“cloud” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “cloud”:

– The moisture makes the cumulus cloud “mushroom” upwards and turn into a tall cumulus cloud.

– Along the way, he meets various Disney characters, like Donald Duck and The Little MermaidAriel, and “Final Fantasy” characters, like Cloud and Yuffie.

– Silver iodide is used in photographic film and cloud seeding.

– If a funnel cloud touches the ground, it becomes a tornado.

– Steam is sometimes thought of as a cloud of translucent mist, however that is only the result of the steam Condensationcondensing in the air, forming water vapor.

– According to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersIEEE, cloud computing is a concept where information is placed on servers and sent over the Internet to other devices, such as computers, laptops, handhelds, and sensors.

cloud how to use?
cloud how to use?

Example sentences of “cloud”:

– The storm had extensive cloud mass, which brought unsettled weather to Sri Lanka, Thailand, and southeastern India.

– Common examples are perceived images of animals, faces, or objects in cloud formations, the “man in the moon”, the “moon rabbit”, and hidden messages within recorded music played in reverse or at higher- or lower-than-normal speeds.

– A funnel cloud can usually be seen as a cone or needle shaped cloud that extends out from the main cloud base.

– It forms a giant cloud of gas called a planetary nebula.

– It orbits about 23,500km above Neptune’s cloud tops.

– This allows the development of cloud forests like those of the Reserva de la Biosfera el Triunfo, home to a handful of Resplendent Quetzalquetzals and horned guans.

– The Scooter is another storm, a white cloud group farther south than the Great Dark Spot.

– They found the new cloud architecture resulted in significant internal efficiency improvements.

– The majority of cloud computing infrastructure currently consists of reliable services delivered through data centers that are built on computer and storage virtualization technologies.

– The spin of the planets around the Sun, and each around its own Axis axis, was first caused by the original gas cloud having different density in different places.

– A waterspout is a funnel cloud over water.

– Google Drive is a cloud computingcloud service created by Google.

– The bottom of the cloud grows dark with water about to fall.

– None of Uranus’s moons would appear as large as a full moon on Earth from the surface of Uranus, but the large number of them would present an interesting sight for observers hovering above the cloud tops.

– Level-5 is a video game developer in Japan, was founder in October 1998, the first game was made is Dark Cloud first game made by Level-5 game release in 2000 Japan, in North America and Europe in 2001, Level-5 work together to relationships with Sony Interactive Entertainment to publish game, in early 2010s Level-5 is one of ten largest game companies in Japan, by early 2013 they held a 3.2% game sale in market.

– Some organisations get some of the benefits of cloud computing by becoming “internal” cloud providers and servicing themselves, though they do not benefit from the same economies of scale and still have to engineer for peak loads.

– The Oort cloud may lie about 50,000 astronomical unitAU, or nearly a light-year, from the Sun.

– On 22 July 2011, a report described the discovery of a gigantic cloud of water vapor containing “140 trillion times more water than all of Earth’s oceans combined” around a quasar located 12 billion light years from Earth.

– The cloud shield became asymmetrically displaced to the north of the center, and frontal-like features began to form.

- The storm had extensive cloud mass, which brought unsettled weather to Sri Lanka, Thailand, and southeastern India.

- Common examples are perceived images of animals, faces, or objects in cloud formations, the "man in the moon", the "moon rabbit", and hidden messages within recorded music played in reverse or at higher- or lower-than-normal speeds.

More in-sentence examples of “cloud”:

– The Leo Ring is a cloud of hydrogen and helium gas.

– Anatahan Volcano is a small volcanic island of ash and rock were ejected, causing a large, black cloud to drift south over Saipan and Tinian.

– The 23rd floor has a four-metre cantilevered overhang with two glass windows in its floor, overlooking the ground from the skybar, Cloud 23, the only such bar in Manchester.

– But according to the wave mechanical or cloud concept model, the electron keeps on moving away or towards the nucleus and the maximum probability of locating it lies at a distance of 0.529 Å from the nucleus.

– The process of producing this cloud is called sputtering.

