“misunderstanding” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “misunderstanding”:

– This was a misunderstanding of the name Athabaska.

– In Berlin, as he was being driven home after a concert, he was shot dead by an AmericansAmerican officer due to a misunderstanding at a military checkpoint.

– There were many misspellings explained by a misunderstanding by other cultures that have a different phonetic system rooted in a person’s life.

– Stewart claims that a misunderstanding of Māori beliefs about the cosmos and language differences caused Mauss to misunderstand the Māori concept of Hau.

– Manuel speaks only a little English and he often makes mistakes due to misunderstanding things.

– A common misunderstanding even for scientists is the presumption that a theory is proved true in its “explanation” of the natural world wherever its “predictions” are successful.

misunderstanding - example sentences
misunderstanding – example sentences

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