Sentence example of “sooner”

How to use in-sentence of “sooner”:

– After this, Hitler decided to attack Greece sooner than he had planned.

– Squirrelpaw gets her name sooner than Leafpool, and her name is Squirrelflight.

– He said that sooner or later population gets checked, by famine, disease, and widespread mortality.

– If DYK is still anything like what it was when I left, then I’d sooner see it turned into a yearly or twice-yearly activity.

– I wanna be an admin sooner or later, and these templates need to have better wording.

– So, when we see discussion that is going wildly down the wrong path, let’s step in sooner from now on please.

– Another problem was that Sega released the Saturn sooner than they intended to, but did not tell shops about the new release date, meaning that many of them did not sell the Saturn at all out of anger.

Sentence example of sooner
Sentence example of sooner

Example sentences of “sooner”:

- However, Watkins has been criticized for not reporting the fraud to government authorities and not speaking up publicly sooner about her concerns, as her memo did not reach the public until five months after it was written.

- The mother insists that all husbands cheat sooner or later.

– However, Watkins has been criticized for not reporting the fraud to government authorities and not speaking up publicly sooner about her concerns, as her memo did not reach the public until five months after it was written.

– The mother insists that all husbands cheat sooner or later.

– According to Section 84 of the Constitution of Belize, the National Assembly of Belize must be dissolved every “five years from the date when the two Houses, first met” unless dissolved sooner by the Prime Minister.

– Note that TEC dates are not guarantees; hard drives can and will either last much longer or fail much sooner than the date given by a TEC.

– Another advantage of median is that it can be calculated sooner when we are studying survival data.

– House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced that the House would vote on S.181 during the week of January 26, getting the bill to President Obama’s desk sooner rather than later.

– This method is favoured because the effect is felt sooner than by other means.

– The sooner the drug is taken after unprotected sex, the more effective it is.

– During this land run Oklahoma got its nickname, “The Sooner State”.

– Oklahoma It is also known by its nickname, “The Sooner State.” The state was formed from Indian Territory on November 16, 1907.

– If we want to really get this wiki going the right way we need to define the project scope, sooner rather than later, before it’s too late.

– All species become extinct sooner or later.

– List of countries by future GDP estimates Economists from other investment firms argue that Korea will have a GDP per capita of over $96,000 by 2050, surpassing the United States and by far the wealthiest among the G7, BRIC and N-11 economies, suggesting that wealth is more important than size for bond investors, stating that Korea’s credit rating will be rated AAA sooner than 2050.

– Jumbo would sooner or later die of this trouble with his teeth.

– Yes, we already have places to find all these, but you might see them sooner this way.

– But no sooner have the KND done this, the DCFDTL’s Mega-Mansion sends out a beam which merges the villains.

– This means that the body can begin fighting an infection much sooner for illnesses it has encountered before, and takes more time to begin to fight an infection in new illnesses.

– He feels that everyone should sooner or later decide for themselves what to believe in.

– Therefore, sooner or later, it is going to be reorganised.

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