Sentence example of “muslim”

How to use in-sentence of “muslim”:

– Al-Sufi was one of the nine noted Muslim astronomers.

– However, later on most people thought of this as a call for a separate Muslim state, Pakistan.

– He is the first Muslim since the independence of India to become the mayor of that city.

– She is a strong supporter of ‘Progressive Islam’ and of the right of abortion and to the access to contraception for Muslim women.

– The Battle of Uhud was the second military encounter between the Meccans and the Muslims, after the Battle of Badr in 624, where a small Muslim army had defeated the larger Meccan army.

Sentence example of muslim
Sentence example of muslim

Example sentences of “muslim”:

– Stanley Wolpert, “Jinnah of Pakistan”, Karachi;OxfordUP, 1993, pp.150-151 He was also later one of the chief supporters and architects of the Lahore Resolution, March 1940, calling for an autonomous or semi-independent Muslim majority region within the larger Indian confederation Malik, p.86 —which demand later led to the demand for an independent Pakistan.

– Baghajati is one of the finders and a board member of European Muslim Initiative for Social Cohesion.

– The Rashidun caliphs directly succeeded Muhammad as leaders of the muslim community.

– Djibouti is a Muslim country which regularly takes part in Islamic as well as Arab meetings.

– When Persia was taken over by Muslims the game was spread to all parts of the Muslim world.

– The following is the full list of the 25 original, formally designated members of the Special Working Committee of the All India Muslim League, 1940, which met between 21 and 24 March 1940, “Programme of the All India Muslim Leagues 27th Annual Session, to be held at Lahore 21st to 24th March 1940″, at the National Archives of Pakistan, Islamabad, the Quaid-e-Azam Papers, File 1354 and which largely drafted the Lahore Resolution.

– Ellison is the first Muslim to be elected to Congress.

- Stanley Wolpert, "Jinnah of Pakistan", Karachi;OxfordUP, 1993, pp.150-151 He was also later one of the chief supporters and architects of the Lahore Resolution, March 1940, calling for an autonomous or semi-independent Muslim majority region within the larger Indian confederation Malik, p.86 —which demand later led to the demand for an independent Pakistan.

- Baghajati is one of the finders and a board member of European Muslim Initiative for Social Cohesion.

– They are Muslim Malays.

– Courting Islamists from the Muslim Brotherhood to Salafi movementSalafist groups has served as a power amplifier for the country, as it believes since the beginning of the Arab Spring that these groups represented the wave of the future.

– They had two sides; Muslim and Non-muslim what divided them was a 6 mile boulevard.

– According to Muslim scripture, Jesus claims to be prophet chosen by God, different from the divine status he has in Christianity.

More in-sentence examples of “muslim”:

– He worked to improve his own community and the Muslim community in India.

– Al-`Askarī or the `Askariyya Mosque/Shrine is a Shī`a Muslim holy site.

– In the modern era, most parts of the Muslim world came under influence or control of European powers.

– Muhammad Ali converted to Islam and became Muslim during the 1960s.

– A religious duty that must be carried out at least once in their lifetime by every able-bodied Muslim who can afford to do so.

– Atheism affected religious development and contributed to the isolation of the Turkmen people from the international Muslim community.

– Her novel “Gambhiri Ghara” she describes an unusual relationship between two people, a Hindu house wife of India and a Muslim artist of Pakistan.

– They considered themselves to be in a state of war with Mecca and raided Meccan caravans that had Muslim belongings left in Mecca.

– A Muslim leader reported that not one Muslim occupied an influential post in the administration.

– At the Battle of Badr in 624, a small Muslim force had defeated the much larger Meccan army.

– Muhammad Siddiq El-Minshawi has become a household name across the Muslim world.

– Lots of Somalis did not like what was going on, so a Muslim religious leader named Mohammed Abdullah Hassan started a group called the Darwiish to fight the British, Italians and Ethiopians.

