“health” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “health”:

– Mental health policy implications.

– Some studies of twins and families suggest that personality disorders may be inherited or strongly associated with other mental health disorders among family members.

– A recent report by Science Daily says that researchers at the University of Bergen, in Norway have discovered a connection between Oral health and Alzheimers disease.

– He resigned in March 2018 due to health issues.

– If a newborn has a low Apgar score one minute after birth, this does not mean the baby is going to have long-term health problems.

health in-sentences
health in-sentences

Example sentences of “health”:

– In addition to sounding the fire alarms for regular fire drills during term time, regular health and safety checks such as testing fire alarm systems and fire extinguishers must be done weekly.

– Sorsa is regarded as one of Finland’s most influential prime ministers, making major contributions to schools and health care, and increasing social security for families with children and pensioners.

– In Act I Gentlemen, students and young girls are walking about in a health resort.

– Koivisto’s health declined in December 2016 due to Alzheimer’s disease and his wife Tellervo started as his caregiver.

– The Law of Later Life Health Care and Decision Making American Bar Association 2006 page 15 which gives older people free medicine if they can not afford it.

– The 2000s – The Metal Health lineup released another album in 2001 called Guilty Pleasures, the first album by the lineup not to have any covers of other band’s songs.

- In addition to sounding the fire alarms for regular fire drills during term time, regular health and safety checks such as testing fire alarm systems and fire extinguishers must be done weekly.

- Sorsa is regarded as one of Finland's most influential prime ministers, making major contributions to schools and health care, and increasing social security for families with children and pensioners.
- In Act I Gentlemen, students and young girls are walking about in a health resort.

– PMID 21213149 FGM does not make a person’s health better in any way., New York: World Health Organization, February 2014.

– In health care, they are focused on the main role of an audiologist which is providing hearing health care services including testing for hearing loss and recommending treatment.

– Her daughter says that, later in life, when Lisa had her own health problems, she was able to give back to her mother some of the love and care that she herself had received as a child.

– At first the school was named “SUNY Upstate Medical Center” and later named “SUNY Health Science Center at Syracuse” in 1986.

More in-sentence examples of “health”:

– Burundi’s Health Minister Thadée Ndikumana confirmed the country’s first two cases of coronavirus disease 2019 on 31 March, Burundi nationals travelling back from Rwanda and Dubai.

– Yevgeny Chazov, who later was Minister Of Health of the USSR.

– These data are likely to under-represent the true extent of adverse health effects because many exposed individuals left Bhopal immediately following the disaster never to return and were therefore lost to follow-up.

– Older gameplay features include never reloading your weapon, having all weapons on you at all times rather than just two weapons, having a traditional health bar rather than health regeneration, running at full speed at all times, rewarding offensive gameplay rather than defensive gameplay, and defense being based on strafing rather than taking cover.

– When they are properly used, these drugs do not put the health of the patient in danger.

– The trance reading caused problems with Cayce’s health which were easily seen.

– This eventually added to the stigma attached to mental health problems in the military.

– Because of this, many countries created national public health organizations.

– Eagleton withdrew from the race just 19 days later after it was said that he had previously undergone mental health treatment.

– The animal was called “Fred” and was nursed back to health by town residents.

– He began smoking cigarettes again for the first time since 1955, and his health quickly declined.

– Nurses work with doctors and other health care workers to make patients well and to keep them fit and healthy.

– High fructose corn syrup has been linked to obesity, diabetes and certain other health matters.

– On 5 April 2004, Thames Trains was fined £2 million for breaching Health Safety laws in connection with the crash.

– Stella was trained as a public health nurse.

– The United States government created several public health programs to help people get the cure.

– For example, National Health Service is ran by the UK Government.

– Medical anthropology looks at biological, social, cultural, and linguistic anthropology to understand how these factors influence health and well-being, experience and distribution of illness, as well as prevention of treatment.

– On March 1, 2020, Mike PenceVice President Mike Pence and Health and Human Services Secretary White House Coronavirus Taskforce.

– Page retired in 2006 due to ill health and was replaced by understudy “Sam Moran”, but returned in 2012, replacing Moran.

– His domestic policies were focused on preventing famine with agrarian self-sufficiency and land reform, prioritising education with a nationwide literacy campaign and promoting public health by Vaccinationvaccinating 2.5 million children against meningitis, yellow fever and measles.

– It was built as a resort for rich people and a health retreat for tuberculosis victims.

– In March 2018, it was reported that Heechul would not be participating in music show performances of Super Junior latest comeback promotions due to health concerns, but would still participate in other promotions as normal.

– Caffeine, like many drugs, can be addictive and can cause health problems.

- Burundi's Health Minister Thadée Ndikumana confirmed the country's first two cases of coronavirus disease 2019 on 31 March, Burundi nationals travelling back from Rwanda and Dubai.

- Yevgeny Chazov, who later was Minister Of Health of the USSR.
- These data are likely to under-represent the true extent of adverse health effects because many exposed individuals left Bhopal immediately following the disaster never to return and were therefore lost to follow-up.

– The Daughters of Bilitis lasted for 14 years, becoming an educational resource for lesbians, gay men, researchers and mental health professionals.

– Even in 1967, about 15 million people caught the disease, and about two million people died of it, according to the World Health Organization.

– This is because of differences in health care and because of differences in rates of breastfeeding, not because of differences in children.

– Galgut began his professional career working for the National Health Service, where he served as a general dentist for eight years.

– During the campaign period in the of the 2008 election, Marin proposed better Health care solutions as well as improving Infustructure for the people of his Constituency.

– Nitric oxide is a key chemical in promoting health of the endothelium and prevention of heart attacks.

– As of, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare have confirmed a total of 78,003 cases, 26,235 recoveries and 2,549 deaths in the country.

– In “Jane Austen and the Body: ‘The Picture of Health, John Wiltshire explored the preoccupation with illness and health of Austen’s characters.

– Sai Pallavi is in the health care industry by profession.

– Many hospitals and other health care facilities have special bleach wipes which kill “C.

– After a period of failing health and suffering from kidney failure, Bhumibol died on October 13, 2016 at the Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok, aged 88.

– Skumin examines the culture of health as the specific science, that develops the theoretical and practical tasks of harmonious development of the spiritual, mental, and physical human force, forming of optimum environment, which provides a higher level of creativity of life.

– By 20 April 2021, the Department of Health had confirmed 244,297 cases and 4,847 deaths; deaths per million population.

– As chair of the Western Governors Association, Schafer led regional efforts to demonstrate how technology could improve the efficiency and lower the cost of delivering government services such as health benefits and food stamps.

– Norvell Kay Granger Texas Department of State Health Services, “Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997”, roll number: 1943_0008 is an American Republican politician.

– Eddy wrote the movement’s textbook “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” and founded the Church of Christ, Scientist in 1879.

– Organizations like the World Health Organization have been trying to vaccinate as many people as possible against polio.

– He had been in declining health since being involved a car accident two years earlier.

– Some people think that the idea that obesity causes bad health is not completely true and has been exaggerated.

– Geißler served as German minister for youth, family, and health from 1982 to 1985 and also general secretary of the CDU from 1977 to 1989.

– Bad Aibling is a health resort.

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