“scene” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “scene”:

– She also made many appearances on television shows such as “JAG”, “Frasier”, “Law Order: Special Victims Unit”, “24 24”, “George Lopez”, “House”, “Lost” and “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation”.

– Since then, he is considered to be a driving force in bringing back the West Coast hip hop scene into the mainstream and competing with many of his East Coast counterparts.

– Then, they bursted on the music scene with Nelly with the release of his solo album “Country Grammar” but City Spud was arrested and sentenced to 10 years in prison for robbery.

– According to Lee Unkrich, one of the original editors of “Toy Story”, there was a scene that was cut out of the movie.

– On 11 April 1877 the Tynewydd Colliery was the scene of a mine disaster that led to a mine rescue operation following which four first-class and twenty-one second-class Albert Medals for Lifesaving were awarded.

– A scene from this movie was #45 on Bravo’s “100 Scariest Movie Moments”.

scene use in-sentences
scene use in-sentences

Example sentences of “scene”:

– Typically, a large scale scene includes: the Holy Family, the Angelangels, the Magi, the ox and the shepherds, villagers, servants and others.

– Athena wove her scene where she won over Poseidon, the god of the sea.

– In the next scene Tamino finds himself in a holy place.

– The “NME” still covered the Indie scene a lot.

– This confrontation scene between a predator and its prey would inspire many imitations, establishing the two dinosaurs as ‘mortal enemies’ in the popular consciousness.

– Shortly after a concert tour, and the release of a live album and DVD in 2004, Hajime announced that she would be taking time away from the music scene to get married, and have a child.

– It is the custom in many churches to set up a Crib scene of the “Nativity” or birth of Jesus.

– The Dortmunder fan scene is divided opinion over this step, since he offers on the one hand the financial safety device, but on the other hand a tradition break represents.

– This scene includes the famous line “fair is foul, and foul is fair”, a subject which becomes a main part of the play.

– It is featured during the climactic scene of the movie “Snatch.

– For economical reasons, especially in the 1950s, and later in TV series produced on movie, printer work was limited to only the actual parts of a scene needing the effect, so there is a clear change in the image quality when the transition occurs.

– The final scene for Anna, Elvira, Zerlina, Ottavio, Masetto, and Leporello was probably cut.

– One scene in the video features Lambert making his way through a crowd of paparazzi and fans into a car.

– Although this scene was not designed for “Giselle”, it has remained the model for most modern productions.

– They played “I’ll Never Fall In Love Again” during the scene where Mike Myers danced with Heather Graham.

- Typically, a large scale scene includes: the Holy Family, the Angelangels, the Magi, the ox and the shepherds, villagers, servants and others.

- Athena wove her scene where she won over Poseidon, the god of the sea.
- In the next scene Tamino finds himself in a holy place.

More in-sentence examples of “scene”:

- In this one, she joined into a police academy, where she took two courses of crime scene investigation and reveal of footprints.

- These included hybrids like blues rock, folk rock, New genres that came from this scene included progressive rock, glam rock and heavy metal.

– In this one, she joined into a police academy, where she took two courses of crime scene investigation and reveal of footprints.

– These included hybrids like blues rock, folk rock, New genres that came from this scene included progressive rock, glam rock and heavy metal.

– On 15 April 1989, the ground was the scene of one of the worst sporting tragedies of all time.

– Prude received CPR on the scene and later died of problems caused from asphyxia after being taken off life support.

– The scene in the pub was shot in The Stag’s Head pub on Dame Court in Dublin.

– Unfortunately the popularity did not do well with the Gilman scene and they were exiled.

– The series, which aired from 27 September 2007, saw Piper in several semi-nude scenes, including a lesbian romp and one scene featuring her saddling a client and riding him like a horse.

– I just haven’t decided if they are positive or negative yet.” Another scene shows them leaning in, seemingly to kiss.

– This inhospitable salty lowland, rich in Natural gas, is one scene of the perennial border disputes between Bharat and Pakistan that, in April 1965, contributed to the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965.

– In 70 AD it was the scene of the Great Jewish Revolt resulting in the institution of the Fiscus Judaicus.

– W’s visit the happy scene en route to further travels.

– The record garnered the band some success in the Southern California metal core scene and they constantly performed to support the seven-track release.

– This episode is also based on the first scene of “The Rugrats Movie”.

– Kennedy left the scene leaving Kopechne to drown to death as she was trapped in the car.

