How to use the word “tree”

How to use in-sentence of “tree”:

+ The rare rainforest tree Springbrook Leatherwood grows at Burrigan Point.

+ The green tree frog does not have these stripes.

+ For example, the palm tree has a “Happy New Year” banner during the last week of the year, and a Jack-o’-lantern is in the sand on Halloween.

+ The triangle tree frog is a frog that lives in Ecuador, Peru and Brazil.

+ Hitchcock made a separate tree for plants.

+ The Snow Mountains tree frog is a frog from New Guinea and Indonesia.

How to use the word tree
How to use the word tree

Example sentences of “tree”:

+ Earlier on the 21st, a woman attending the Ryder Cup in County Kildare was injured after a tree branch fell near a golf buggy in which she was travelling.

+ The common big-eyed tree frog is a group of species of tree frog from Papua New Guinea.

+ There are various ideas as to how these groups are related to each other, and no tree of descent is agreed by experts so far.

+ At the tree-line, tree growth is often not clear with the last trees forming low bushes.

+ It is home to the Balderschwang Yew, which may be the oldest tree in Germany.

+ Even though it is called the New England tree frog, it does not live in New England.

+ The degree of difference in the DNA suggests this species split off from our family tree about a million years ago, well before the split between our species and Neanderthals.

+ A common implementation of a heap is the binary heap in which the tree is a complete binary tree.

+ The four main parts of a tree are the roots, the Trunk trunk, the leaves.

+ The earliest trees were tree ferns, horsetails and Clubmosslycophytes, which grew in forests in the Carboniferous period; tree ferns still survive, but the only surviving horsetails and lycophytes are not of tree form.

+ Earlier on the 21st, a woman attending the Ryder Cup in County Kildare was injured after a tree branch fell near a golf buggy in which she was travelling.

+ The common big-eyed tree frog is a group of species of tree frog from Papua New Guinea.
+ There are various ideas as to how these groups are related to each other, and no tree of descent is agreed by experts so far.

More in-sentence examples of “tree”:

+ The pear comes from the tree Pyrus communis, also called the common pear tree.

+ After a tree falls, the wood in it can be cut into long, straight pieces called lumber.

+ Glass frogs are similar in appearance to some green frogs of the genus “Eleutherodactylus” and to some tree frogs of the family Hylidae.

+ The sacred tree of the Assyrians was a palm that represents the god Ishtar connecting heaven, the crown of the tree, and earth, the base of the trunk.

+ In South Africa it is a protected tree in South Africa.

+ The Sardinian tree frog, Sardinia tree frog or Tyrrhenian tree frog is a frog.

+ A tree normally has a defined structure.

+ The parachuting frog or pale-eyed parachuting tree frog is a frog from the island of New Guinea.

+ The Guianan dwarf tree frog is a frog that lives in Trinidad.

+ The normal flood stage for the river is at the tree line in the foreground.

+ If a tree grows in a dry place, you can tell its age better than when it grows in a wet place.

+ However, no one knows for sure what kind of tree gopherwood was.

+ The apple tree is a tree that grows apples.

+ The mountain mist frog, Henrietta Creek tree frog or Nyakala frog is a frog from Australia.

+ It looks very similar to Peron’s tree frog.

+ On October 27, 2018, a mass shooting occurred at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

+ The giant tree frog has white stripes.

+ Eucalyptus trees are the main tree in the Australian savanna.

+ This tree has individual peripheral nodes.

+ And I just switched TBC to Tree Biting Conspiracy; he does not show up in blue either.

+ Shreve’s Sarayacu tree frog is a frog that lives in Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia and Brazil.

+ Without this the plum tree may not produce any fruit.

+ They build their nests from soft materials, such as leaves, ferns, and vine monsters, typically placed in a tree fork.

+ Scientists say it is related to the common big-eyed tree frog, “Nyctimystes narinosus”.

+ The folders inside folders are like branches and sub-branches off the tree trunk.

+ The main trunk of the tree is used, though a big branch may be used instead.

+ The tree that grows will only create apples of the type needed.

+ Herakles tied him to a tree until he told the way.

+ The plains brown tree frog, plain tree frog or Victoria frog is a frog from Australia.

+ In cases of extreme fire, where leaves and shoots are removed, the bark protects the epicormic buds which allow the tree to reshoot.

+ The green tree frog squeaks when it is touched.

+ While the music videos are comparable to that of “Nirvana the industrial rock band Nine Inch Nails, the band The Police and the movie studio “Universal Pictures”, the portrayal of death in “Happy Tree Friends” is usually more extreme sport stunts and anatomically correct, showing rain and special effects in more vivid and often exaggerated detail.

+ Common icons are the World tree, for instance Yggdrasil, and the tree of life.

+ In computer science, a heap is a type of tree that satisfies the heap property.

+ The state flower and tree are the magnolia.

+ Boldo is a kind of tree that can be found in the central part of Chile.

+ The tree was exploited for their dye in the 18th century, and is now lost over much of its original range.

+ The guanacaste tree is Native native to tropical America.

+ To the left of the launch area is a “Christmas tree” light, which is similar to a Christmas tree light at a drag strip.

+ Outside of Valhalla’s doors lies Glasir , a massive tree that grows golden leaves, while its ceiling is adorned with golden shields.

+ As it gets older, schefflera loses leaves from the lower part of the stem, increasing its tree shape.

+ Scientists say this frog is related to the dainty green tree frog.

+ This frog is called the masked tree frog because it has dark skin around its eyes so it looks like it is wearing a black mask.

+ The green tree frog.

+ This tree grows on the slopes of the Andes, mainly in Peru.

+ In computer science, a tree is a graph data structure composed of items that have child items.

+ A hedge or hedgerow is a close-knit row of shrubs and sometimes tree species.

+ Medicines obtained from stems include quinine from the bark of cinchona trees, camphor distilled from wood of a tree in the same genus that provides cinnamon, and the muscle relaxant curare from the bark of tropical vines.

+ They live at present only in the Americas, and are anteaters, tree sloths, and armadillos.

+ The pear comes from the tree Pyrus communis, also called the common pear tree.

+ After a tree falls, the wood in it can be cut into long, straight pieces called lumber.

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