Some in-sentence examples of “such”

How to use in-sentence of “such”:

+ Some companies are blocking access to such websites due to concerns over employees spending too much time on them.

+ The “Pokémon” media franchise, especially the anime, has been often criticized by organizations such as PETA.

+ In contrast to real numbers that vary “smoothly”, discrete mathematics studies objects such as integers, graphs, and statements in logic.

+ It is also associated with some forms of cancer, such as Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and conditions associated with human immunodeficiency virus.

+ A number of countries, including the United States, now use their sirens to warn of severe weather, such as tornadoes, tsunamis; emergencies at dams, chemical plants and nuclear power stations.

+ In the context of engineering, automation is when a device or a machine is changed in such a way that it can fulfill the task it was designed for without the need of human interaction.

Some in-sentence examples of such
Some in-sentence examples of such

Example sentences of “such”:

+ Humans in South India, belonging to the species of "Homo erectus", lived in this primitive 'old stone age' for quite a long time, using only crude implements such as hand axes and choppers and subsisting on food he hunted and gathered instead of actively growing it according to his needs.

+ The idea that such things might happen by natural means began to surface in the 18th century, and become the majority view in time of Charles Darwin.

+ Humans in South India, belonging to the species of “Homo erectus”, lived in this primitive ‘old stone age’ for quite a long time, using only crude implements such as hand axes and choppers and subsisting on food he hunted and gathered instead of actively growing it according to his needs.

+ The idea that such things might happen by natural means began to surface in the 18th century, and become the majority view in time of Charles Darwin.

+ Many animals such as elephants, hippopotamuses, rhinoceroses, warthogs, giraffes, antelopes, lions, leopards, and cheetahs live in Chad.

+ Arcnet uses a star-like topology, which is much easier to build and maintain than the bus topologies of other protocols developed later, such asEthernet.

+ Agate deposits are primarily found in large rocks such as boulders.

+ The Master of the Queen’s Music has the job of composing music for special royal occasions such as anniversaryanniversaries, ceremonies.

+ Members were Toshio Fukui and Yuji Iwata, as well members from other music shops such as Shiro Okada and Norio Sugiyama at the McCoys, Ai Akamatsu at Hataris, and Atsushi Kuriyama at Sanders.

+ In fields such as science, it is based on an experiment whereas, for humanities, it is an extended version of your college paper.

+ The book documented detrimental effects of pesticides such as DDT on wildlife, particularly birds.

+ Such errors generally occur due to incorrect parameters, such as indices that are out of range for the strings being examined.

+ It was established as an independent performing art by associating with many adjacent genres of Korean traditional music such as Minyo, Mooga, and Gasa.

+ Some crops are for drugs, such as quinine, or fibers such as cotton, or other materials such as rubber or wood.

+ The main character, Angus MacGyver, often prevented inevitable defeats, saved lives, distracted enemies, made weapons, and even performed everyday tasks usually using very few objects that seemed irrelevant or abnormal to use in such situations.

+ Acts of terrorism in Indonesia, notably in Jakarta and Bali, have been linked to international organisations such as Al Qaeda, Jemaah Islamiyah and the Islamic State.

+ Most venture capital comes from a group of rich investors, investment banks and other financial institutions that pool such investments or partnerships.

+ However, such objects were hard to find because they emit almost no visible light.

+ There are characteristics that make werewolves special, and that allow a person to tell them apart from real wolves, such as the eyes, shape, and tail.

+ Tekken 5 kept many features from the older games, as well as new features, such as the new “Crush System” and the chance to dress up all chaaracters differently.

More in-sentence examples of “such”:

+ The parameter “strloc” can be a math formula, such as: strloc=-2, or strloc=abs+6.

+ This concept could be referred to as “elevated subordinationism.” It is associated with early church figures such as Justin Martyr, Lucian of Antioch, Eusebius of Caesarea, Arius, Eusebius of Nicomedia, Asterius the Sophist, Eunomius, and Ulfilas, as well as Felix, Bishop of Urgel and others who believed that Jesus was God in his divine nature but his divinity in his human nature was through adoption.

+ Influenza can also lead to other diseases, such as pneumonia.

+ Foley is known for roles in television shows such as “The Unit”, “Felicity Felicity”, and “Scandal”, and in movies such as “Scream 3”.

+ Other ingredients are added such as cabbage.

+ It features work by such painters such as Monet, Manet, Degas, Renoir, Cézanne, Seurat, Alfred SisleySisley, Gauguin, Van Gogh and many others.

+ On the plastic case is a label that has the name of the movie on the disc as well as other information such as a summary of the movie.

+ The episode is made off of the comedy of Laurel and Hardy and features cultural references to films such as “Citizen Kane” and “Freaks” as well as the “Batman” television series.

+ It was decided that while film had multiple meanings, movie did not and as such was the simplest way of describing the category of motion pictures.

+ The class names are combined with one number and one English character, such as “6B”.

+ This is well illustrated in the evolution of such groups as horses.

+ This command is responsible for supporting all the other commands with things such as logistics, engineering, health services, and the military police.

+ The mantis shrimp has such good eyes it can perceive both polarized light, and colour vision outside the normal visual spectrum.

