“petition” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “petition”:

– In January 1953 the petition was filed again.

– Certification has been delayed because of a petition to the court by families of terror victims.

– By the 1920s, silversword numbers were so depleted that the Maui Chamber of Commerce sent a petition to Washington, DC, requesting that a serious effort be made to save the species.

– After it became very popular, American distillers decided to petition to include the word “Canada” on the bottle to identify it from their competing whiskies.

– Brissot made a petition and a huge crowd came to the Champs de Mars to sign it.

– This can be either the plaintiff or the defendant who files the petition to the higher court for judicial review.

– In 1791, Colonel David Vance and General William Lee Davidson made a petition to the North Carolina House of Commons that said “the people of Burke County west of the Appalachian Mountains want to be part of a new county.

– In 1936 he was acquittal petition of Suyahgdongwu club accessory and personal reference.

petition - example sentences
petition – example sentences

Example sentences of “petition”:

– Even a regular person can petition the DEA for a change.

– Due to the setbacks in starting the work, a group of original residents had filed a petition of contempt in the High Court, which questioned the delay in project commencement.

– In 1924, Kurdish delegate from the Kurd Mountains made a petition to the French Syrian government, requesting for self-rule in Kurdish-majority lands in French Syria.

– More than 7,000 people signed a petition online to ask for the program to be returned.

– The e-petition got over 72,000 signatures, and called attention to the huger strikes that ‘involves more than 100 prisoners, including come 21 who are being force-fed to keep them from starving to death.” Petition by former prosecutor to close Guantanamo Bay tops 75,000 signatures.

– More than 30 international human rights groups signed a petition for their release.

– On November 27, 2017, just 6 days before the final day to file petitions to run for the office, Congressman Luis Gutierrez pulled his petition for re-election in the 2018 race effectively ending his congressional career.

– Candidates needed to collect 12,500 petition signatures by November 22, 2010 to qualify for a place on the ballot.

– Minardi fans worldwide immediately started an online petition to save the Minardi team name and the team’s 20-year heritage.

– The petition is against the government of the Philippines, former mayor of Manila and 7 other units.

- Even a regular person can petition the DEA for a change.

- Due to the setbacks in starting the work, a group of original residents had filed a petition of contempt in the High Court, which questioned the delay in project commencement.
- In 1924, Kurdish delegate from the Kurd Mountains made a petition to the French Syrian government, requesting for self-rule in Kurdish-majority lands in French Syria.

More in-sentence examples of “petition”:

- Answer- The petition was filed online at the same time, The base of the petition was a letter of an EX army officer as claimed by him, addressed to The Commissioner of Police, Mumbai, Maharashtra on December 13 2016, and he mentioned the very same story and Quoted the Complaint no 69954 and asked for immediate necessary action against Shifuji Shaurya Bhardwaj.

- About 500,000 Unionists in Ulster signed a petition against Home Rule called the Ulster Convenant.
- In August 2009, a petition asking the British Government to apologise to Turing for punishing him for being a homosexual was started.

– Answer- The petition was filed online at the same time, The base of the petition was a letter of an EX army officer as claimed by him, addressed to The Commissioner of Police, Mumbai, Maharashtra on December 13 2016, and he mentioned the very same story and Quoted the Complaint no 69954 and asked for immediate necessary action against Shifuji Shaurya Bhardwaj.

– About 500,000 Unionists in Ulster signed a petition against Home Rule called the Ulster Convenant.

– In August 2009, a petition asking the British Government to apologise to Turing for punishing him for being a homosexual was started.

– A similar petition was started by Miss Canada 2003 Nazanin Afshin-Jam for another Iranian minor, Nazanin Fatehi, who was also sentenced to death.

– In 1962, SWAPO was formed to resist South African rule and petition for South-West African independence.

– A petition was signed by more than 12,000 people of different human right activists and artists addressing the Iranian authorities to review the judicial case of Rajabian and several other prisoners.

– This campaign was also a failure, and the king had to agree to the Petition of Right in 1628.

