Use the word “repel”

How to use in-sentence of “repel”:

+ Every species of firefly has larvae that glow to repel predators.

+ On the other hand, the north end of one magnet will repel the north end of the other.

+ This behavior is to strike at and repel possible predators of the pupae, so improving the survival odds of the wasp pupae.

+ Because protons are positively charged, they repel each other.

+ The poles of two magnets repel or attract each other.

+ Things with the same charge repel each other.

+ Fermions are usually found in straight strings because they repel each other.

+ Seriously?!? What the hell have you guys been doing to treat people this badly? Have things really gotten this much worse since I have been gone? You guys need to check yourselfs over again, because the last time I checked, we are wanting to attract and keep editors, not attract and repel editors.

Use the word repel
Use the word repel

Example sentences of “repel”:

+ Electrons carry the same negative electric charge which makes them repel each other.

+ Electric potential energy is experienced by charges both different and alike, as they repel or attract each other.

+ The colonists were able to repel the attackers.

+ In simpler words, it is a property of substances which pull closer or repel other objects.

+ Grease and water repel each other, making an emulsion without emulsifier easily fall apart.

+ On the same day, he also discovered like charges repel and different charges come towards each other.

+ In addition to this, in Bram Stoker’s “Dracula”, it is mentioned that wolf’s-bane can be used to repel dracula.

+ These include using sound to deter or repel pests and making changes around the property to prevent pests from entering.

+ General Napoleon Bonaparte was later appointed by the republic to repel the royalists on October 5, 1795.

+ The flat surface of the plate or stone is slightly roughened, or etched, and divided into hydrophilic regions that accept a film of water and repel the greasy ink, and hydrophobic regions which repel water and accept ink.

+ During one part of the dock battle, the commander Milfune tries to repel the machines but is overwhelmed.

+ Electrons carry the same negative electric charge which makes them repel each other.

+ Electric potential energy is experienced by charges both different and alike, as they repel or attract each other.
+ The colonists were able to repel the attackers.

+ This victory made Ethiopia the only African country to successfully repel a European power during the Scramble of Africa.

+ The basic law of magnetism told him what would happen: the north end of the electromagnet would repel the north end of the horseshoe-shaped magnet and would attract the south pole.

+ They repel each other.

+ Things that have the same charge repel each other: this repulsion is part of what is called electromagnetic force.

+ Usually in nature, two things with the same charge repel or shoot away from each other.

+ With magnets, opposite poles attract and like poles repel each other.

+ Bodies that are able to attract or repel things in this way are said to be ‘electrified’, or to be ‘charged with electricity’.

+ Also, the distribution of firearms to village self-defense militias intended to repel Viet Cong guerrillas was done so that weapons were only given to Catholics.

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