Some example sentences of “person”

How to use in-sentence of “person”:

+ Expanded on article to give what I believe is about as complete a picture as a lay person would want.

+ Berzelius was the first person to show the difference between organic compounds, and inorganic compounds.

+ The person inside the machine could see which pieces moved where on the chess board.

+ Even when working, it links to a collection of news about the person in question instead of to a static page about the person, as you would expect.

+ Since almost all sorces are in Arabic, it is really difficult to determine if this person is notable, in an encyclopedic sense.

+ The average person has over 4 million sweat glands in their skin.

+ As Lunar Module Pilot for Apollo 16 in 1972, he became the List of people who have walked on the Moontenth and youngest person to walk on the Moon.

+ While the person has certainly done a PhD, and won a competition, they are relatively young, and personally I think that we can discuss about notability.

Some example sentences of person
Some example sentences of person

Example sentences of “person”:

+ If the person asking the questions was standing to the side, where the horse could not see, the answers were right only 6% of the time.

+ In 2004, the Spanish climber Carlos Soria Fontán became the oldest person ever to summit K2, at the age of 65.

+ If the person asking the questions was standing to the side, where the horse could not see, the answers were right only 6% of the time.

+ In 2004, the Spanish climber Carlos Soria Fontán became the oldest person ever to summit K2, at the age of 65.

+ Archimedes is also well known for being the first person to understand statics, which is a part of applied mathematics.

+ In some cases a person of interest may simply be someone who has information related to an investigation or could be a witness.

+ After she died, some people said that it was because a hospital for white people would not treat her, but in those days, an amubulance driver would never have taken a black person to a “Whites only” hospital at all.

+ Another type of help a person with intellectual disability can get is family-oriented help.

+ Service sector jobs are those where a person does something for another, like selling or fixing a product.

+ Charlie is also wishing for a person to keep contact “I just need to know that someone out there listens and understands.” By all the mess he had to go through, he tries not to lose his good mind about community.

+ When a person becomes fat, the fat usually goes around the umbilicus.

+ In the United States, a Terry stop is a when police stop a person and quickly check the person‘s clothes for guns or knives.

+ A celebrity is a person who is well known and gets lots of public attention, or attention from other people.

+ In December 2019, “Time” magazine named Thunberg “Time” Person of the Year 2019.

+ Postmodernism says that one person should not try to make another person believe what he believes, because it means nothing to say that one belief is right and the other is wrong.

+ Each group and each person has their own stories and traditions.

+ Each person looks in a different direction.

+ I’m asking for Aaron to be unbanned because I feel that the person I knew a year ago is totally different from the person I know today.

+ Tenzin Dargyalb Khangsar From Tibet serves as vice chairman of the union making him the first person of Tibetan ancestry to represent the organisation.

+ This person is notable for playing on Star Trek: Picard and because he is signed to major record label, having music on the radio in Japan on All Night Nippon as a regular guest on the show.

+ Fume hoods stop a person coming into contact with hazardous fumes.

More in-sentence examples of “person”:

+ The American Heart Association says “time is muscle”: the more time a person waits to get treatment, the more heart muscle dies.

+ In a flashback, the person feels the drug beginning to affect him or her again, even though he or she has not taken a dose that day.

+ In hospitals, a person who is given pancuronium bromide is then a tube is put down their throat to pump oxygen into their lungs.

+ There was an election to decide who would be the person to replace him at the June 1990 party conference.

+ CU is a great tool but only if a person uses it.

+ He was an important person in the Dutch Pentecostal movement.

+ All three of these factors contribute to how a person labels their self, and make gender a confusing construct to navigate.

+ In Jesus’ country, anointing was done to show that a person was chosen to be a king or a leader.

+ Together with journalist Katsyaryna Andreeva, she became a person in a criminal case on organizing actions that attack public order.

+ Even though the person with HIV has no symptoms, the virus is making copies of itself during the incubation period.

