“wounded” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “wounded”:

+ The return of Nero may have inspired the author of the Book of Revelation when he wrote about the eschatological opponent called the Beast, which is mortally wounded and then miraculously heals.

+ He was killed while giving frontline first aid to the many marines wounded in fighting.

+ He was severely wounded in Belgium and transferred to the army weather service.

+ There it was important to separate seriously wounded soldiers from less-seriously wounded.

+ The Wounded Knee Massacre was a brief fight between the Native American Lakota people and the US Army.

+ During World War I, Olga nursed wounded soldiers at a military hospital until she became ill herself.

wounded how to use in sentences
wounded how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “wounded”:

+ Burke was encouraged by Sir Philip Francis Philip Francis who had been wounded by Hastings in a duel in India.

+ Wadsworth, who was mortally wounded at the Battle of the Wilderness.
+ Nelson was blind in one eye, after being wounded in battle.

+ Burke was encouraged by Sir Philip Francis Philip Francis who had been wounded by Hastings in a duel in India.

+ Wadsworth, who was mortally wounded at the Battle of the Wilderness.

+ Nelson was blind in one eye, after being wounded in battle.

+ When the Finns started to use their artillery guns, they accidentally killed or wounded 30 Finns.

+ The blast also wounded five Americans and one South Korean from the United Nations Command.

+ With dead and wounded Canadians lying on the bridge, Lieutenant Colonel Charles Cecil Ingersoll Merritt, the commanding officer, crossed the bridge several times.

+ He was wounded three times, and was awarded the Iron Cross First Class.

+ In civilian usage the word “casualty” is properly used for a person who is killed, wounded or injured by some event.

+ At Weehawken, New JerseyWeehawken, in New Jersey, Burr shot and wounded Hamilton.

+ This was from being wounded or having them blown off by mines or shells.

+ The first ambulances were used on battlefields, when horse-drawn carts carried badly wounded soldiers to field hospitals after the battle.

+ An official report by the United States Department of the Army lists some 108,347 casualties, including 19,246 killed, 62,489 wounded and 26,612 captured and missing.

+ The American forces had 40 killed and 120 wounded in the attack.

+ The result was that one man was wounded in the hand and one in the thigh.

+ He was wounded there, by stray shell fragments.

+ At least 32 activists who had been aboard the ships were arrested and incarcerated by the Israel Prisons Service, after they refused to sign deportation orders, including two who were wounded but refused hospital treatment.

More in-sentence examples of “wounded”:

+ They were so big they would eat a wounded man if he couldn’t defend himself!” The rats ate the eyes first, then burrowed into the corpse and ate the insides.

+ This led to even more being shot by hunters as they gathered about the wounded and dead members of the flock.

+ This included serving as the receiving base of wounded personnel who were being taken to Great Lakes Naval Hospital for treatment.

+ Wyatt was never wounded in any of the gunfights, unlike his brothers Virgil and James or Doc Holliday, which only added to his mystique after his death.

+ But it ended with Yoshikage fatally wounded by the Rock People with Josefumi attempting to save him with last of the Locacaca Fruit they stole before the two were buried alive by the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami.

+ Even after her capture, Walker still continued to cross the line between the Confederates and Union to tend to the sick and wounded even after her experience of being imprisoned with the Confederates.

+ After that, he moved to the second floor corridor and wounded three other students before he entered another room where he tried to shoot a female student twice but failed.

+ The woman, who had believed that Sharikov was a Red Army veteran wounded during the Russian Civil War, leaves the apartment in tears.

+ In the “Iliad”, book 5, the Twelve OlympiansOlympian god of war Ares is wounded by mortal hero Diomedes.

+ Xena and Gabrielle are helping wounded people.

+ In 2013 he was shot and wounded during his bid for the presidency.

+ Ms.Pulling found other DD players who did harmful actions such as James Curbing, a rabid player, who killed his school principal, wounded three classmates, then shot himself.

