“axis” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “axis”:

– The Axis countries failed to keep up with British and American radar technology during the war.

– The flowers are small and in an inflorescence axis in Inflorescenceracemes like catkins; the pollination is by both wind and insects.

– It honors people who fought with the Allies against the Axis forces at any time during World War II.

– Both Axis Powers and Allied used it.

– You might show your height in centimeters on the vertical axis and your age in years on the horizontal axis.

– They traded with both the Allied and Axis Forces.

axis in sentences?
axis in sentences?

Example sentences of “axis”:

- Given the ~10° uncertainty in the actual rotational axis of Camilla, the orbit's inclination probably is less than 10°.

- The Kingdom was invaded by axis powers in 1941 and quickly fell during World War II.

– Given the ~10° uncertainty in the actual rotational axis of Camilla, the orbit’s inclination probably is less than 10°.

– The Kingdom was invaded by axis powers in 1941 and quickly fell during World War II.

– Any ray that enters the parabola and is parallel to the axis of symmetry will pass through this point after being reflected by the curve.

– Its purpose was to conduct espionage, sabotage and reconnaissance in occupied Europe against the Axis powers, and to aid local resistance movements.

– Romania, Bulgaria, and Finland fought from 1944-1945 and before that were Axis powers.

– He was best known for his associations with the Spencer Davis Group, Axis Point also Hardin and York.

– In 1940, he sent Italy into the Second World War on the side of the Axis countries.

– Most of the world’s countries, including all the great powers, fought as part of two military alliances: the Allies of World War IIAllies and the Axis Powers.

– The diagram illustrates the orbital parameters of Margaret, unique among the non-spherical moons of Uranus, with inclination on the vertical axis and the eccentricity of the orbits represented by the segments extending from the pericentre to the apocentre.

– The Allies were able to have a higher production level compared with the Axis because the Allies had more natural resources.

– On 2 February 1943, the fighting of Axis troops in Stalingrad stopped.

– During WW2, the Axis Powers took over Yugoslavia.

– In more modern times, they were used by both the Allies and Axis during World War II to puncture the tires of wheeled vehicles.

– Usually there are two jets flowing out along the rotation axis of the protostar.

– Meier also designed three other buildings next to the north promontory and offset at a 22.5 degree angle from the main axis of the museum pavilions.

Axis countries and Axis Powers are the names for some countrycountries that fought together against the Allies during World War II.

– A toroid is constructed by rotating a geometrical shape around an axis which is outside the shape.

– This axis is marked in “red” in the picture.

– Many consider Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose a controversial figure due to his association with the Axis Powers.

More in-sentence examples of “axis”:

– Oblate spheroids have rotational symmetry around an axis from pole to pole.

– The axis of the mutual orbit of the two asteroids points towards ecliptic coordinates This is tilted about 63° to the circumsolar orbit of the system.

– By November 1941, the Commonwealth counter-attacked the Axis in North Africa and got all the land it lost before.

– During the eight months of battle in Italy, the BEF captured a total of 20,573 Axis soldiers.

– Many of the Axis forces managed to avoid capture and escape to the mainland.

– The Battle of Stalingrad lasted from August 21, 1942 to February 2, 1943, where 1.7 million to 2 million Axis and Soviet soldiers were killed, wounded or captured, in addition to over 40,000 civilians killed.

– The horizontal axis shows the surface temperature of the stars.

– It is the point on which axis of Earth turns.

– The Earth rotates from west to east around its axis in slightly less than 24 hours.

– The majority of rear wheel drive vehicles use a longitudinal engine design, where the engine’s crankshaft axis is parallel to the vehicle.

– The Axis armies fired many artillery shells at Tobruk and dropped many bombs on the town.

– On a Cartesian coordinate system, with the vertical axis being time.

– Simple tracings were made of Maud Cunnington’s and Professor Alexander Thom’s plans of Woodhenge, which when folded to find its major axis of symmetry indicated that the monument may be aligned on the moon.

– Once the Axis forces had been defeated in Tunisia, the Allied bombers attacked the airfields of Sardinia, Sicily and southern Italy.

– This is where the function crosses the y – axis of the coordinate plane.The first equation is called slope-intercept form, because in it, the slope are easily found.

– On the other was the Axis powers.

– The disk itself is a thin ellipsoid with a long axis / short axis ratio of at least 6 to 1, and possibly as high as 9 to 1.

