“commodity” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “commodity”:

+ In the world of business, a commodity is a Product product, good or service that is traded based solely on its price, rather than quality and features.

+ The more we have a commodity or a service, the less we want to have more of it.

+ Generally, governments must provide a common regulatory or insurance standard and some release of liability, or at least a backing of the insurers, before a commodity market can begin trading.

+ Yusef was somewhat fluent in Japanese, which made him a hot commodity for films that required actors of Western appearance that could convincingly interact with Japanese co-stars.

+ Sugar, the commodity that the Cuban economy relies upon, is grown in the plains in the north of the province, and several large mills provide employment to many people.

+ It is the underlying commodity of New York Mercantile Exchange’s oil futures contracts.

+ When Christian and Faithful travel through Vanity Fair, Bunyan adds the editorial comment:But as in other “fairs”, some one Commodity is as the chief of all the “fair”, so the Ware of “Rome” and her Merchandize is greatly promoted in “this fair”: Only our “English” Nation, with some others, have taken a dislike thereat.

commodity - example sentences
commodity – example sentences

Example sentences of “commodity”:

+ The green economists and the more conservative environmental economics argue that not only natural ecologies, but also the life of the individual human being is treated as a commodity by the global markets.

+ Similar specifications apply for orange juice, cocoa, sugar, wheat, corn, barley, pork bellies, milk, feedstuffs, fruits, vegetables, other grains, other beans, hay, other livestock, meats, poultry, eggs, or any other commodity which is so traded.
+ The modern commodity markets have their roots in the trading of agricultural products.

+ The green economists and the more conservative environmental economics argue that not only natural ecologies, but also the life of the individual human being is treated as a commodity by the global markets.

+ Similar specifications apply for orange juice, cocoa, sugar, wheat, corn, barley, pork bellies, milk, feedstuffs, fruits, vegetables, other grains, other beans, hay, other livestock, meats, poultry, eggs, or any other commodity which is so traded.

+ The modern commodity markets have their roots in the trading of agricultural products.

+ Legal tender differs from commodity money and representative money.

+ For a commodity market to be established, there must be very broad consensus on the variations in the product that make it acceptable for one purpose or another.

+ A chair that nobody could sit on has no use-value, and cannot be a commodity unless it has an ornamental value.

+ The commodity basket will contain goods and services a typical consumer will likely need.

+ He also is the Vice Chairman of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey.

+ This highlights one of the major issues with global commodity markets of either the positive or negative kind.

+ Historically, dating from ancient Sumerian use of sheep or goats, or other peoples using pigs, rare seashells, or other items as commodity money, people have sought ways to standardize and trade contracts in the delivery of such items, to render trade itself more smooth and predictable.

+ However, this is not the only way in which commodity thinking interacts with ecologists’ thinking.

+ This was because its commodity crops were labor-intensive.

+ Representative money is a claim on the commodity rather than the actual good.N.

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