+ He killed 58 people and wounded 422 before committing suicide.

+ A wounded heart symbol is used to express lovesickness, and is either shown pierced with an arrow or broken into two or more pieces.

+ Aragorn heals the wounded and sick Faramir, Éowyn, Merry, and many others, proving that he is the rightful King of Gondor.

+ He was killed while rescuing a wounded man.

+ Verónica continued her work with the troops by visiting the wounded at Camp Lejeune.

+ Brutus is said to have been wounded in the hand.

+ In July 1881, President James Garfield was fatally wounded and died on September 19, 1881.

+ As soon as Saunders approached the tree near the office Rajguru came out and shot him in the head which wounded him and Bhagat shot thrice in his chest and killed him.

+ Sepp “Peppi” Zwicknagel is an Austrian veteran was wounded by a hand grenade and lost his leg.

+ The Medical Department of the army was totally unprepared for the very large number of wounded soldiers being brought from the battles at places like the siege of Sevastopol.

+ Meade was seriously wounded at the Battle of Glendale.

+ He is wounded in the “Battle of Five Armies” and dies.

+ A retired military serviceman, Simmons murdered 14 members of his family, including a daughter he had sexually abused and the child he had fathered with her, a former co-worker, a stranger, and wounded four others.

+ They were so big they would eat a wounded man if he couldn't defend himself!" The rats ate the eyes first, then burrowed into the corpse and ate the insides.

+ This led to even more being shot by hunters as they gathered about the wounded and dead members of the flock.

+ It was named for Brigadier General Francis Nash, who had been wounded that year at the Battle of Germantown.

+ Counting how many people were killed and wounded in the battle of Stalingrad is hard.

+ Thomas didn’t believe Christ had returned until he was invited by the risen Jesus to put his finger into the nail holes in Jesus’ hands and his hand into Jesus’ wounded side.

+ They killed or wounded an estimated 523 Japanese soldiers during the raid while rescuing 511 prisoners.

+ Two days later, while being moved from police headquarters to the county jail, Oswald was shot and mortally wounded by nightclub owner Jack Ruby, in full view of television cameras broadcasting live.

+ Thorin is wounded and dies afterwards.

+ The mortally wounded Lincoln was carried across the street to Petersen House, where he died the next morning.

+ On the mountain Weathertop they are attacked by the Ringwraiths, and Frodo is badly wounded by their leader, the Witch-king.

+ At the river a guerrila doctor treated the wounded and Filipinos from nearby villages gave the prisoners food and water.

+ Sidney, Jerry, Dan and Tom retreat into the house, where they find Billy wounded but still alive.

+ Its full title is Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field.

+ Apiata carried the more seriously wounded solder to safety.

+ The book did not only describe what Dunant saw, but called for the setting up of national voluntary relief organisations to help nurse wounded soldiers in the case of war.

+ Several of the people travelling with the president were wounded in gunfire between the presidential guard and the would-be assassins.

+ She also encounters a race of Android androids and their insane ruler, helps foil the genocidal plans of a wounded Terileptil and incidentally start the Great Fire of London, and discovers her remarkable resemblance to Ann Talbot.

+ During World War II, it gained a new role as a site for the rehabilitation of wounded soldiers.

+ Often, wounded soldiers and amputees would be placed in the arena for Commodus to slay with a sword.

+ He killed at least 49 people and wounded 53 others in 2016 Orlando nightclub shootinga mass shooting at a gay bar in Orlando, Florida.

+ The October 14, 1867 fled from the conservatory to fight alongside of Garibaldi in the campaign for the liberation of Rome but was wounded and taken prisoner.

+ Frieza himself is seriously wounded for the first time: Krillin is able to chop off a portion of his tail using a Destructo Disk.

+ In 1521, on his second trip to Florida, he was wounded in an attack.

+ During the battle of the Somme more than 1.5 million people either died, were wounded or went missing.

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