Make sentence of “does”

How to use in-sentence of “does”:

– Yes, it does matter because if you look at articles that have been featured on DYK in the past and check them with a page view count engine, you’ll consistently find that those articles’ page views go way up for the specific days they’re featured on the front page, so people do view these articles, so let’s get some more nominations in.

– He is a wizard who does not know any spells and tries to run away from everything.

– During her test, she does not fit into any one group.

– They say the organization probably does not have more than 100,000 followers, Gerald Willms: “Scientology: Kulturbeobachtungen jenseits der Devianz”, transcript verlag, Bielefeld 2005, page 91 mostly in the United States.

– First, Euler pointed out that the choice of route inside each land mass does not matter.

Make sentence of does
Make sentence of does

Example sentences of “does”:

– Many allergyallergies are caused by the folding of the proteins, for the immune system does not produce antibodies for all possible protein structures.

– This means that if he does any POV pushing/bad behaviour things or something else he can be blocked by any admin without discussion.

– This bird does not eat ordinary seeds and grass, but eats fruit extracts and rare spices.

– He does not give information about his private life.

– A passage from this book reading “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat”, was later adapted by Vladimir Lenin as an rule of the Soviet Union, “He who does not work, neither shall he eat”.

– What a wrench or spanner does is to grip.

– That does not apply to galaxies that are clustered together, such as Andromeda which, along with our galaxy, is part of the Local Group in the Virgo Supercluster.

– It is a very long and heavy gun called a Gatling cannon, since it is a both an autocannon The Avenger is so big that the A-10 had to be built around it, which created the joke that the A-10 does not have a gun attached like other warplanes, but it is the Avenger that has a plane attached.

– If the person who has borrowed money from the pawnbroker does not repay the loan and interest within an agreed-upon time limit, the pawnbroker can sell the valuable item to another customer to get back the money they loaned.

– He does not think he is smart, and he loves his older brother, Keicho.

– It does not matter if the relative position of these rcats changes for any reason, their individual parameters will continue to be effective.

– The problem there is that the earth does not really look like a sphereball, it is slightly squashed.

– Living in Africa, sex orientations have always been limited to being male or female, in the recent past, other orientations such as being transgender are slowly coming up even though it does not sit in well with the norms of that society.

- Many allergyallergies are caused by the folding of the proteins, for the immune system does not produce antibodies for all possible protein structures.

- This means that if he does any POV pushing/bad behaviour things or something else he can be blocked by any admin without discussion.
- This bird does not eat ordinary seeds and grass, but eats fruit extracts and rare spices.

More in-sentence examples of “does”:

- It has been a puzzle to understand why the stuff in these arcs does not spread out evenly through the whole ring.

- He probably used the North African elephant, a kind of elephant that does not live today.

– It has been a puzzle to understand why the stuff in these arcs does not spread out evenly through the whole ring.

– He probably used the North African elephant, a kind of elephant that does not live today.

– It does not have any extra parameters.

– John does not take it well and rips the arrest warrant.

– Recycled aluminum requires no electrolysis, thus it does not end up in this process.

– Some people think name “aurichalcum” comes from the word “aurum” for “gold” but it does not.

– This guideline does not apply to quoted text.

– These macroscopic characteristics constitute the essential distinctions: a liquid flows, lacks a definite shape, and cannot withstand a shear stress; a solid does not flow, has a definite shape, and exhibits elastic stiffness against shear stress.

– When the child does this, it uses mental representations, or pictures in the mind that are representative of different things.

– It does not matter whether the nation has a just cause for war.

– Tempura generally does not use breadcrumbs.

– As a territory it does not belong to either state.

– The Higgs boson is very massive compared to other particles, so it does not last very long.

– The Zapper does not actually plug into the Wii Remote.

– For example, an animal’s weight is a character, but many genes contribute to it, and so does the animal’s environment from birth.

– Gabriele says that he does not care about that, so Fiesco blesses the marriage.

– The Gramophone – 1960- 38 p273 “Tornehave is a singer of real quality, even if his work does reflect that of his idol, Frank Sinatra.

– It does not offer much interpretation.

– He time travels, but because he does not do it correctly, he ends up in a coma.

– After Hephaestus does so, Athena dressed her in a silvery gown, an embroidered veil, garlands and a crown of gold.

– NMR does not destroy the sample you use for analysis.

– The only project where the block does not apply is Meta.

– This is something that Washington Dulles International Airport still does not have.

– All Souls does not have any undergraduate students.

– The National Trust of VictoriaNational Trust does not like the development plans approved by Heritage Victoria.

– The evidence that does exist looks at results after 48 weeks of treatment at the same medication doses as people with genotype 1.

– Mashiro does not look like the last rulers of Winbloom as well.

– However, this does have a downside.

– The APG IIAPG II system recognises a clade called “monocots” but does not assign it to a taxonomic rank.

– The article for FC Barcelona has a list; the article for West Ham United does not.

– This is not one such special case, BLP or BDP here does not matter, nor does notability.

– It is endorheic, meaning that it does not connect with the sea.

– Most important is whether the precedent is “on point” that is, does it deal with a circumstance identical or very similar to the circumstance in the instant case? Second, when and where was the precedent decided? A recent decision in the same jurisdiction as the instant case will be given great weight.

– The mass of matter does not.

– If the liver is hurt, it does not remove the bilirubin, so the bilirubin stays in the body.

– So: is there an unwritten exception here to notability policies? If not, does anyone have any ideas about what to do with these pages? I have an idea, that I’ve hashed out my own idea on my talk page, but I’m open to alternatives/suggestions.

– What does the community think of this article? Is there anything that needs fixing? My article writing skills may need some working on.

– ENWP has a great essay about this, here, although it does use language that some would be offended at.

– The page creator does not explain who this person is special for.

– Bruce Schneier responds in a 2005 blog entry that this paper does not present a full cryptanalytic attack, but only some hypothesized differential characteristics: “But even from a theoretical perspective, Twofish is not even remotely broken.

– Each time it does this, it will choose a new pivot within the subarray and compare the items to the subarray.

– If the president does not agree, then he or she can veto the bill and send it back to Congress.

– Andrea Corr plays the tin whistle and does the lead vocals.

– But I-81 does not directly interchange with it.

– A blacksmith does not hammer a blade edge thin.

– This does part of the job that kidneys do.

– While he is usually a treasure hunter of sorts, he is not greedy and always does his best to share with others and encourage others to do the same.

– One major change in this version is that it does not use the word “his” when talking about God.

– The Wii version does not support online play.

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