Example uses in sentence of “acquired”

How to use in-sentence of “acquired”:

– In 1170, due to its military importance, Rabat acquired the title “Ribatu l-Fath”, meaning “stronghold of victory” from which it gets its current name.

– In all cases, the team considered is the original holder of the draft pick, not a team which may have acquired the pick via a trade or other means.

– Because, most pneumonias, are acquired from someone else that is infected, handwashing, and wearing surgical masks around the sick, are the most important preventative steps.

– During its early years, desktop publishing acquired a bad reputation as a result of untrained users who created poorly-organized layouts — similar criticism would be levied again against early Web publishers a decade later.

– This idea is called “the inheritance of acquired characteristics”.

– Navy acquired her under a free lease from the Conservation Commission of Maryland.

– They acquired ‘me2day’, a micro blog website and ‘Wingbus’, a tour guide website in 2009.

Example uses in sentence of acquired
Example uses in sentence of acquired

Example sentences of “acquired”:

– Even before the creation of the game, in 2004 the game JAMDAT Bowling enjoyed great success in the mobile market, which was then acquired by Electronic Arts.

– This acquired immunity creates a kind of “immunological memory”.

– About half of the total acquired land is being used for afforestation, roads, parks, public conveniences, water facilities-canals, green belts etc.; 23% of the land would be reserved for educational institutions, government offices and public auditoriums etc.; and 30% of the land will be used for residential and economical purposes.

– In December 2006 John Laing plc was acquired by the Private Equity arm of Henderson Group.

– In 2010, it acquired the natural gas networks from Luxgaz Distribution S.A..

– In January 2009 HBOS was acquired by Lloyds TSB which subsequently became Lloyds Banking Group.

– In 1620 the rich merchant Sir Richard Robartes acquired the estate and began building Lanhydrock House, designed to a four-sided layout around a central courtyard.

– It became Verizon Center in January 2006 when Verizon Communications acquired the naming rights for the arena.

– Marathon Media Group was acquired by Zodiak Entertainment and renamed Marathon Media.

– His first professional season was split between the Red Wings in the NHL and their minor league affiliate Winnipeg Jets acquired Kennedy from the Red Wings after the 1993–94 season.

– It was originally owned by independent until it was acquired by Warner Communications in 1975 and joint venture with American Express, Warner-Amex Satellite Entertainment until it was bought by Viacom in 1983 and merged with Showtime to form Showtime/The Movie Channel.

- Even before the creation of the game, in 2004 the game JAMDAT Bowling enjoyed great success in the mobile market, which was then acquired by Electronic Arts.

- This acquired immunity creates a kind of "immunological memory".
- About half of the total acquired land is being used for afforestation, roads, parks, public conveniences, water facilities-canals, green belts etc.; 23% of the land would be reserved for educational institutions, government offices and public auditoriums etc.; and 30% of the land will be used for residential and economical purposes.

More in-sentence examples of “acquired”:

– Honda acquired the naming rights for the arena in October 2006.

– Weismann was one of the first biologists to deny the inheritance of acquired characters entirely.

– The staff, which once belonged to an Easter Island king, was acquired by the Chilean Navy in 1870 and is now in Santiago’s Museum of Natural History.

– Polk acquired this throughout the Mexican American War.

– The Civil War Trust and its partners have acquired and preserved four acres of the Falling Waters Battlefield.

– The area covered were acquired by the government of Maharashtra.

– In 2017, AGCO acquired Precision Planting, LLC, a planting equipment and technology business.

– The Chennai franchise was sold to the India Cements for $91 million, making it the fourth most expensive team in the league behind Mumbai, Bangalore and Hyderabad.India Cements acquired the rights to the franchise for 10 years.

– Ornithomimids probably acquired most of their calories from plants.

– Arnold purchased large tracts of land in the Maugerville area, and acquired city lots in Saint John and Fredericton.

– Seven storms attained hurricane status, of which three acquired major hurricane status.

– In the process, the Fourth acquired a more neatly rectangular shape, and sharply reduced the amount of counties divided between the Fourth and another district.

– Vaccines boost the acquired immune system by offering weak forms of infection that the body can fight off.

– Over time, they acquired a few protections under Roman law.The rights available to individual citizens of Rome varied over time, according to their place of origin, and their service to the state.