– Many people did not want the trams to run on a Sunday, and 3,500 people put their names on a petition to stop the trams running on a Sunday.

– A petition was made to ban conversion therapy in the United States.

– In 2013, household of the died tour guide and some of the the injured filed a petition to the High Court.

– The petition got 1.1 million signatures on January 11, 2019.

– This move led to public outcry across Scotland with more than 7,000 people signing a petition opposing the council’s move, leading to a compromise whereby the Angus flag would not replace but be flown alongside the Saltire on Council buildings.

– State law says that residents must bring a petition to the city council.

– A petition asking for a law named after Mike Brown that would require all police to wear a camera has had over 132,000 signatures.

– The petition for organization used many names from a Cincinnati city directory to represent as residents of Harper County.

– This use of the book’s universe was approved by Kipling after a direct petition of Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the Scouting movement, who had originally asked for the author’s permission for the use of the “Memory Game” from “Kim” in his scheme to develop the morale and fitness of working-class youths in cities.

– Justice Antony Kennedy said that Guantanamo prisoners had the right to petition in federal court.

– Takashima Shuhan submitted a petition to the shogun calling for the purchase of Western firearms.

– The people who created the petition failed use the word “genocide” but used “the Great Catastrophe” regarding the event.

– She took the petition to the Indian Supreme Court.

– Workers were also able to petition parliament when they had a particular grievance over working conditions or wages for instance.

– The President Pro temporePro Tem and the Speaker may convene a 30-day special session upon petition of three-fourths of the members of each chamber.

– In 1999, Prejean formed Moratorium 2000, a petition drive that eventually grew into a national education campaign, The Moratorium Campaign.

– People may not petition for admission.

– A defendant may also be called a respondent, if a petition is used against them to make them come to court.

– Over 760,000 South Korean citizens signed a petition wanting the government to ban foreign tourists from entering this country.

– His petition was denied.

– An internet petition was made to get Alexis Bledel to replace Johnson and Matt Bomer replace Charlie Hunnam.

– The first petition to incorporate Framingham as a town was submitted to the General Court in 1693, and was denied because Thomas Danforth did not want Framingham to become a town.

– In 1938 acquittal petition of Heungeup club accessory and personal reference.

– Milada Horáková refused the petition for mercy.

– In 1938 Cheonggu Club accessorys acquittal petition and personal reference.

– The House of Commons sent Charles the Petition of Right, demanding to have their rights again, in 1628.

– Your defamatory claim no 5- A petition was again filed against him with retired officers of armed forces as signatories.

– Immediately after the theatrical release of “Justice League”, fans created an online petition to release the “Snyder Cut” that gained more than 180,000 signatures.

– In 2018, local campaigners raised a 2,000 signature petition to re-open the station.

– People signed the petition to show that they wanted a change in the sale of acid.

– A petition with more than 60,000 names asked the government for mercy.

– Justice John Paul Stevens said that the prisoners had the right to petition the court to review their cases.

– On 30 December, Supreme Court passed the ‘Detainee Treatment Act’ which removed the prisoners’ right to petition for review.

– The court rejected the petition on 7 March 2011.

– A “Bregret”/”Regrexit” petition was proposed by William Oliver Healey on 24 May 2016.

– Soon, the Second Continental Congress sent an Olive Branch Petition to King George III, which he rejected, and named George Washington head of the army.

– The mercy petition of Ajmal Kasab was rejected by the President of India, and he was hanged on November 21,2012 at 7:30am at Yerwada jail, Pune.

– The petition was granted.

– About 1810 Boone sent a petition to Congress to restore his lands.

– In 2014, the Maine State Bar Association and the Maine Supreme Judicial Court denied Bailey’s petition to have his law license reinstated.

– There was a petition online to save Darabi.

– At first, a Commonerssubject had to petition the king to ask to be heard in his court.

– In July 2014, the song “Everything Is Awesome” was re-used in a video of Greenpeace to promote their petition calling on the Lego Company to drop its partnership with Shell.

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