“observed” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “observed”:

– In these observations, he found a fourth body, and also observed that the four were not fixed stars, but rather were orbiting Jupiter.Galilei/Helden, 15-16.

– Gamma-ray bursts were first observed in the late 1960s by the U.S.

– Some have been observed soaring for hundreds of metres using the updraft on the leading edges of waves.

– In the 18th century, Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis made experiments with scorpion venom and observed that certain dogs and mice were immune to this venom.

– Geek Pride Day has been observed on May 25 in Spain since 2006.

observed - sentence examples
observed – sentence examples

Example sentences of “observed”:

- It is observed to remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, his death, and his rising from the dead.

- The largest group verifiably observed in this way contained over 1,300 individuals, in Lopé National Park, Gabon—the largest aggregation of nonhuman primates ever recorded.
- This also meant that there were no set rules to the game; Naismith only observed how it was played and changed the rules accordingly.

– It is observed to remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, his death, and his rising from the dead.

– The largest group verifiably observed in this way contained over 1,300 individuals, in Lopé National Park, Gabon—the largest aggregation of nonhuman primates ever recorded.

– This also meant that there were no set rules to the game; Naismith only observed how it was played and changed the rules accordingly.

– An August 11, 2005 United States patent application cites yerba mate extract as an inhibitor of MAO activity; the maximal inhibition observed “in vitro” was 40–50%.

– A number of astronomers have used the concept of PlanetX to explain other anomalies observed in the outer Solar System.

– Polarization by scattering is observed as light passes through the atmosphere.

– Weinberg observed that proportions of homozygotes in familial Studies of genetic inheritance in human families.

– On June 28, 1968, the United States Congress made a law that said that the official Memorial Day holiday is May 30, but that Memorial Day was to be observed by Federal Employees as a paid holiday on the last Monday in May.

– The RNA component, in isolation, was enough for the observed catalytic activity of the enzyme.

– In August 2007 the people of Bakhshali observed a strike against power cuts.

– New In Chess observed in its 2000 Yearbook that of the 731,740games in its database, White scored 54.8% overall; with the two most popular opening moves, White scored 54.1% in 349,855games beginning 1.e4, and 56.1% in 296,200games beginning 1.d4.

– He observed in 1849 that salts of tartaric acid collected from wine-making equipment could rotate plane polarized light, but that salts from other sources did not.

– Rubinzstein-Dunlop’s team has observed dynamical tunnelling in quantum chaotic systems.

– The scientists used extremely short flashes of light, called attosecond pulses, which allowed an electron’s motion to be observed for the first time.

More in-sentence examples of “observed”:

– Since the ozone layer prevents most harmful UVB wavelengths from passing through the Earth’s atmosphere, observed and projected decreases in ozone have generated worldwide concern.

– In 1818, Christian Gmelin observed that lithium salts give a bright red color in flame.

– Exceptions to this trend is observed for alkaline earth metals.

– It was observed that if this assessment became publicly known it ‘could have a serious adverse effects on sales’ prospects for Rapier, which is the staple revenue-earner for BAe’s Dynamic Group.”” Freedman, Sir Lawrence, “The Official History of the Falklands Campaign”.

– The most simple method of measuring wind speed is to estimate the speed from the observed event against the Beaufort Scale.

– This shift marked the beginning of a diet composed of 49% carbohydrates as opposed to the previous 35% observed in Paleolithic humans.

– What is meant by errors and residuals is the difference between the observed or measured value and the real value, which is unknown.

– They have been observed only indirectly, such as tracks of Ionionized particles in a particle accelerator.

– She also observed behaviors such as hugs, kisses, pats on the back, and even tickling, what we consider ‘human’ actions.

– He observed and described the stars, their positions, their magnitudes and their colour, setting out his results constellation by constellation.

– As observed from Earth.

– Christmas, New Year’s Day and Easter are observed by the Christian population.

– This species has been observed hunting during all daylight periods and as late as 2–3 hours after sunset from March to October, with ambient temperatures of 20–32°C.

– Air rise in temperature is observed from the north on the south and the southeast of territory of republic.

– An unusual behaviour was once observed in Hawaiian waters.

– On December 21, 2012, Obama and his White House staff observed a moment of silence because of the school shooting in Connecticut.

– Maha Sivaratri festival is observed in the night, usually in lighted temples or special “prabha”.

– Celtic culture, unlike the very linear philosophy of Rome and Greece, was built upon a very cyclically minded philosophy, patterning itself after the seasonal cycles and life cycles they observed in their beloved natural world.

– Cultivated Australian English is rare compared to the rest but can be observed in the upper and middle classes, from migrant families with recent British ties and in performing arts communities where pronounced English is of most benefit.

– It is the response of the subject which causes the observed effect, not the substance,.

– Good Friday is a Holidayreligious holiday usually observed by Christians.

– Red Bull representatives, however, stated that this observed increase in cardiovascular risk was not felt to be different from that associated with drinking a regular cup of coffee.

– It was known Prehistorypre-historically in the Southern Hemisphere and was observed by Vicente Yáñez Pinzón in 1499.

– Airway remodeling has been observed in chldren as young as six.

– Josh Winning of “Total Film” observed its “unflinching depictions of violence”.

– About one-third of confirmed member stars have been observed well outside this boundary, in the cluster’s extended halo.

– They then observed failures in metabolic pathways caused by errors in specific enzymes.

– Miller revolutionized the world of psychology by showing that aspects of the human mind could be observed and tested in a laboratory setting.

– DST is not observed in the AWT time zone.

– Swarm intelligence wants to obtain similar behaviour than that observed with these animals.

– If the Sun were to be observed from the Alpha Centauri system, the nearest star system to ours, it would appear to be as a star in the constellation Cassiopeia.

– More than 750 of the world’s top riders took part in the four mountain bike sports of Cross Country, Downhill, Four Cross and Observed Trials.

– All these particles have been observed in the laboratory.

– She was not well observed in popular places.

– The observed connection of the infection with liver disease might be due to the capability of more virulent strains to capture iron bound to transferrin.

– Heavy volcanic ash falls were observed as far away as Borneo, Sulawesi, Java and Maluku islands.

– The behaviour has only been observed in the bay.

– It is observed in several Asian cultures, including among ChinaChinese, Jewish and Vietnamese people.

– There was a three-minute silence observed during this service.

– Arabia Standard Time observed all year in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar.

– Large amounts of the vitamin are used in orthomolecular medicine and no harmful effects have been observed even in doses of 10,000mg per day or more.

– The male is often observed to roll the female onto her side and then assumes a similar position so that the two animals are abdomen to abdomen.

– The terminology is also applied to indirect measurements—that is, values obtained by a computational procedure from observed data.

– Estonia has observed daylight saving time since 1981 when it was part of the Soviet Union.

– In aquaria, krill have been observed to eat each other.

– Silky sharks have been observed with their head raised, back arched and tail lowered, a posture believed to be a form of threat display.

- Since the ozone layer prevents most harmful UVB wavelengths from passing through the Earth's atmosphere, observed and projected decreases in ozone have generated worldwide concern.

- In 1818, Christian Gmelin observed that lithium salts give a bright red color in flame.
- Exceptions to this trend is observed for alkaline earth metals.

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