Some example sentences of “sustainable”

How to use in-sentence of “sustainable”:

– On 16 July 2012, the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy of France named the “Massif du Canigou” as a Grand Site of France.

– The KB’s Research Department is engaged in internationally renowned research in the field of digital technology, sustainable preservation and accessibility of both paper and digital heritage.

– The Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels is an international initiative which brings together farmers, companies, governments, non-governmental organizations, and scientists who are interested in the sustainability of biofuels production and distribution.

– To promote and encourage sustainable development through international cooperation and, to that end, jointly coordinate the implementation of political strategies which strengthen and ensure the full participation of all countries, rich and poor, in the international economic relations, under equal conditions and opportunities but with differentiated responsibilities.

– The Sustainable Biofuels Consensus envisions a landscape that provides food, fodder, fiber, and energy, which offers opportunities for rural development; that diversifies energy supply, restores ecosystems, protects biodiversity, and sequesters carbon.

– Appropriate policies are being applied within the Principality of Wales through the Wales Tourist Board to ensure successful sustainable tourism development.

– Camdessus is also a member of the Jacques Chirac Foundation for Sustainable Development and Cultural DialogueFondation Chirac’s board of directors, ever since the foundation was launched in 2008 by former French president Jacques Chirac.

Some example sentences of sustainable
Some example sentences of sustainable

Example sentences of “sustainable”:

- In the same year, the United Nations said that Cuba was the only nation in the world that met the World Wide Fund for Nature's definition of sustainable development.

- Biosphere reserves, exchange knowledge and experiences on new ideas for sustainable development.
- They seek relatively conservative sustainable development schemes that would be amenable to measuring well-being over long periods of time, typically "seven generations", in line with Native American thought.

– In the same year, the United Nations said that Cuba was the only nation in the world that met the World Wide Fund for Nature’s definition of sustainable development.

– Biosphere reserves, exchange knowledge and experiences on new ideas for sustainable development.

– They seek relatively conservative sustainable development schemes that would be amenable to measuring well-being over long periods of time, typically “seven generations”, in line with Native American thought.

– They design, construct and manage safe, sustainable buildings in dangerous parts of the world.

– On 16 May 2012 she was appointed Minister of Ecology, Energy, and Sustainable Development in the government of Jean-Marc Ayrault.

Sustainable tourism is important for sustainable economic development.

– Instead, these ingredients are fully synthesized in laboratory settings, and DuPont is one of the world’s leaders in sustainable and safe elastane manufacturing processes.

– Many areas have programmes to promote ‘local sustainability’: many are called ‘Local Agenda 21’ plans, named after the international Agenda 21 action plan for sustainable development agreed at the United Nations Earth Summit held in 1992.

– Joe Lamp’l is also the founder CEO of The joe gardener® Company which specializes in educating the public about environmentally responsible gardening and sustainable outdoor living.

– Any serious vision of a sustainable energy economy thus requires major commitments to both efficiency and renewables.

– Pernick and Wilder highlight eight major clean technology areas: solar power, wind power, sustainable biofuelsbiofuels, personal transportation, the smart grid, mobile applications, and water filtration.

More in-sentence examples of “sustainable”:

– In both the comics and the movies, he uses the arc reactor as a form of sustainable energy to help the world.

– But one big questioned raised by many in recent years is how is sustainability being implemented in Conwy? This article will focus on sustainable approaches in which Conwy as a local authority are implementing over the next couple of years.

– They will also meet the MDGs by helping countries to become good places for investment, jobs and sustainable growth.

– This sustainable development specified certain criteria for selection of university cadres, which was approved by the college council, albeit not by the university council due to the political conditions accompanying the Arab spring in January 2011.

– The increase in students attending higher education institutions shall then see a rise in financial benefits in Conwy County which will in turn promote the development of a sustainable economy in the area.

– He is also known as Growth Hacker for mobile apps by creating a sustainable and profitable growth strategy and increasing conversions without spending money with traditional-marketing tactics.

– In the last 5 years Themar has invested in sustainable energy production systems.

– During 2008, the Roundtable developed a series of principles and criteria for sustainable biofuels production through meetings, teleconferences, and online discussions.

– The early conservation movement included fisheries and wildlife management, water, soil conservation and sustainable forestry.

– Since September 27, 2017 – Member of the Bureau of the UN Sustainable Energy Committee.

– He was the only one man behind the transformation of village ralegan siddhi from the poverty ridden, hopeless place with huge population of alcoholics and drug addict to a “model village” based on sustainable development.

– The UN Environment Programme is in charge of the United Nations environmentalismenvironmental activities, helping sound policies and encouraging sustainable development through sound environmental practices.