– During his two terms as mayor of Dallas, Wise guided Dallas from under the cloud of the assassination and at the same time saved the Texas School Book Depository from imminent destruction, preserving it for further research into the president’s murder.

– The electron cloud of an atom bends the X-rays slightly.

– Following Wright, Kant also thought the Milky Way was a large disk of stars formed from a spinning cloud of gas.

– In September and October the Morning Glory cloud appears in the Southern Gulf.

– They are young stars which all formed from the same cloud of material.

– This is not a resignation under a cloud and he is entitled to it back by asking any crat if desired, within policy.

– It lets users upload files to a cloud storage.

– The energy radiated from the Sun pushed away the rest of the cloud from itself, and the planets formed from the rest of this cloud.

– Route 81 goes through Cloud County.

– The winds inside this cloud are very strong.

– The eyewall collapsed quite a lot, and Helene weakened into a Category 2 hurricane, where it stayed for about 48 hours until September 20 because of a long eyewall replacement cycle and a stretched out cloud pattern.

– If it goes from cloud to ground, it can strike a person.

– Using quantum mechanics, chemists can use the electron cloud model to assign electrons to different atomic orbitals.

– This was in a joint convention with Republic and Cloud counties.

– When very low stratus cloud touches the ground, it is called fog.

– The pollutants can also become the core for cloud droplets.

– Later – but still with a fair bit of cloud hanging around – I’m sure we agreed that all reports should have a comment attached to them and remain in place for ‘a fixed time period’ – which I believe was 24 hours.

– A blown cloud of spores burned rapidly and brightly, but with little heat.

– A funnel cloud that touches the ground in front of a snow squall is called a winter waterspout.

– An electron cloud Scientific modelmodel is different from the older Bohr atomic model by Niels Bohr.

- The Leo Ring is a cloud of hydrogen and helium gas.

- Anatahan Volcano is a small volcanic island of ash and rock were ejected, causing a large, black cloud to drift south over Saipan and Tinian.
- The 23rd floor has a four-metre cantilevered overhang with two glass windows in its floor, overlooking the ground from the skybar, Cloud 23, the only such bar in Manchester.

– It is part of the much larger Orion Molecular Cloud Complex.

– It makes a cloud of dust that is bad for people, animals and plants.

– These include the children of Okeanos and Tethys: the Potamoi, gods of rivers, and the Okeanides, who were three thousand in number, as well as the Nephelai, cloud nymphs.

– A cloud gets a very huge charge by clashing with other clouds.

– Thunder and lightning begins when the top of the cloud is 25,000feet high.

– A cloud chamber is a sealed box with a supersaturationsupersaturated vapour of water or alcohol.

– After the album was released, Craig Minowa said that it might be the last Cloud Cult album ever.

– The Château de Saint Cloud was a château in Paris, France.

– It was formerly in Cloud Chief, Oklahoma.

– The Solar System’s ice giants, Uranus and Neptune, have a hydrogen-rich atmosphere that extends from the cloud tops down to about 80% of their radius.

– The Magellanic Cloud galaxies were once classified as irregular galaxies, but have since been found to contain barred spiral structures.

– Theresa lying on a cloud with the laughing angel in front of her.

– In other words, the easier it is to distort the electron cloud around an atom or molecule, the more readily it will react.

– An emission nebula is a cloud of plasma emitting light in many colors.

– The Brocken Spectre is a magnified shadow of an observer, typically surrounded by rainbow-like bands, thrown onto a bank of cloud in high mountain areas when the sun is low.

– The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve is home to almost 2,000 plant species.

– In a thunderstorm, the lower cloud has as many as 100 million volts of electricity.

– Schrödinger realized that the electrons exist in a cloud around the nucleus, called the electron cloud.

– Since then on April 19, 2010, many of the WWE Raw superstars were stranded in Belfast due to the ash cloud from Eyjafjallajökull hovering over most of Europe and causing many flights to be put on hold.

– Many live in montane cloud forests of Central and South America.

– The more spectators from the studio audience turned on, the brighter the cloud of light became.

– High-quality spectral data showed that Teide 1 had kept the initial lithium amount of the original molecular cloud from which Pleiades stars formed.

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