“fact” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “fact”:

– This template isn’t needed because of the fact that it has been superceded by the interwiki function.

– The Empire was in fact Germanic and not Roman since it was mainly in the regions of present-day Germany and Austria.

– These documents indicated that the student members were not in fact Public Officers.

– He says this was caused by corruption, racism, racial violence, and the fact that contractors could do whatever they wanted without getting into trouble.

– While the American Kennel Club has a breed they call “collie”, in fact “collie dogs” are a type of herding dog including many related landraces and formal breeds.

– Some of the problems with plantations come from the fact that they are monocultures, that is there is only one kind of crop that is grown there.

– When it becomes clear to Fontaine that he is losing control of Jack, Fontaine points out the fact that Tenenbaum has survived both World War II as a Holocaust victim and the battle in Rapture, hinting that she has a secret agenda of her own.

fact - sentence examples
fact – sentence examples

Example sentences of “fact”:

- So far, only a finger bone, a toe bone and two teeth are the only body parts that have been found.  The finger bone is from a woman.  It is broader than a human finger.  This fact suggests that Denisovans were more robust than any modern humans.

- It expresses the fact that a holomorphic function defined on a disk is completely determined by its values on the boundary of the disk.
- The value in using archetypal characters in fiction derives from the fact that a large group of people are able to unconsciously recognize the archetype, and thus the motivations, behind the character's behavior.

– So far, only a finger bone, a toe bone and two teeth are the only body parts that have been found.  The finger bone is from a woman.  It is broader than a human finger.  This fact suggests that Denisovans were more robust than any modern humans.

– It expresses the fact that a holomorphic function defined on a disk is completely determined by its values on the boundary of the disk.

– The value in using archetypal characters in fiction derives from the fact that a large group of people are able to unconsciously recognize the archetype, and thus the motivations, behind the character’s behavior.

– The story books were mostly love stories and the fact books were mostly educational books.

– If you want to bring up the fact he emailed me, then blame me, as it was I who requested it.

– In fact we do, from time-to-time, manually go through old IP blocks and reassess the need for them and clear them if they should be cleared.

– In this example it can be seen that the fact that person A is uneducated and poor is used to prove that abortion should not be illegal.

– Expect some new red links and a couple fact tags when it comes out of “in-use”.

– However, the Holocaust is a fact of history, and the SS killed at least 1.1 million people at Auschwitz.

– While several of the core ideas of the desktop experience on one hand apply to a connected mobile device, others do not: Users usually only look at their phone’s screen — presence status changes might occur under different circumstances as happens at the desktop, and several functional limits exist based on the fact that the vast majority of mobile communication devices are chosen by their users to fit into the palm of their hand.

– Most people believe addiction to be a lifestyle choice, which in fact it is but it is also part of a person’s genetics.

– Because the League of Nations mandate for Namibia was cancelled by the United Nations and the fact that Namibian independenceNamibia became independent, the Jewish population in Namibia dramatically declined since 1965, with only 60 to 100 Jews living in Namibia today.

– Why did they jump all over this? Maybe it’s the mere fact that you are concerned about typos in a request for checkusership.

– In fact this episode was fabricated, partly on the basis of a dream, but he consistently referred to this episode and it can be seen as a private mythology of his.

– This reflects the fact that the alphabet has many fewer letters than sounds.

More in-sentence examples of “fact”:

– This theory is strengthened by the fact that the collapse coincides with the appearance in the region of many new ethnic groups.

– They were in fact related, but didn’t know each other.

– Another interesting fact is that Air Nostrum’s main base is Valencia Airport, not Madrid Airport the main base of Iberia Airlines.

– The fact is, even if it’s easier to stay connected with their friends, cell phone users tend to find that this kind of communication is enough and take less time to see them for real.

– Unlike other mythologies, these are almost the same as humans, except the fact that they can breathe and live underwater.

– Spontaneous means random or unexpected, Symmetries are the rules that are being changed, and Breaking refers to the fact that the symmetries are no longer the same.

– Alcorn and recognize the fact that she wasn’t treated right as a transgender person, even after she died.

– Dyes also have side effects which lakes do not, including the fact that large amounts of dyes ingested can color stools.

– Another fact to consider is the Chocolate Mountain Aerial Gunnery Range which borders a part of the Bradshaw Trail to the south.

– The phrase “survival of the fittest” is shorthand for the fact that not all members of a species will contribute equally to the next generation.