– While filming a street scene one day, the camera stopped briefly.

– He has acted in television series such as “Where My Dogs At?”, “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation”, “Six Feet Under” and “Weeds”.

– Marcus arrived on the scene in August 178, and in due course the Romans won a decisive battle in what is now Slovakia.

– The scene uses Vera Lynn’s song “We’ll Meet Again”.

– One well-known scene that took its idea from this, is from “West Side Story”, a musical by Leonard Bernstein, which takes place on a fire-escape landing with the lovers, Tony and Maria, singing the lovesong, “Tonight”.

– For a moment, Petrushka peers out of his room at the crowd in Admiralty Square to the “crowd music” from Scene One.

– One scene shows him distributing leaflets that had been dropped from American planes.

– His score came out as an Eels song into a romantic scene with Shrek and Fiona, or a funny scene with Donkey.

– One Sunday afternoon, he worked his way into a group of Lithuanian immigrants getting together for a wedding party, “Behold, there was the opening scene of my story, a gift from the gods”.

– The theatre focused on Malaysian art scene and strives to promote Malaysian art forms both nationally and internationally.

– It also includes a computer-generated image scene of Marlon Brando, who died in 2004.

– In one scene of the movie it looks as if animators had written the word “sex” into some of the frames of animation.

– It was a thin, almost flat marble slab delicately carved with the scene of Jesus giving “the Keys” to Peter.

– This included a recommendation that local Garda superintendents undergo refresher training for one week every year as scene commanders and a similar refresher course for ERU officers of the rank of inspector or superintendent.

– What a FeelingWhat a Feeling” and was performed by Cher Lloyd, the club scene during The Hangover Part II and on the soundtrack of Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit.

– A scene in the episode Arthur’s Big Hit where Arthur punched D.W became a very popular meme on the internet.

– William Shakespeare mentions it in “Titus Andronicus”, Act II, Scene I: “Overcome with moss and baleful mistletoe”.

– The late eighties and early nineties had a generally weak rock scene in the UK and the paper was forced into giving a high profile to long forgotten bands like Kingmaker and the Railway Children.

– It’s other members were playing in different bands in the Liverpool music scene including street punkers Down and Outs and new wave popsters Victor FME.

– He first became known for his role as Ronnie Litre in the CBS crime-drama “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation”.

– The southern gatehouse, the Stone Gateway, became the scene of one of London’s most notorious sights: a display of the severed heads of treasontraitors, stuck on pikes and dipped in tar to preserve them.

– This is the scene of a famous chess-playing episode where the two play for the knight’s soul.

– The scream for that scene was recorded later in one take.

– A controversial crime scene photo taken of Coon after his suicide was leaked to the public from a radio disc jockey from the Rover’s Morning Glory show.

– Elin and Agnes eventually show each other’s feelings at the end of the movie, where, after a climactic scene in a school bathroom, they decide to “out” their relationship to all students in the school.

– The scene is a party in a casino.

– They get caught in the midst of a scene and inadvertently interrupt the performance; Leo tries to continue performing, but freaks out and runs off when Tommy shows him the lizard.

– With the painting Les Demoiselles d’Avignon 1907, Picasso dramatically created a new and radical picture depicting a raw and primitive brothel scene with five prostitutes, violently painted women, reminiscent of African tribal masks and his own new Cubist inventions.

– Giselle’s Act 1 pantomime scene in which she tells Albrecht of her strange dream is cut.

– On the outside of the wings you can see the annunciation scene with Mary, the birth of Christ, the 3 kings worshipping and the dedication in the temple.

– The scene now changes to The Boar Inn.

– This is why the scene shows barely any security.

– The new scenes include: a more graphic version of Bex’s blinding of Oboe, a scene of Bex mock-raping his wife, and Bex performing a knife attack on Yeti’s private parts.

– The first scene was an opening sequence as a Buzz Lightyear cartoon, which ended up as a video game, and the second was the famed “Woody’s Nightmare” scene, where Woody is thrown out, as he fails to glow in the dark and destroyed by cockroaches, but in Toy Story 2, he was thrown out because his arm was broken, and he was sucked in by other broken toys.

– The first episode, “Children of the Gods” was two hours long and was rated R because of a scene of nudity.

– He was also highly regarded for his stance as a method actor on not only the British but American stage scene appearing in everything from light-hearted comedies to extreme dramatic roles.

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