Example uses in sentence of “travels”

How to use in-sentence of “travels”:

– She travels to Yonkers, New York to visit Horace.

– Rather, the stimulus travels to the spinal cord and the message is then transmitted back through the body, tracing a path called the reflex arc.

– For instance, in slang, a vagabond is someone who travels without the money necessary to stay in good hotels.

– He gave the boat that was to be used for his expedition to George Simpson Sir George Simpson, Governor-in-Chief of Rupert’s Land so that Simpson could use in his travels in the region.

– Aaron travels to France by air and begins to build a room-sized time machine with a group of workers there.

Example uses in sentence of travels
Example uses in sentence of travels

Example sentences of “travels”:

– Then, with cilia, the spines move the food into a food groove, and the food travels down the food groove to the mouth.

– Fermat’s principle states that “light travels along the path which takes the least time”.

– The biarticulated bus travels on long trips, stopping only on the tube-station stops to pick up or drop off people.

– The speed at which the signal travels depends on how thick the axon is, and how much insulation it has.

– Light in a vacuum travels approximately 300,000 kilometers per second or 186,000 miles per second.

– In this way the energy travels through the solid.

– As the group travels east over the Misty Mountains, they are attacked by Goblins.

– Starting in the following episode, Clara Oswald travels as the Doctor’s full-time companion.

– The name “bubonic plague” is specific for this form of the disease, which enters through the skin, and travels through the lymphatic system.

– It is about stopping aliens from changing the past in 1969, so Agent J travels back in time to stop that from happening.

– As she travels with Xena, she records their adventures on a series of scrolls, with an eye for flair and drama.

– A world line is the unique path that an object has as it travels through both space and time, usually called spacetime.

– He travels with the crew of a spaceship to visit Mars.

– A doctor named Patch Adams travels to places where there is crisis or suffering to help people feel better.

– It is about the bad side of gambling and has to do with Dostoyevsky’s own experiences from his travels to Wiesbaden, Baden-Baden and other casinos.

– However, when light travels in a transparent medium, it moves more slowly than it would in a vacuum.

– Today it is well known that the HeliocentrismEarth travels around the Sun but before the scientific revolution people thought that the Sun going around the Earth was common sense.

– Otter Henderson is a bard that travels with Maurynna Kyrissaean to Cassori.

– It is also about the travels of her brother Horty, along with friends Bragoon, Saro, Fenna, and Springald, who are trying to find a cure for Martha.

– Maurizio Giuliano is a person from Italy and England, who travels a lot, writes books, and writes in newspapers.

- Then, with cilia, the spines move the food into a food groove, and the food travels down the food groove to the mouth.

- Fermat's principle states that "light travels along the path which takes the least time".

More in-sentence examples of “travels”:

– Uluṟu was an important stopping point on travels because of the water usually located there.

– A person who travels on pilgrimage is called a “pilgrim”.

– It begins at 108km/h and by the end of the day it travels at 118km/h.

– His only travels were three brief trips to Paris, London, and Holland.

– The word ZIP was chosen to suggest that the mail travels more efficiently, and more quickly, when senders use it.

– The scoober travels in a path similar to the hammer, although the initial release is typically more flat than a hammer release.

– After 2.3 seconds, the train is released from the catch car, and travels at a speed of tower, or top hat element, and after that it travels through a 110 ft over banked turn, and then a 95 ft over banked turn before coming to a smooth stop over magnetic brakes.

– After completing Sora’s story, the player can play as Riku, who travels through Castle Oblivion’s basement levels.

– We can see where the barium travels in the body by X-rays and this can tell us whether there are problems, such as blockages.

– The mechanical advantage of a screw thread depends on its “lead”, which is the linear distance the screw travels in one turn or revolution.

– The main purpose is to protect people from an electric shock caused when some of the current travels through a person’s body due to an electrical fault such as a short circuit, insulation failure, or equipment malfunction.

– The speed of an object is how far it travels in a particular time.

– In 1990 their first album “People’s Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm” was released.

– She is the first volunteer from district 12 and travels to the Capital to prepare herself.

– The Chinese and Tibetan terms for “dakini” literally mean “she who travels in the sky”; this is sometimes written poetically as “sky dancer”.

– The other kind of pollination takes place when pollen from one plant travels to the pistil of another plant.

– However, during childbirth, the placenta stays in the womb while the baby travels through the birth canal.

– Now a reformed warlord on a quest to redeem her past sins, Xena is accompanied on her travels by Gabrielle, a young woman who becomes her best friend and, eventually, most trusted ally.

– He travels widely in Europe, America, Australia and Asia.

– That means light travels approximately thirty thousand times faster than current spacecraft propulsion technologies.

– After a while, they get riskier with their travels and begin to try to change other events.

– This sound changes as it travels through the vocal tract.

– He travels to its cave and successfully slays it, but is severely injured in the melee.

– His travels are believed to have resulted in many conversions.

– She travels to Greece and has an affair with a local man.

– After we swallow food, it travels down a muscular tube to the stomach.

- Uluṟu was an important stopping point on travels because of the water usually located there.

- A person who travels on pilgrimage is called a "pilgrim".
- It begins at 108km/h and by the end of the day it travels at 118km/h.

– The explanation is that light travels in a straight line and when some of the rays reflected from a bright subject pass through the small hole in thin material they do not scatter but cross and reform as an upside down image on a flat white surface held parallel to the hole.

– The stories center around a young reporter from Belgium named Tintin, who travels the world and has many exciting adventures with his dog, a white wire fox terrier named Snowy his friend, Captain Haddock, a bearded drunk with a temper.

– The old castle has a unique raised covered road, high enough for horsemen to ride through, that travels between the new palace and the old fortifications; there is a Falconry, an elegant loggiato supported by 48 columns, and, in the rear area of the mastio, the Ladies’ Loggia made for Duchess Beatrice d’Este.

– The difference in the chemical properties between different molecules in a mixture will separate the molecules as the sample travels the length of the column.

– Sidespin is spin placed on a ball by striking it not at its center but off to one side of its center, causing it to spin as it travels down the table.

– He wrote about his travels on the Missouri RiverMissouri and Platte rivers in North America.

– Only the energy propagates; the oscillating material does not move far from its initial equilibrium position; the wave travels by jumping from one particle of the transmission medium to another.

– In this episode, the Simpson family travels to New York City to get back their family car, which had been taken by Homer’s friend Barney Gumble after a night out and left in the World Trade Center World Trade Center plaza.

– These travels were significant to his later career as a composer.

– Once inhaled, the tobacco smoke travels down the trachea and enters the lungs.

– A mudflow or mudslide occurs when mud travels down a slope very quickly.

– So Roark travels back to New York.

– He was a media celebrity: his travels round the world were reported in newspapers, radio and movie newsreels.

– Staying in Ireland he wrote and published his book, The Travels of Dean Mahomet.

– He is remembered today for two books he wrote about his travels through Europe and parts of Asia.

– It travels nearly 1400 km.

– Blood travels to the uterus through arteries.

– The reason why it has no colour is because the light that travels through the pupil is absorbed by the tissues in the inside of the eye.

– They go back to the heart to be re-pumped to the lungs, so the blood in your body travels in a double circuit, going through your heart twice before it completes one full circulation of the body.

– She is famous for her letters about her travels to the Ottoman Empire.

– In the episode, Peter GriffinPeter travels to biological father after he accidentally kills his stepfather at his daughter’s birthday party.

– RNA polymerase binds to the 3′ end of a gene on the DNA template strand and travels toward the 5′ end.

– It travels through mostly unpopulated areas.

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