rounded image resembling the terrestrial sphere.

– Since grasshoppers like to move during the daytime, their colors are similar to grass and bright flowers, making them usually green, light brown, or multicolored.

– It measures how bright something is.

– When the button is pressed, the capacitor releases the stored energy in about a thousandth of a second and makes a bright flash.

– It has four main parts: a thick inner ring known as the “halo” ring, a bright but very thin “main” ring, and two outer, wide, faint “gossamer” rings.

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