– This was to prevent the Axis countries, especially Nazi Germany, from accelerating their own nuclear projects or undertaking covert operations against the project.

– The fountain lies at the end of the northern axis between the Water Walk and Neptune Fountain.

– In case of Earth, the axis of rotation of Earth passes through the north pole, the centre of mass of Earth and the south pole.

– The east-west axis then follows the walkway between the central garden and the west pavilion, and finally the north wall of the west pavilion and the courtyard between the south and east pavilions.

– Published in 1961, 1962, 1990, Introduction Numerous surviving testimonies from the Nuremberg Trials and the German “All Or Nothing: The Axis and the Holocaust, 1941-1943″ by Jonathan Steinberg Routledge 2002 Pages 29-30 By 28 June Glaise von Horstenau reported that “according to reliable reports from countless German military and civil observers during the last few weeks the Ustasi have gone raging mad”.

– It ended Axis countriesAxis‘s hopes of occupying Egypt, taking control of the Suez Canal, and reaching the Middle Eastern oil fields.

– This is because a large angular momentum stabilises the disc in the same way that it keeps a gyroscope steady, with the angular force forcing the mass of the disc away from the centre of mass, perpendicular to the axis of rotation.

– When the axis points toward the Sun, one polar hemisphere has a greater difference between the seasons while the other has milder seasons.

- Oblate spheroids have rotational symmetry around an axis from pole to pole.

- The axis of the mutual orbit of the two asteroids points towards ecliptic coordinates This is tilted about 63° to the circumsolar orbit of the system.
- By November 1941, the Commonwealth counter-attacked the Axis in North Africa and got all the land it lost before.

– Similarly, the exponential function exactly maps all lines not parallel with the real or imaginary axis in the complex plane, to all logarithmic spirals in the complex plane with centre at 0.

– Both the Axis countries and the Soviet Union had many millions of soldiers, and both sides lost millions.

– Following the Ardennes Offensive in mid-December, the Allies thought the Axis might try an attack in Northern Italy.

– As the cloud rotated, it became a flat disc perpendicular to its axis of rotation.

– This occurs when the angle between the axis of the cone and the plane is less than the angle between a line on the side of the cone and the plane.

– The central line from which the rock strata dip away in opposing directions is called the axis of fold.

– Specifically, a right-handed turn around an axis usually counts as positive, while a left-handed rotation counts as negative.

– Furthermore, the sequence of these control genes show “co-linearity”: the order of the Locus loci in the chromosome parallels the order in which the loci are expressed along the anterior-posterior axis of the body.

– Germany, Japan and Italy left the League, became the Axis powers, invaded many peaceful countries, and caused World War II.

– The radius of the semi-major axis of Earth at the equator is 6,378,137.0 meters resulting in a circumference of 40,075,161.2 meters.

– In 1937 Tito came back to Yugoslavia and during World War II he, total supported by Anglo-Americans and Soviet armies, organized People’s Liberation Army against the Axis countriesAxis powers and in civil war against Yugoslav Army in the Fatherland, Serbian State Guards, Croatian Home Guard, Slovene Home Guard.

– For a trough in the westerlies, the region just west of the trough axis is typically an area of convergent winds and descending air – and hence high pressure – while the region just east of the trough axis is an area of fast, divergent winds and low pressure.

– This led to the Joint Brazil-U.S Defense Commission, which was designed to counter Axis influence in South America.

– Along one axis lie the galleries and along the other axis lie the administrative buildings.

– When WW2 began, Mussolini led Italy to be allied with Hitler, and the Axis powers.

– The second was to keep open its own supply lines, the Axis to their own armies in North Africa and the Allies to supply the island of Malta.

– The Axis axis in the middle has centripetal force, which is the opposite force of centrifugal force.

– On June 22, 1941, the European Axis countries attacked the Soviet Union.

– Its rotation is chaotic, meaning its Axis axis of rotation wobbles, unlike how the Earth and the Moon rotate, or any other moon in the Solar System.

– In each, the central vertical axis comprises the “neutral”, “achromatic”, or “gray” colors, ranging from black at lightness 0 or value 0, the bottom, to white at lightness 1 or value 1, the top.

– A series of hard fought convoy battles were victories for the Axis but ensured Malta’s survival, until the Allies regained the advantage in November 1942.

– The Earth makes one complete rotation around this imaginary axis every 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds.The line passes through the north and south poles of a planet.

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