+ He directed plays such as “Macbeth”, “Hamlet”, “The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years” and “Faust”.

+ In sunnier climates such as Southern Europe, the southern states of the U.S., the North Island of New Zealand, and Australia, basil will thrive when planted outside.

+ It can also be operated on top of other operating systems, such as Unix, Microsoft Windows, or Google’s Android operating system.

+ For example, someone who is used to reading music in the alto clef, such as a violist, can transpose up a tone from music written in the treble clef by imagining it was written in the alto clef and playing an octave lower.

+ High levels of uric acid in the blood over a long period of time may cause other symptoms such as hard, painless deposits of uric acid crystals known as tophi.

+ He played clubs such as Paris Saint-Germain F.C.Paris Saint-Germain, Paris and F.C.

+ He sang in many rarely performed Giuseppe VerdiVerdi operas on radio broadcast for RAI in 1951, such as “Giovanna d’Arco”, “La battaglia di Legnano”, and “Aroldo”.

+ An uninterruptible power supply can protect sensitive equipment such as computers or other electronics during a power cut, allowing it to be properly shut down.

+ A simple equation, such as, can be integrated with respect to x using the following technique.

+ Bone is living tissue, and must be maintained by taking regular exercise and by having calcium from foods like milk, and dark leafy greens such as spinach.

+ People such as Tiburcio Vasquez and Joaquin Murietta became folk heros to Mexican Americans.

+ Other similar diseases are caused by different strains of the same bacterium, such as syphilis.

+ Do not put an apostrophe in word ending in, such as a plural.

+ The parameter "strloc" can be a math formula, such as: strloc=-2, or strloc=abs+6.

+ This concept could be referred to as "elevated subordinationism." It is associated with early church figures such as Justin Martyr, Lucian of Antioch, Eusebius of Caesarea, Arius, Eusebius of Nicomedia, Asterius the Sophist, Eunomius, and Ulfilas, as well as Felix, Bishop of Urgel and others who believed that Jesus was God in his divine nature but his divinity in his human nature was through adoption.
+ Influenza can also lead to other diseases, such as pneumonia.

+ They may also treat and transport certain categories of patient to hospital, although for more serious incidents, such as cardiac arrest it is likely that they would call on the ambulance service.

+ There are different ways that the player can do so, such as by picking up enemies or by attacking them with weapons.

+ The first such German language journal was “Der Tabakgegner published by the Bohemian organization between 1912 and 1932.

+ Naturalism began in the early Renaissance, and developed itself further throughout the Renaissance, such as with the Florentine School.

+ There is a chance that a Y-DNA sample may be isolated from Ned’s bones one day using more advanced laboratory procedures, however, it is also possible that a Y-DNA sample could be taken from the remains of one of Ned’s male relatives such as his father, his uncles or his brothers.

+ New talent such as Triple H and his D-Generation X faction, Mankind and The Rock were elevated to main event status on the WWF’s program.

+ Anyhow, such sport still have been limited by its opinion of street combat.

+ It is the same minerals from which those pieces are broken, such as granite and feldspar.

+ He became notorious in the 1960s for creating bizarre yet influential garments made of unusual, nonwoven materials such as plastic and aluminum.

+ These readers can be separate from or built into other machines such as a payment terminal in a cash register or point of sale system.

+ From 1906, he was active in Paris, where he met other painters, such as Pablo Picasso and Constantin Brâncuși.

+ These two cities have such large populations that they can support their own category trees.

+ In many cases, the military is not only made of such people, but the country also requires its citizens to spend part of their life in the military.

+ The album included songs that became hits, such as: “Asesinos de Asesinos”, “Cannabis Sativa”, “La Pelotona”, and “Todas mueren por mí”.

+ You are not a member of a team and as such should never be welcome here as you are only about pushing your own personal agenda and could care less about the actual product.

+ Some species have widespread distributions, with the Galah, for example, occurring over most of Australia, whereas other species have tiny distributions, confined to a small part of the continent, such as the Long-billed Black Cockatoo of Western Australia or to a small island group, such as the Tanimbar Corella, which is restricted to the Tanimbar Islands of Indonesia.

+ Because of the nature of sound transmission provide a good wood for musical musical instrumentinstruments such as violins, guitars, pianos and hand drums such as the Djembe drum pictured in the gallery below.

+ Each of them are different, such as in the size of their screens or what features it has, but the best of them is the Galaxy S series.

+ The disadvantage of such networks is that building them can be very expensive.

+ The word sign is also sometimes used to refer to various mathematical signs, such as the plus and minus signs and the multiplication sign.

+ Historian of Africa studies Zoe Strother says Shinshichi’s design resembles the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, which was a model for some prominent Western designs in the early 1900s, such as John Russell Pope’s 1911 award-winning House of the Temple in Washington, D.C.

+ Effects such as vibrato or echo could be added.

+ Although many are unsure of Po’s gender, or think she is male, probably because of her scarlet/red color and tomboyish behaviour, she is explicitly female in several episodes, such as “Dad’s Portrait”.

+ He is known for his roles such as Shaun Brumder in “Orange County Orange County”, Preston in “King Kong”, Oliver in “The House Bunny”, and Troy Gable in “The Great Buck Howard”.

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