– He has acquired Bulgarian citizenship and considers himself wholly Bulgarian.

– Oracle Corporation acquired Sun Microsystems in January 2010.

– Baldwin acquired the remainder of the county of Hainaut by fiefs and by purchasing allods.

– He returned to France under the Directory in 1797 and acquired the magistrate post he would then hold for the rest of his life, as a judge of the Court of Cassation.

– After a few years, the island was acquired by the Appiani, Lords of Piombino, who kept it for two centuries.

– On May 31, 2006, formal charges were laid against the zoo by the Crown Counsel of British Columbia, in accordance with the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act because they failed to provide acceptable facilities for a baby hippo named “Hazina” that they acquired in October 2004.

– Two years later, iPass acquired GoRemote Internet Communications, a former rival in the corporate remote access market. In the midst of these acquisitions, iPass recorded year-end revenue growth, despite declining revenues from the company’s traditional dial-up business. In fact, total revenues grew to $192 million by the end of 2007.

– He started his Trier residence by learning German until he acquired the ‘Prüfung zum Nachweis der Deutsch Sprachkenntnis’ that qualified him to regular study at the university.

– We have acquired a module sandbox, which I guess could be useful.

– Ranhofer did not invent baked Alaska, but he popularized it in 1876 when he named it in honor of the newly acquired Alaskan territory.

– It was acquired again by Kerkorian for $1.3 billion.

– King Louis IX had acquired this Crown from Emperor Baudouin II in 1239.

- Honda acquired the naming rights for the arena in October 2006.

- Weismann was one of the first biologists to deny the inheritance of acquired characters entirely.
- The staff, which once belonged to an Easter Island king, was acquired by the Chilean Navy in 1870 and is now in Santiago's Museum of Natural History.

– The Civil War Trust and its partners have acquired and preserved 647 acres of the South Mountain battlefield.

– In 2006, Naver acquired a search company ‘1noon’.

– Through deeds such as these, John acquired a reputation for ruthlessness.

– By October 1979 the IMSAI corporation had gone bankrupt, and the ‘IMSAI’ trademark was acquired by Thomas “Todd” Fischer and Nancy Freitas, who continued manufacturing the computers under the IMSAI name as a division of Fischer-Freitas Co.

– Most were acquired by impressment.

– Savills announced in August 2016 that it had acquired GBR Phoenix Beard, a Midlands-based commercial property consultancy, strengthening its UK real estate services.

– Bruno went on to found a tableware company. In 1995, the business was acquired by Whitbread for £19M, UK’s largest hotel and coffee shop operator, becoming a wholly owned subsidiary.

– When he retired in 1964, he had acquired 73 career victories.

– Banana Republic was acquired by The Gap, Inc.

– In the modern era, Lamarck is remembered mainly for a theory of the inheritance of acquired characters, called soft inheritance or Lamarckism.

– In 2004, UNTV gradually reduced, until it eventually abandoned airing rock-oriented music videos after its airtime were acquired by Tapatan, Inc.

– It was also during these years that he acquired his passion for ever better police equipment and his personal love of new gadgets.

– In the present, the addition of artisans has acquired more importance, as well as music and dance in the nights.

– He bought Charlton Athletic Football Club from East Street Investments in September 2020 and acquired approval from the EFL to run the club.

– He was then acquired by Borussia Dortmund in his first season.

– Tube Lines was later acquired by TfL in 2011, and managed as owner-designer firm.

– In June 2014, Savills announced it had acquired 100% of Studley, Inc.

– A nurseryman named Williams later acquired the variety, and introducing it to the rest of England, which is why the pear became known as the Williams Pear.USA Pears.

– The Company’s assets were acquired by the FranceFrench publisher Titus Software — its name was changed to Avalon Interactive on July 1, 2003.

– It is worth to be sure whether the painful sexual act is acquired or lifelong and whether it is generalized or situational.

– In January 2010, Lotte Group acquired the Buy the Way convenience store chain and rebranded its 1,000 stores under the 7-Eleven brand.

– In November 2004, eBay acquired Marktplaats.nl, which offers a similar classifieds service in the Netherlands, holding an 80% market share.

– It acquired the majority in the company later.

– He later began to invest in shipping and eventually acquired a large fleet of freighters which made him one of the richest men in the world.

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