In sentence examples of “waves”

How to use in-sentence of “waves”:

+ Atomic clocks use the electromagnetic waves absorbed and emitted by atoms such as caesium to measure time.

+ Thermal imaging is mostly done with thermal radiation waves between 8 and 15 µm.

+ During the summer months, tropical waves can go northward as far as the desert southwest of the United States, producing spells of intensified shower activity surrounded within the current monsoon area.

+ Most scientists believe that the gravitational field and its gravitational waves are the physical interpretations of Einstein’s equations of general relativity.

+ When the waves at shallow water were poor, surfers would often attempt to surf in shallow breaking water.

+ This sound appears in “tsunami the Japanese word for large ocean waves caused by earthquakes or extreme weather.

+ Visible light, near ultraviolet, infrared, microwave and radio waves are all examples of non-ionizing radiation, though visible and near ultraviolet can also ionize some molecules.

In sentence examples of waves
In sentence examples of waves

Example sentences of “waves”:

+ The earthquake caused tsunamis that pounded the Chilean coastline with waves of up to 25 meters.

+ Radio waves have longer wavelengths.

+ Usually, after a wave moves through matter, the matter is the same as it was before the wave was introduced, though in some cases, matter can be affected by waves traveling through it.

+ The machine converts the waves into Analog signalelectrical signals or digital data, that are then stored on recording media.

+ Sine waves can be measured too.

+ When Raleigh waves travel, the particles move in an oval shape, similar to water waves.

+ Body waves are divided into two types, primary waves and secondary waves.

+ Because of the big waves and dangerous boats the fishermen work on, some people die every year.

+ It is believed that Alfvén waves may pass through to heat the corona.

+ Gravitational waves from an orbiting pulsar.

+ Because of its large size, Grace caused large waves along the East Coast of the United States.

+ This vibration makes the air vibrate and the sound waves travel to our ear so that we can hear it.

+ When waves meet other waves coming from different directions, interference between the two can produce broken, irregular seas.

+ After earthquakeseismic waves make a structure vibrate, a tuned mass damper can decrease their damaging effect and improve the building’s seismic performance.

+ Though tsunami can not be prevented, there are Tsunami warning systemwarning systems developed recently which warn the population before the big waves reach the land to let them enough time to rush to safety.

+ Rarefaction is the part of the waves where the molecules are far away from each other.

+ The earthquake caused tsunamis that pounded the Chilean coastline with waves of up to 25 meters.

+ Radio waves have longer wavelengths.
+ Usually, after a wave moves through matter, the matter is the same as it was before the wave was introduced, though in some cases, matter can be affected by waves traveling through it.

More in-sentence examples of “waves”:

+ It has been suggested that eastern Pacific Ocean tropical cyclones are formed out of tropical waves that come from North Africa as well.

+ They were first identified as being high redshift sources of electromagnetic radiation, including radio waves and visible light.

+ More generally, coherence describes all properties of the correlation between physical quantities of a single wave, or between several waves or wave packets.

+ For countries with large coastlines and rough sea conditions, the energy of waves offers the possibility of generating electricity in utility volumes.

+ Since the amplitudes of the sine waves are everywhere the same, the probability for finding the photon at each of them would be the same.

+ They relay radio waves between different places.

+ The newspaper has been hit by waves of layoffs over the past several years and employs 272 full-time employees in its Burlington headquarters.

+ Mechanical waves are a local oscillation of material.

+ Three tiny bones, the ossicles, convert the waves to high pressure vibrations.

+ Erosion of beach sand may increase because of the wall, and the wall may change the direction and flow of waves and caused erosion in other places.

+ Henderson Waves is a pedestrian bridge in Singapore.

+ It waves a few feelers as a kind of lure.

+ Electronic engineers are concerned with such processes as; the use of radio waves such as aircraft autopilots and other embedded systems.

+ This is similar to the way that sound waves are affected by what they move through, but sound waves and shock waves are not the same.

+ On December 8, 2015, Tompkins was kayaking with five others on General Carrera Lake in southern Chile when strong waves caused their kayaks to capsize.

+ A wave of change in electron spins can then move through the electrons in the crystal lattice as it dissipates like waves on a pool of water.

+ The waves then combined with the storm surge of the large Category 3 hurricane.

+ It consists of two equally important components: a “network of sensors” to detect tsunamis and a “communications infrastructure” to issue timely alarms to start evacuation before the big waves reach the land to let the people to rush to safety.

+ Randy Roth said that waves caused by a motorboat made the raft flip over and that Cynthia drowned because of that.

+ Oppositely to a progressive wave, stationary waves do not transfer energy in a given direction when they oscillate.

+ Material through which electromagnetic waves pass or “propagate”.

+ Sound waves travelling through the ear canal will hit the tympanum, or eardrum.

+ Notable features of versions 2.0 and 2.1.1 include permissions Program, Waves MaxxAudio, SwiftKey keyboard, screen gestures, custom icons, dark mode, manual camera mode, and RAW support for third-party apps like Camera FV-5 2.75.

+ While it passed southeast of Atlantic Canada, strong waves hit Newfoundland which caused heavy marine damage.

+ Secondary waves arrive after primary waves.

+ Near-infrared waves are between 800nm and 1.4µm.

+ Hurricane Ismael caused waves that were 30feet high over the Gulf of California.

+ Antennas designed to send and receive radio waves are usually similar in size to the wavelength they are to use.

+ Next the nuclei are exposed to radio waves that make α go to the β orientation.

+ Radio waves are used for many things today.

+ Diffraction is a physics concept which occurs when waves bend around small obstacles, or spread out after they pass through small openings.

+ Two waves always interfere, even if the result of the addition is complicated or not remarkable.

+ Light waves are similarly transverse waves though they are also particles.

+ This is due to lee waves triggered by hills just upstream of the cloud’s formation.

+ Sound is the term to describe what is hearingheard when sound waves pass through a medium to the ear.

+ Binary Phase Shift Keying can be used to send computer data across radio waves quite efficiently.

+ It happens at contact surfaces of a structure either with the ground, or with adjacent structures, or with gravity waves from tsunami.

+ Sound waves with frequency above 20kHz are called ultrasound waves.

+ Those waves can inundate coastal areas, destroy houses and even swipe away whole towns.

+ These measurements suggested gravitational waves are more than mathematical peculiarities.

+ The two waves interacted, and by September 2 combined to form a large area of disturbed weather across the eastern Atlantic Ocean.

+ It is called a complex because there are three different waves in it.

+ In physics, gravitational waves are ripples in the curvature of spacetime that travel outward from the source.

+ Ocean surface waves were the first known waves.

+ The Surge Zone depicts an area of Hawaii where waves crash against the rocky shore and create tide pools.

+ The waves overwhelm him.

+ They could not land because the waves were too big and rough.

+ Wave–particle duality means that particles behave like waves and waves behave like particles.

+ Given the variability of wave size, the largest individual waves are likely to be twice the reported significant wave height for a particular day or storm.

+ That movement from South America to the Caribbean islands was not continuous but it happened in several waves during almost twelve centuries.

+ It has been suggested that eastern Pacific Ocean tropical cyclones are formed out of tropical waves that come from North Africa as well.

+ They were first identified as being high redshift sources of electromagnetic radiation, including radio waves and visible light.

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