– My decision was based on the fact “their wasn’t much to the article”.

– Some people wear wigs to hide the fact that they are bald, which means they have very little or no scalp hair.

– Recently there has been revelations as a result of a released DNA test, showing that, he is in fact the son of Winston Churchill’s last private secretary.

– Despite the fact that they are able to swim, most rays live at the bottom of the sea, eating benthic animals.

– He pointed to the fact that the population of Muṯitjulu had also decreased by more than 40%; people were leaving.

– In fact it is the third dimmest of the first twenty-three asteroids discovered, with only 13 Egeria and the quite small 17 Thetis having lower mean opposition magnitudes.

– After his contract expired following the 2011 season, Harbaugh announced that Cameron would in fact be back.

– Japan has many earthquakes, in fact there are about 1500 of these every year.

– FMSCI president, Rajat Mazumbar, has said that “The only authorized body that can run motorsports in the country is ours” despite the fact the deal has been signed with the Indian Olympic Association.

– The fact that he had made a Hollywood, CaliforniaHollywood movie gave him freedom on his next movie, “Amélie”.

– This despite the fact that he had received complaints that “of all pieces, this most Christian of works” should be conducted by a Jew.

– The logarithmic spiral can be distinguished from the Archimedean spiral by the fact that the distances between the turnings of a logarithmic spiral increase in geometric progression, while in an Archimedean spiral these distances are constant.

– The fact that a candidate has fewer votes does not mean the candidate is less popular but that the candidate was squeezed out on both sides of the political spectrum.

– These disruptions have made the earlier mathematical relationship inaccurate, but have in fact made Old Faithful more predictable.

– In addition, he states that the small size does not put the public liberty in danger because of the checks and balances relationship the House of Representatives has with the state legislatures, as well as the fact every member is voted in by the people every two years.

– I would therefore like you to not overrate the fact that certain editors left.

– Nicolás Escobar wanted to verify that the body in the tomb was in fact that of Escobar.

– The fact that designers often did not charge for their services certainly contributed to this.

– Majorly can’t run for another month due to the fact that he just had a successful RfCU, and sorry Djsasso, but you are too new of an administrator for me to nominate for ‘crat currently.

– In addition to these controversial claims, he would later claim that Guru Nanak, the first Sikh Guru, was in fact a Muslim.

– The 1960 edition of his memoirs contains a publisher’s note drawing attention to that broadcast, and stating that in the publisher’s view the reader might assume from Montgomery’s text that Auchinleck had been planning to retreat and pointing out that this was in fact not the case.

– It was created in the 1930s by the General Drafting Company to use in their maps as a copyright trap – a false fact that is created to see if someone copied from that source.

– There has been much debate on the bare existence of implicit learning because of the fact that knowledge gained is not verbalizable.

– The fact that these charges cancel out is why neutrons have a neutral charge.

– Those who write articles likely to be deemed in need of fact checking, for whatever reason, should expect to assist by providing references, ideally when the article is first written.

– He is ridiculed for his big ears, but in fact he is capable of flightflying by using them as wings.

– On 20 April 2021, Déby was killed while commanding his army against rebels calling themselves FACT in the north of Chad during the Northern Chad offensive, at the age of 68.

– The title of the award is taken from the fact that the swastika is a type of cross.

– The album’s title comes from the fact that September 4, the date of worldwide release, is Beyoncé’s birthday.

– Oswald shouted, “I didn’t shoot anybody” and, “They’ve taken me in because of the fact that I lived in the Soviet Union.

– They get their name from the fact that one species of apple snails can grow to be the size of an apple.

– In support of this side of the argument is the fact that the requirements for holding the office of President are not restricted to Article 2.

– The answer is in fact simple: the Theorem neglects the small, yet non-zero, probability that a string belonging to the schema in the previous generation.

– Perhaps one effect underlying this common misconception is the fact that the color restriction is not transitive: a region only has to be colored differently from regions it touches directly, not regions touching regions that it touches.

– Evaporation greatly exceeds precipitation precipitation and surface runoff in the Mediterranean, a fact that is central to the water circulation within the basin.

- This theory is strengthened by the fact that the collapse coincides with the appearance in the region of many new ethnic groups.

- They were in fact related, but didn't know each other.
- Another interesting fact is that Air Nostrum's main base is Valencia Airport, not Madrid Airport the main base of Iberia Airlines.

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