Some example sentences of “out for”

How to use in-sentence of “out for”:

– They wrote it out for whatever instruments they had in the camp.

– If you want to help out for multiple issues, please create a page within Simple News with your username, for example “/Example”, and let us know that you are contributing at.

– Episode 14: In the final four, Rafe won his fourth individual immunity, and Lydia was voted out for being liked by the jury.

– He tried out for “American Idol” in its first season, but did not move on to the next round.

– However, you could look out for double redirects and eliminate them, by changing them to be 1-step redirects instead.

– Dot, who had never thought of acting, Shirley said Dot should try out for the show “Knights and Warriors”, which was like “American Gladiators”.

– Lewis writes, in the Preface, that he did not perceive Hell and the “Lowerarchy” as an exact antithesis to God, who is Good for His own sake, but rather to a “thoroughly nasty business concern” in which each individual is out for his own ends.

– He does not like technology except for videos, and he speaks out for Vegetable Rights and Peace.

Some example sentences of out for
Some example sentences of out for

Example sentences of “out for”:

- This is so humanity can work things out for itself.

- When the family is eating or playing together, one meerkat acts as a sentry, and looks out for predators.
- Underwater Vehicles are used to detect the recorders' signals that they give out for 30 days.However, at the end of the 30 days, there was not a sign of the recorders.

– This is so humanity can work things out for itself.

– When the family is eating or playing together, one meerkat acts as a sentry, and looks out for predators.

– Underwater Vehicles are used to detect the recorders’ signals that they give out for 30 days.However, at the end of the 30 days, there was not a sign of the recorders.

– Once the patient is in the hospital, doctors can find out for sure whether they are having a stroke by looking at their brain with special scanning machines, like an MRI or a CT scanner.

– She was the one who turned him into a monster after he cut his heart out for her.

– Then he spent a short time in Rome and when he returned, he wrote it out for orchestra in another six weeks.

– Milo calls his friends out for betraying their consciences and ultimately they join his side, and remain in Atlantis.

– Stu and Drew intend to take the Rugrats out for ice cream, but when they pass “Fun Land”, a miniature golf course, they decide to stop to play a round of golf.

– During the wet years of the 1880s, plans were laid out for a town with 432 ¼-acre blocks.

– He reaches out for her but catches a frog instead.

– They are often either left for someone to find, or are given out for free.

– In 1997, she tried out for the role of Joyce Summers on The WB Television Network’s television series “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”.

– Closed as promoted: There seems little point to drag this nomination out for another two weeks, when it has the support of the community and is in great shape.

– The IPs change as do the ISPs and they aren’t a huge threat so blocking isn’t realy an option at this point, but we do need to keep an eye out for more trouble from them.

– Since qin tablature does not indicate note value, tempo or rhythm, the player must work it out for him/herself.

– A useful thing to look out for is the number of emotive words a source uses.

– In 1990, Summerall vomited on an airplane after a Bears-Redskins matchup and was out for a long time.

– Readers can usually work out for themselves where the primary and secondary stresses should be.

– Janu, the one who lost, felt she had freedom when she left, and chose to quit the game at the next tribal council, which saved Stephenie from being voted out for one more round.

– She had tried out for cheerleading and became a cheerleader.

More in-sentence examples of “out for”:

– But Anderson catches Beavis and kicks him out for “whacking off”.

– That would happen again at the 2003 World Championships where Plushenko beat Goebel out for the gold.

– It encourages feminists to confront the problems they are facing and reach out for help, as they are not the only ones experiencing that particular problem.

– Many trails are day trails, what means that they are generally used by people out for a short hike, less than a day.

– They agreed that at no time would they give each other a drink of it, and they then set out for town lugging the goatskins on their backs…

– Nemorino panics, and cries out for Doctor Dulcamara to come to his aid.

– The Carolina parakeet died out for a number of reasons.

– Davy Jones turned into a monster after he cut his heart out for Calypso.

– In the 1970s, Chayanne tried out for Menudo.

– She tried out for “The Ultimate Fighter” but did not make it onto the show.

– Shotton and Lennon’s wife Cynthia got along well, and Shotton sometimes took Cynthia out for the evening, when Lennon needed to work on music.