+ Each time a person uses drugs, the parts of the brain that think about drugs become stronger and stronger.

+ This happens if a person feels embarrassed, uncomfortable in certain situations, or lovestruck.

+ Before then, people sang and danced stories, but no one had been a person in the story.

+ He was the youngest person to ever hold the office.

+ As Switzerland does not have one person as “President”, the Federal Council is also the head of state.

+ All libertarians believe that it is wrong to start violence against any person or against what he or she owns.

+ This template gives you a to later prove that you are the person who was in control of your account on the day this template was placed.

+ A primary election was held for each party, Mike Rounds beat Scyller Borglum in the Republican Party primary and Dan Ahlers was the only person in the Democratic Party primary, so he won.

+ When a person gets a live vaccine, their immune system learns to recognize and fight off that virus or bacteria.

+ Along with crows, jays will also watch a person planting seed crops and afterwards dig up and eat the seeds.

+ A person taking the initiation ceremony is called an “initiate”.

+ When the heart does not get enough blood and oxygen, a person can have angina or a heart attack.

+ If a person goes out walking, it is said that he or she ‘went for a walk’.

+ Ye made a declaration that he would pay 30 pieces of silver for each English person killed.

+ In 2010 Jezebel called Newkirk ‘The Worst Person in the World’.

+ In my book, this is a person doing the job he was educated for.

+ An audio engineer is a person who operates, and usually chooses and sets up recording equipment.

+ Other Live Distros come with a variety of software which help fix different problems that can happen with a computer, such as if they get a computer virus, or if a person forgets their password.

+ The image below first shows the way that two apples look to a person with normal vision, and then the way it looks to a person with red-green color blindness.

+ For instance, a person might say that “cat” and “dog” are similar words, so a good computer model should be able to take the word “dog” and respond with the word “cat” in a list of similar words.

+ Withdrawal usually begins 6 to 24 hours after a person takes their last drink.

+ In the second type of experiment, the doctors studied whether bones could be taken from one person and put into another person.

+ When he was going back home on a bus, he was forced to give up his seat and stand for the bus ride so a white person could sit down.

+ It also looks more similar to a real person than the first dolls.

+ He was a commanding person in the culture life of 19-century America, a romantic who identified with the great traditions of European literature and thought.

+ If the person waits, then one will still stop going up.

+ A patient is a person receiving medical care and/or treatment.

+ Cerebral hypoxia makes a person lose consciousness and stop breathing, and this makes the heart stop completely.

+ Virtual reality is different than augmented reality, which shows the real place that a person is in, but changes or adds to it.

+ Roxboro is a city and the county seat of Person County, North CarolinaPerson County, North Carolina in the United States.

+ The slang phrase “to teach someone a “lesson””, means to punish or scold a person for a mistake they have made making sure that he does not make the same mistake again.

+ A person low in conscientiousness would be lazy, disorganized, and irresponsible.

+ Louise Brown is the first person to be born as a result of in vitro fertilization.

+ Identification is when someone changes their behaviour because they want to make their relationship to another person our group better.

+ An example of characters with radicals that don’t exist by themselves is the complex character 休 “xìu” meaning “to stop”, “to cease” or “to rest”, which is made up of the radical 亻, which is a variant of the simple character 人 “rén” meaning “person” or “human”, though the variant never exists as by itself must therefore attach itself to another character to form a complete character, and the radical 木 “mǔ” meaning “wood” or “tree”, hinting what a person might want to do after he/she ceases working.

+ Scientists thought that happiness returns to a neutral point: where a person is not happy nor sad.

+ The person who makes the web page can tell the computer to show a word or a picture on the Web page as a link.

+ The American Heart Association says "time is muscle": the more time a person waits to get treatment, the more heart muscle dies.

+ In a flashback, the person feels the drug beginning to affect him or her again, even though he or she has not taken a dose that day.
+ In hospitals, a person who is given pancuronium bromide is then a tube is put down their throat to pump oxygen into their lungs.

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