– The mission of UNDP is to help global sustainable development against poverty and to promote democratic society.

– Foster currently sits on the Board of Trustees at architectural charity Article 25 who design, construct and manage innovative, safe, sustainable buildings in some of the most inhospitable and unstable regions of the world.

– Fresco wrote and lectured his views concerning sustainable cities, Efficient energy useenergy efficiency, natural-resource management, cybernetic technology, advanced automation, and the role of science in society.

– The main ideology is green politics that aims to create an ecologically sustainable society.

– From 1998 to 2003, Schneider advised on energy policy for the French environment minister’s office and the Belgian minister for energy and sustainable development.

– The UN General Assembly thought that environmental problems were global in nature and determined that it was in the common interest of all nations to establish policies for sustainable development.

– Indian economist Amartya Sen, applying this thinking to human freedom itself, argued in his 1999 book “Development as Freedom” that human free time was the only real service, and that sustainable development was best defined as freeing human time.

– Both are planned for sustainable cycles in energy and water throughout Bay South Garden.

– Local sustainable production of biofuel in Cambodia, based on the Jatropha or other sources, offers good potential benefits for the investors, the economy, rural communities and the environment.

– Foster’s most recent book, “The Ecological Revolution: Making Peace with the Planet”, examines the ecological crisis, and includes essays on global warming, peak oil, species extinction, world water shortages, global hunger, alternative energy sources, sustainable development, and environmental justice.

– Among his earlier books are “Man, Land and Food”, “World Without Borders”, and “Building a Sustainable Society”.

– The Roundtable for Sustainable Biofuels released “Version Zero” of its proposed standards for sustainable biofuels on August 13, 2008.

– They propose the money should rather be invested in sustainable companies.

– The party also stands for a sustainable economicseconomy and society.

– The movement is publicly committed to the tenets of sustainable development and the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals, but it believes that the international community has not created conditions conducive to development and has infringed upon the right to sovereign development by each member state.

– The programme acts as a kind of forum for exchanging ideas and experiences on sustainable development and management of these reserves.

– Some biofuels can supply sustainable energy.

– In 2001, the local community published its own findings about the forest’s sustainable management.

– They plan to do this by a number of objectives including implementing sustainable coastal and flooding defenses so properties and the coastline at risk are protected by a scheme, which is fit for purpose.

– This means they are sustainable energy.

– In addition, democracy as well as sustainable development should be respected and the rule of law should be made stronger.

– The designer may aim to design a living environment that will create a productive system that provides a sustainable food and resource supply that will enhance your lifestyle and that of the surrounding environment.

– Murabit is an UN High-Level Commissioner on Health Employment and Economic Growth and one of only 17 Sustainable Development Goal Global Advocates appointed by the UN Secretary General.

– The case against nuclear power and uranium mining in Australia has been concerned with the impacts of nuclear energy; with the shortcomings of nuclear power as an energy source; and with presenting a sustainable energy strategy.

– After working with Professor Jeffrey Sachs and organizing the “Music for a Sustainable Planet Concert” with the Columbia Earth Institute and the United Nations, Charles launched the annual “Music for a Sustainable Planet Concert” which facilitates and showcases positive change through the energy and creativity of the arts.

– This would then support individuals in contributing to their local economy and its sustainable development.

– Institutes for public policy research and sustainable urban development are run by the Areas of Excellence Committee.

– Curitiba won the “Globe Award Sustainable City 2010″ and was chosen unanimously by the committee.

– The report deals with sustainable development and the change of politics needed for achieving that.

– Tourism is an important part of Conwy’s local economy and the creation of sustainable year-round tourism will further support the local economy, specifically in winter months.

– She is responsible for the working group on sustainable development.

– The conservatories, designed by WilkinsonEyre and Grant Associates, are intended to be an energy-efficient showcase of sustainable building technologies and to provide an all-weather edutainment space within the Gardens.

– In May 2001, he founded the Earth Policy Institute to provide a vision and a road map for achieving sustainable development.

– She managed the Center for economics and ethics environment and sustainable development, which, in 2002, became a joint research unit between UVSQ and the “Institut de recherche pour le développement”.

– Pernick and Wilder highlight eight major clean technology sectors: solar power, wind power, biofuels, green buildings, Sustainable transportpersonal transportation, the smart grid, mobile applications, and water filtration.

- In both the comics and the movies, he uses the arc reactor as a form of sustainable energy to help the world.

- But one big questioned raised by many in recent years is how is sustainability being implemented in Conwy? This article will focus on sustainable approaches in which Conwy as a local authority are implementing over the next couple of years.
- They will also meet the MDGs by helping countries to become good places for investment, jobs and sustainable growth.

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