“given” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “given”:

+ These seem to be the best medicines for treating delirium, and do not have to be given as often.

+ Michel returned to Paris in 1880 after amnesty was given to the Communards.

+ In recent years, it has become common for Serbian workers to come to Alaska every year to work for a few months in canneries, where food and living space is given to them.

+ This stability allows millisecond pulsars to be used in establishing ephemeris time, An ephemeris is a table of values that gives the positions of astronomical objects in the sky at a given time.

+ There were strange tests to decide if something was good enough to be given for taxes.

given - some sentence examples
given – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “given”:

+ Bobby is given the freedom of the city.

+ In 1890, he was given a post in the Japanese embassy in Seoul in 1890, and in 1895 was sent to the United States.

+ According to tradition, Nāgārjuna was given the Prajñapāramita sutras by nagas who were guarding them after the Buddha left the world.

+ The case has been given a lot of coverage by the media.

+ Naloxone has to be given carefully to people with heart disease.

+ Forty gold medals are given to the winning club and forty silver medals to the runners-up.

+ Drugs that are given to people to help cure them of a medical condition or help reduce the symptoms are often licensed.

+ This is a later name given to the seven Anglo-SaxonsAnglo-Saxon kingdoms of England during the early Middle Ages.

+ However, I would also be happy to look at RfDs, impose page protection if it is needed and answer any concerns given on the Administrators noticeboard.

+ It is given different names in different countries.

+ A helper template which returns the name of the article on a given decade.

+ Also, the given names Theodore and Theodora come from the same two Greek words as Dorothy, but in the reverse order.

+ They were given to a single electric multiple unit at different stages of its use as a prototype for the Networker series.

+ Immediate action to ensuring consumers’ rights needs to be taken since a regulatory authority is not present to prevent consumers from being cheated and given low quality or date-expired products.

+ When president Abraham Lincoln began using powers not normally given to the presidency to put certain rights on hold, Taney kept on trying to overrule him.

+ Lenin made rules that as much food as possible was to be given to Bolshevik soldiers in Russia’s new Red Army.

+ At the time the certificate was given it was the only other honor for gallantry the Army could award other than a Medal of Honor.

+ Bobby is given the freedom of the city.

+ In 1890, he was given a post in the Japanese embassy in Seoul in 1890, and in 1895 was sent to the United States.
+ According to tradition, Nāgārjuna was given the Prajñapāramita sutras by nagas who were guarding them after the Buddha left the world.

More in-sentence examples of “given”:

+ In Zuckerman and Jost’s study, participants were given detailed questionnaires about their friendships and asked to assess their own popularity.

+ It meets all criteria, all suggestions that were given have been corrected.

+ Should the list of names for a given year prove to be insufficient, names are taken from an auxiliary list, the first 10 of which are published each year before the season starts.

+ The Earl of Rothes was a title given to the ruler of Leslie, starting with George Leslie in 1458, given the title by James II of Scotland but has now evolved to a completely hereditary title since the local council now rules Leslie and has since around the 1950’s.

+ She was given a basic education, as well as tasks such as cookery, carpentry and farming.

+ Theoretically, violation of the authority drags with it a sanction or punishment that’s given by the authority owner.

+ As shown in the following examples, this template always displays the density if given as a number, regardless of whether the population and area are defined.

+ Electrostar is the name given to a series of related electric multiple unitelectric multiple-unit passenger trains manufactured by ADtranz.

+ It has the structure of a thin cracker and is lifted out and every person is given a bit.

+ Prussian blue, a cyanide compound, is given as a treatment to poisoning with thallium and caesium, for example.

+ For his research into the internal electrical impulses that take place as the eye processes vision, Ragnar Granit was given the 1967 Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology.

+ The fertilizers given to the crops for better growth are washed into rivers and lakes, which in turn pollutes the water.

+ Nicknames can also be unkind and rude, and used by people who dislike the person given the nickname.

+ The Anna May Wong Award of Excellence is given yearly at the Asian-American Arts Awards; Chan 2003, p276.

+ The name Camille is a usually feminine given name, though there are some males by the name.

+ Donaldson was given the award by the Governor General of Australia, Quentin Bryce, on January 16, 2009.

+ Batman asked to be given land in the Westernport area of Victoria, but the government rejected him.

+ This meant that soldiers and machine gunners had to be given different kinds of cartridge.

+ In March 1980, Gacy was convicted of 33 murders, as well as sex crimes, committed between 1972 and 1978, and given the death penalty.

+ After this, the report on the candidate is given to the bishop of the area and more studying is done.

+ Tells you how many days are “in” a given month, for a given year.

+ On that occasion several awards are given to the talented people.

+ It is usually given to a player who has broken the rules of the game.

+ Chapter 3, verse 8 has been quoted by many famous preachers to tell people that they should have given money to God and to help other people.

+ Combined with his earlier training as a priest this has led to his being given the nickname of the “Mad Monk”.

+ Even though Olmedo had a string of successful children’s programs during the 1960s, the peak of his abilities would arrive when given the opportunity to mix slapstick, nonsense, and adult-oriented entertainment.

+ They are given their own names in taxonomy, based on their appearance and the implied behaviour of their makers.

+ In New Zealand, brown frog tadpoles often given to schoolchildren so they can watch the tadpoles become frogs.

+ For this reason, a village in South Africa was given the same name.

+ Jews believe that God has given them a special job which is to repair the world.

+ In quantum physics, the Stefan-Boltzmann law states that the black-body radiation energy emitted by a given object is directly proportional to the temperature of the object raised to the fourth power.

+ A: I would try to contact you first to discuss the situation; if this proved impossible, and given the stipulation that the user has no negative history and seemed sincere, and given that you have this policy, I would be willing to unblock the user but watch their subsequent edits closely.

+ In most cases, users who make such changes will be told to stop, and an administrator may block them, and prevent them from changing, for a given time.

+ Somewhat surprisingly, given how useful these equations are, mathematicians have not yet proven that in three dimensions solutions always exist, or that if they do exist, then they do not contain any bad points where they become infinite.

+ The amount of energy a thing has can be given a number.

+ The Independence Day Award is the highest state award given by the Government of Bangladesh.

+ Awards can be given by any person or institution.

+ He wrote: “I bent over a chair and was given three of the best with my trousers on.

+ Narrabeen Man is the name given to a 4,000-year-old skeleton of a tall Australian Indigenous peoplesAboriginal man found during road works in Narrabeen, a coastal suburb North of Sydney, in January 2005.

+ The land for the convent was given to the friars by Cosimo Medici.

+ Some examples of traditional form of multiplication tables are multiplication tables of 6 and 7 given below.

+ Andalusian nationalism called “Andalucismo” in Spanish languageSpanish, is the name given to the political separatist movement in the Iberian Peninsula.

+ In 1717, some land in the Montreal region was given to the Roman Catholic Church to use as a seminary.

+ Markets will ‘reach equilibrium’ if all the sellers who want to sell at or below a given price have sold to all the buyers who are willing to buy at or above a given price.

+ The evolution of these species has been problematic given the paucity of good fossils.

+ Where such credit is commonly given through page histories, it is sufficient to give attribution in the edit summary, which is recorded in the page history, when importing the text.

+ In Zuckerman and Jost's study, participants were given detailed questionnaires about their friendships and asked to assess their own popularity.

+ It meets all criteria, all suggestions that were given have been corrected.

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