“mortally” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “mortally”:

+ On his first fighting day, Philoctetes mortally wounded Paris with his arrows.

+ Johnston Pettigrew, who commanded a North Carolina brigade under Heth, was mortally wounded.

+ A total of 3,794 were killed in action or mortally wounded.

+ Mckee was mortally wounded in the action.

+ As he returned he was fired on by his own men, mortally wounding the general.

mortally some example sentences
mortally some example sentences

Example sentences of “mortally”:

+ Near the end of the battle Stuart was mortally wounded by one of Custer’s men and died the next day.

+ Brunswick was mortally wounded and Prussian command broke down.

+ Wadsworth, who was mortally wounded at the Battle of the Wilderness.

+ A few minutes later a Confederate shell exploded mortally wounding Miles.

+ In September 1857, when John Nicholson was mortally wounded on an assault on Delhi by the British, Muhammad Hayat looked after him until he died.

+ Before he could surrender personally, he was mortally wounded by an artillery shell and died the next day.

+ De Terra thought that due to this fracture and the proximity to mammoth fossils, Tepexpan Man may have been a hunter who was either killed by his fellow men or mortally wounded while hunting.

+ After his company’s executive officer was mortally wounded, he continued to direct the company’s actions, ordering air strikes and coordinating the advance until the enemy retreated; Fox, the only officer left in his company that was capable of resisting the enemy, was wounded again in the final assault, but refused medical attention while he reorganized his troops and prepared the wounded for evacuation.

+ Kong tries to fight off the planes, destroying one, but is mortally wounded by their gunfire.

+ The return of Nero may have inspired the author of the Book of Revelation when he wrote about the eschatological opponent called the Beast, which is mortally wounded and then miraculously heals.

+ The killer, wearing a Ghostface costume, then returns to the screening and sits beside Maureen before mortally stabbing her.

+ The mortally wounded Lincoln was carried across the street to Petersen House, where he died the next morning.

+ Doom shoots Valeria with a stiffened snake and is mortally injured.

+ Two days later, while being moved from police headquarters to the county jail, Oswald was shot and mortally wounded by nightclub owner Jack Ruby, in full view of television cameras broadcasting live.

+ The regiment suffered 5 officers and 211 recruited men killed in action or mortally wounded.

+ Near the end of the battle Stuart was mortally wounded by one of Custer's men and died the next day.

+ Brunswick was mortally wounded and Prussian command broke down.

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