“predict” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “predict”:

– They then had to predict whether each card was higher or lower than the one before it, just like before.

– Detailed observations of the location of Mars were made by Babylonian astronomers who developed methods using math to predict the future position of the planet.

– One day, Deus Ex Machina, the God of Time and Space, give Yuki’s diary the power to predict the future, but warns Yuki that if his diary is broken, Yuki will die.

– These rules predict the UV absorption maximum of compounds.

– Seers were prophets, people who were said to be able to see the future or predict events before they happened.

– Together with the leading flagellum, the eyespot allows the organism to move in response to light to assist in photosynthesis, and to predict day and night, the primary function of circadian rhythms.

– His work seemed did not just predict the future of technology such as the World Wide Web.

predict some ways to use
predict some ways to use

Example sentences of “predict”:

- Physics is used to describe the physical universe around us, and to predict how it will behave.

- What Witten actually did was to predict that the fact that all these different theories were connected was a result of there being some underlying theory of which they were all approximations.

– Physics is used to describe the physical universe around us, and to predict how it will behave.

– What Witten actually did was to predict that the fact that all these different theories were connected was a result of there being some underlying theory of which they were all approximations.

– She had a mysterious ability to predict weather and often she warned others to not make journeys to the sea.

– Paramedics have to work in many different types of emergency, and cannot predict what the next one will be.

– In April 2007, the Polish population of the United Kingdom had risen to about 300,000 people and estimates predict about 65,000 Polish people living in the Republic of Ireland.

– Theoretical chemistry uses physics to explain or predict chemistrychemical observations.

– One of the problems is that with virtual memory it is difficult to predict the response time.

– It is possible to predict which couple will divorce and which will not.

– But both Newton and Leibniz were the first to design a system that describes how things change over time, and can predict how they will change in the future.

– May be it soon becomes clear that Jake can predict the future.

More in-sentence examples of “predict”:

- He said that the two electrons must have been spin-up or spin-down all along, but that quantum mechanics could not predict which characteristic each electron had.

- The official forecasts continued to predict weakening and dissipation but Epsilon did not follow the forecaster's predictions, and remained at hurricane strength for several more days.

– He said that the two electrons must have been spin-up or spin-down all along, but that quantum mechanics could not predict which characteristic each electron had.

– The official forecasts continued to predict weakening and dissipation but Epsilon did not follow the forecaster’s predictions, and remained at hurricane strength for several more days.

– He and two of his colleagues wrote what has come to be known as the “EPR paper.” That paper argues that there must be characteristics that do determine position and momentum, and that if we could see them, or if we can get information about them, then we can mathematically know and predict position and momentum.

– For example, this can help predict whether a substance will have luminescence.

– They relied on it to predict when the flood season would start.

– He was one of the earliest property marketing consultants in Penang to predict and measure the impact of vital infrastructure and transport links to the state’s property sector, pointing to a doubling of property prices near the second Penang bridge in 2014: “In 2007, a terrace house in Batu Maung was worth about RM700,000.

– In some cases, this means that it is possible to accurately predict the weather for a time of about ten days; in other cases a prediction over even a few days may be difficult.

– Atomic orbitals predict the position of an electron in an atom.

– Woodward was probably the first synthetic organic chemist who used these rules to predict what steps would work in a synthesis.

– Alternative workarounds include having a small data cache built into the processor, and using complicated algorithms and logic to predict what will be needed next and get it before it is needed.

– Its peak rises A 1993 eruption killed nine people, including six scientists who had gone down into the volcano’s crater to take samples of gases and measure gravity in an attempt to be able to predict future eruptions.

– That all aside, happy voting! We’re not exactly going to need Nostradamus to predict the outcome of this Request for Adminship.

– Oxidation states were invented by Antoine Lavoisier to predict how oxygen reacted in chemical reactions; hence the name.

– Blood types predict whether a serious reaction will occur in a blood transfusion.

– Here, the irregular means it’s hard to predict the result which is not yet occurred.

– Although information is still coming out about swine flu, so far it does not seem to be as severe as bird flu or the flu that caused the influenza pandemic of 1918, but it is much too early to predict whether it will cause the next flu pandemic.

– She has the power to predict things, which is not common even with demigods.

– None could predict a quantum particle’s location from moment to moment.

– Punnett is probably best remembered today as the creator of the Punnett square, a tool still used by biologists to predict the probability of possible genotypes of offspring.

– Mathematics is used in physics to make models that try to predict what will happen in nature.

– Meteorologists use this data to understand weather and to predict it.

– Logistic regression is used in statistics and machine learning to predict values of an input from previous test data.

– The contestant in control had to predict whether each card was higher or lower than the card before it.

– A theory that can produce a statement that is not true, a theory that can predict something that does not in fact happen, or that predicts that something will happen but it does not happen, is not a correct theory.

– However, it took them a long time to even guess strangeness was the answer because it took over 16 years to predict it after the discovery of kaons.

– Because of this uncertainty and other factors, you cannot use classical mechanics to predict the motion of quantum particles.

– Putting in different numbers for m and n, it is easy to predict frequencies for many types of light.

– The phrases most-substituted and least-substituted are often used to describe molecules and predict their products.

– He was the first person to predict that emissions of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels and other combustion processes would cause global warming.

– The molecular symmetry of the reactants help predict how the product of the reaction is made up and the energy needed for the reaction.

– They explain the ice ages which occurred in the geological past of the Earth, and predict climate changes on the Earth which may be expected in the future.

– They predict future performance, such as school achievement, similarly to the way they predict future performance for European descent.

– Chemists use such functions to predict or explain chemical and physical properties.

– Referring to the inability to objectively predict an outcome or result of a process due to lack of knowledge of a cause and effect relationship or the inability to know initial conditions.

– It is also common for metallurgists to use computer simulations to predict heat flow or the cost of making a particular product.

– Geneticists can also use pedigree charts to predict how traits will be passed to future children in a family.

– It is not certain exactly how thick the biosphere is, though scientists predict that it is around 12,500 meters.

– Some industry experts predict that Microsoft will release IE9 as a major out-of-band version that is not tied to any particular version of Windows.

– For example, heat-tracking can predict where the ball would have gone after impact with the batter’s body if the batter had not been there.

Predictive profiling attempts to predict which people might commit crimes in the future.

– Borland J, “Wired Science”, 8 Oct 2007 The Schwarzschild solution of Einstein’s equations can be maximally extended to predict a black hole having a flip side—another universe emerging from a white hole.

– Realpolitik, however, is an older prescriptive guideline limited to policy-making, while realism is a wider theoretical and methodological paradigm to describe, explain, and predict events in international relations.

– The displayed universe is relative to a given location, yet once the mass/energy in that vicinity is stated, Einstein’s equations predict what is occurring—or did occur or will occur—anywhere in the universe.

– The global model guidance originally failed to predict the storms track well, with some models showing that it would somehow stop offshore.

– Isaac NewtonSir Isaac Newton realized that the same rules of mechanics that he had found on the surface of the Earth also could be used to predict how the planets moved.

– The Woodward-Hoffman rules predict that these six electron reactions would proceed suprafacially, using a Huckel topology transition state.

– Science is a body of knowledge about the natural world, produced by scientists who observe, explain, and predict real world phenomena.

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