“sprang” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “sprang”:

– At the same time, workers’ councils, known as Soviets, sprang up across the country.

– Immediately a clear spring of healing water sprang up in that place.

– Her offspring, Huitzilopochtli, learned of this plan while still in the womb, and before it was put into action, sprang from his mother’s womb fully grown and fully armed and killed his sister Coyolxauhqui, together with many of his 400 brothers and sisters.

– I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

– Afterwards, slave trades sprang up all over Egypt.

sprang in-sentences
sprang in-sentences

Example sentences of “sprang”:

- Kali is a form of Durga that sprang from her head during Durga's battle with the demon Raktabija whose blood when touch to the earth generated another Raktabija.

- Victory gardens were city farms that sprang up during World War I and World War II."Environmental Impact", eds.

– Kali is a form of Durga that sprang from her head during Durga’s battle with the demon Raktabija whose blood when touch to the earth generated another Raktabija.

– Victory gardens were city farms that sprang up during World War I and World War II.”Environmental Impact”, eds.

– Around the mid-to-late 1960s, the drug sprang up on the streets of San Francisco as a “Peace Pill.” People soon realized that it was a very dangerous drug.

– He cut off her head, which had the hair of poisonous snakes and was so ugly it would turn to stone anyone who looked at it straight on, and from her blood sprang the winged horse Pegasus.

– Alternative hip hop originally came from the United States, and some artists like Gorillaz sprang up from the United Kingdom.

– Neolithic agriculture sprang up in the Indus Valley region around 7000 years ago, in the lower Gangetic valley around 5000 years ago.

– Those are just items that sprang to my mind in the last 10 minutes; I am sure a critical reading of a sufficiently knowledgable person will reveal more of these.

– Towns quickly sprang up, occupied by the Dutch, Swedes, and Finns.

– When Kronos threw Uranos’ genitals into the sea, there formed sea foam, from which Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, sprang forth.

– Pegasus, a winged horse, and Chrysaor, a golden giant, sprang from her blood.

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