“wen” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “wen”:

– Aki Ross was made as a digital actor voiced by Ming-Na Wen who was supposed to appear in multiple movies.

– Shang Wen Jie’s selection as grand champion over Tan Wei Wei, who is a professional vocalist from Sichuan Conservatory of Music, raised questions at each candidate’s public appeal.

– Later, in the Zhou dynasty, Zhou Wen Wang 周文王 added a sixth string to mourn his son, Bo Yihou 伯邑考.

– In 1826, Wei Yuan was ordered to write a political book called Huang Chao Jing Shi Wen Pian.

– There was a large wen under her chin, and therefore to hide its ugliness she wore a high dress covering her throat…

– The investigations described in the report eventually led to the arrest of Wen Ho Lee, a scientist at Los Alamos, who was at first accused of giving weapons information to China.

– Three days after the quake, China’s Premiere Wen Jiabao ordered another 90 helicopters.

wen use in-sentences
wen use in-sentences

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