“potential energy” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “potential energy”:

+ That is why riding a bike up a steep hill is very hard, but when you are coming back down, you will not need to pedal at all – you are being powered by the gravitational potential energy that you stored when you rode up the hill.

+ This can be described as conservatively converting potential energy to kinetic energy and back again.

+ Kinetic Energy is the maximum amount of work a moving body due to its motion can do, whereas Potential energy is the maximum amount of work a body can do due to its configuration or position in a field force.

+ The longer the distance pushed, the greater the elastic potential energy the material has.

+ Another way gravitational potential energy helps us is by keeping earth and the other planets in orbit in our solar system around the Sun.

potential energy - sentence examples
potential energy – sentence examples

Example sentences of “potential energy”:

+ When the object comes back down again, the gravitational potential energy is turned back into kinetic energy.

+ In a pond water has gravitational potential energy because of how high it is above sea level.

+ For example, an arrow gets the elastic potential energy from the bow.

+ The amount of potential energy the material has depends on the distance pulled or pushed.

+ If there are 20 coulombs of charge on an object, it will fall from having an electric potential energy at the place with an electric potential of 5 volts.

+ This is how chemical potential energy works in the environment.

+ Total potential energy being the sum of all potential energies — those from gravitational fields, electric fields, and magnetic fields.

+ Simply defined as the different states of potential energy for electrons in an atom.

+ The Underground line has hump-backed stations which allow trains to store gravitational potential energy as they arrive and to then use this energy as they leave the stations.

+ Electric potential energy is experienced by charges both different and alike, as they repel or attract each other.

+ An object gets gravitational potential energy when it moves uphill.

+ Elastic potential energy is experienced when a rubbery material is pulled away or pushed together.

+ When the object comes back down again, the gravitational potential energy is turned back into kinetic energy.

+ In a pond water has gravitational potential energy because of how high it is above sea level.

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