How to use the word “truss”

How to use in-sentence of “truss”:

– The John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge is a truss bridge that spans the Cumberland River in Nashville, Tennessee, United States.

– The Bailey bridge is a factory made truss bridge.

– Steel truss cantilevers support loads by tension of the upper members and compression of the lower ones.

– Route 17 when it opened in 2005 to replace two old cantilever truss bridges.

– It’s purpose is to make and test out rocket parts such as the Apollo Command/Service Module, Lunar Module, Space Shuttle Spacelab modules, and truss components for the International Space Station.

– When the jacks are removed and the bridge decking is added the bridge becomes a truss arch bridge.

– An early test model of the Bailey flat truss bridge is still in place over Mother Siller’s Channel in Dorset.

– With a suspended span, the cantilever arms do not meet in the center; instead, they support a central truss bridge which rests on the ends of the cantilever arms.

How to use the word truss
How to use the word truss

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