– The canonisation process just finds out for sure, or without a doubt, that someone is a saint.

– One night, after a social gathering with members of his British Army group, Hugo and his friends go out for a drive.

– Grant reported making mortars “by taking logs of the toughest wood that could be found, boring them out for six or twelve-pound shells and binding them with strong iron bands.

– Ten years later, Williams auditioned for “The Monkees”, and was again beaten out for a role by Dolenz.

– Do try out for yourself.

– With 1972’s “Attica Blues Attica Blues” and “The Cry of My People”, he spoke out for civil rights; the former album was a response to the Attica Prison riots.

– The Mongol army, led by Hulagu Khan and the Chinese commander Guo Kan in vice-command, set out for Baghdad in November of 1257.

– Cornwallis was misled again and thought he only had to hold out for a few days.

– It was expected to hold out for a long period of time.

– So, let’s get back on track: this request is about whether they should continue be entrusted with powerful tools, given their very poor judgment in a matter of importance, and where after being called out for it on their Talk page, at first calmly, then with increasing alarm, there was no recognition or acknowledgement on their part of anything wrong; on the contrary, there was nonchalant assertion that it was all fine, accompanied by derails into things never at issue.

– Graphite had to be smuggled out for use in pencils.

– It is like an extra pocket worn to hold something where it can quickly be taken out for use.

– After many delays, he set out for Australia in a new ship partly designed by Sir Joseph Banks.

– On January 14, 1836, Crockett and 65 other men signed an oath before Judge John Forbes to the Provisional Government of Texas for six months that said “I have taken the oath of government and have enrolled my name as a volunteer and will set out for the Rio Grande in a few days with the volunteers from the United States.” Each man was promised about 4,600 acres of land.

– There are many interesting and unusual things to listen out for in the music.

– Home versions of the game were put out for the Sega Genesis, Sega Game Gear and Nintendo Entertainment System.

– They will judge whether it is too risky, dangerous or useless and they often look out for each other.

– He also tried out for “Australian Idol” and “Star Search”, with the same result.

– This destination has often been a favorite spot for couples out for their wedding photo shoots and artists to film their music videos.

– He heard him say “Well boys, do your best for the women and children, and look out for yourselves.” He saw the Captain walk onto the bridge alone just seconds before the ship took its final plunge.

– Other hikers may go out for many days.

– Nakúm won immunity and Blake was voted out for being selfish,.

– I can revert edits, but I cannot warn users; basically, the “warn” and “revert and warn” buttons are grayed out for every article, but the “revert” button shows up normally; the keyboard shortcuts do not work as well.

– It came out for PCs on 29 July 2015.

– Watch out for passers-by, and do not throw when people are standing in the range of the boomerang.

– Bentley most commonly places his hands on an individual’s head or area of infirmity but sometimes has more violently kicked out or hit the volunteer while calling out for the power of God to descend.

– In 2015, Chapman went out for a 10-week US tour with the Swedish/Canadian band Killer Bee and he also recorded on their album “Eye In The Sky”.

– Please watch out for IP socks and block as usual.

– In 2001 she had a stage comeback, the “Lena Philipsson Show” was sold out for two and a half years around Sweden.

– Tatum’s brother deputy sheriff Dewey Riley also looks out for the murderer at the party.

– Given this recognition, Vitellius set out for Rome.

– His games mark the high point of the romantic movement in chess, where players would play all out for direct attacks.

– However, it worked out for both parties involved, as the show did better in the ratings than it had on Thursdays, while UPN got much better ratings on Fridays than it did before, with its movie night.

– Diaghilev succeeded in getting him out for a North American tour in 1916.

– He made cassette tapes of songs he performed on a chord organ and gave many of them out for free to people he met.

– Political change in continental Europe was spurred by the French Revolution, as people cried out for “liberté, egalité, fraternité”.

– E-sports has been around since the dawn of arcades when players would battle it out for number one.

– A sequel came out for the Game Boy called “Donkey Kong”, which has the first four levels and 100 new levels after that.

- But Anderson catches Beavis and kicks him out for "whacking off".

- That would happen again at the 2003 World Championships where Plushenko beat Goebel out for the gold.
- It encourages feminists to confront the problems they are facing and reach out for help, as they are not the only ones experiencing that particular problem.

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