– She will also be the first Muslim Lieutenant Governor in Canada.

– She works for the rights of Muslim and Tamil IDPs in Sri Lanka.

– In Pakistan, the Pakistan Muslim League is still one of the major political parties.

– Pakistan’s two largest political partypolitical parties are the Pakistan People’s Party and the government party Pakistan Muslim League.

– From 1942 to 1947, Khan was active as a leading Punjabi peoplePunjabi member of the All India Muslim League and assisted the founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, in the efforts to obtain a separate Muslim nation-state when the British left India.

– Until the 1700s, Sharia law was the main legal system throughout the Muslim world.

– This was awarded to the pair for their report on the violent treatment of the Rohingya, a mainly Muslim ethnic group in Myanmar.

– Finally, an attack by a Muslim assassin in June forced him to abandon any further campaigning.

– His grandfather started Indonesia’s biggest Muslim organization, the Nahdlatul Ulama, or NU.

– The All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference led the Muslim movement for accession into Pakistans favor in the State.

– During battles the Muslim army yelled “Yā manṣūr Amit!” and attacked.

– The Hajj is a demonstration of the solidarity of the Muslim people, and their submission to Allah.

– A common Muslim viewpoint is that the existence of the verses is just a fabrication created by non-Muslims.

– She journeyed to the northeast, first to Peshawar and then to Rawalpindi, disguised by her Muslim veil.

– Averroës was a Muslim polymath from Al-Andalus.

– Even today All-jummu and Kashmir Muslim Conference is in power in Azad Jamu and Kashmir.

– Countries with small Muslim populations use mosques as a way to support civic participation.

– A burqini is a swimsuit designed for Muslim women that covers the whole body except the face, the hands and the feet, that enables them to satisfy the requirements of Muslim standards of modesty while enabling them to take part in swimming activities.

– Omar Abdel-Rahman was an Egyptian Muslim leader.

– There are reports of isolated acts against Muslim institutions: Red crosses were found on a mosque in Créteil, near Paris, the day after the attacks.

– She came from a Muslim TatarsTatar family and converted to Eastern Orthodox Christianity to marry Parajanov, to terrible consequences: she was later murdered by her relatives in retaliation for her conversion.

– Today, the Old City is divided into the Muslim Quarter, the Christian Quarter, the Jewish Quarter and the Armenian Quarter.

– Later, when the Muslim Arabian made fight with the Byzantine Empire, the Romanlar went with them as Camp followers to Asia Minor and settled first in Phrygia.

– Pakistan is the second largest Muslim country in terms of population.

– Out of favor with King Faruq, Shaltut helped deliver Azhari support to Nasser against the Muslim Brothers.

– For the Muslim inhabitants, the legacy is all the more remarkable given that they were not ArabizationArabized, unlike most other Syrians who like them were Arabic and shifted to an “Arab” ethnic identity.

– The Muslim people, thinking that the tanks had gold inside, attacked Tinne.

– On January 2, 1492, the last Muslim leader, Muhammad XII, surrendered complete control of Granada, to Ferdinand II of AragonFerdinand and Isabella, after the city was besieged in the Battle of Granada.

– He is a Muslim scholar.

– The Keffiyeh is commonly used by Muslim men.

– Ismaiili Shia are a Shi’a IslamShia Muslim sect.

– It served as the power base of Islam in its first century where the early Muslim community developed.

– Generally, the crusades refer to the campaigns in the Holy Land against Muslim forces sponsored by the Papacy.

– Shafique Ali Khan, “Iqbal’s Concept of Separate North-west Muslim State: A Critique of His Allahabad Address of 1930″, Markaz-e-Shaoor-o-Adab, Karachi, OCLC 18970794 It was a prevailing idea that has its origins in United Provinces of Indian.

- He worked to improve his own community and the Muslim community in India.

- Al-`Askarī or the `Askariyya Mosque/Shrine is a Shī`a Muslim holy site.

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