
1. Definition of Adjectives

Adjectives are words that describe or modify another person or thing in a sentence. They can give information about size, color, shape, quantity, quality, or almost any other characteristic of nouns. For instance, the words 'red,' 'happy,' 'long,' and 'elegant' are all adjectives because they describe certain qualities of nouns.

2. How to Form Adjectives

Adjectives in English come in their base form, but some can be formed from other words:

  1. From Nouns: Many adjectives are derived from nouns.

    • Example: beauty → beautiful
    • Example: danger → dangerous
  2. From Verbs: Adjectives can also originate from verbs.

    • Example: play → playful
    • Example: excite → exciting
  3. Using Prefixes or Suffixes: Adjectives can be formed by adding certain prefixes or suffixes.

    • Example: happy → unhappy (using the prefix 'un-')
    • Example: care → careless (using the suffix '-less')

3. Types of Adjectives

  1. Descriptive Adjectives: These are the most common type and they describe qualities of the noun.

    • Example: blue sky, tall tree
  2. Quantitative Adjectives: Indicate quantity.

    • Example: three books, many people
  3. Demonstrative Adjectives: Point out which noun is being referred to.

    • Example: this cat, those dogs
  4. Possessive Adjectives: Show ownership or possession.

    • Example: my book, her car
  5. Interrogative Adjectives: Used in questions.

    • Example: Which shirt? What color?
  6. Comparative and Superlative Adjectives: Used for comparison.

    • Comparative: taller, more interesting
    • Superlative: tallest, most interesting
  7. Proper Adjectives: These are derived from proper nouns (often places or names).

    • Example: American dream, Shakespearean drama

4. Using Adjectives in Sentences

Adjectives usually come before the noun they're modifying, but there are some exceptions.

  1. Directly Before a Noun: This is the most common placement.

    • Example: She has a red ball.
  2. After Linking Verbs: They can come after verbs like 'be', 'feel', 'seem', 'become'.

    • Example: The sky is blue.
    • Example: He feels happy today.
  3. Comparative and Superlative Forms: Used to compare two or more things.

    • Example: She is taller than her sister.
    • Example: He is the smartest student in the class.
  4. With Noun Modifiers: Sometimes adjectives come after the noun, especially with modifiers such as 'something', 'anything', or 'everything'.

    • Example: There's something strange about him.

In summary, adjectives play a vital role in the English language by providing depth, context, and clarity to our expressions. By understanding how to form and use them, one can enhance both written and spoken communication.

5. English Adjectives Practice Tests

Do you fully understand English adjectives? These tests will help you to learn, review, and refresh your knowledge about English adjectives. Each test contains 10 questions. Choose an answer to complete each question. Instructions may be available for each test. After finishing a test, you can review your answers


English Grammar - Adjectives Test 001

English Grammar - Adjectives Test 002

English Grammar - Adjectives Test 003

English Grammar - Adjectives Test 004

English Grammar - Adjectives Test 005

English Grammar - Adjectives Test 006


More tests:

Adjectives and Adverbs Tests


English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 001

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 002

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 003

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 004

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 005

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 006

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 007

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 008

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 009

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 010

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 011

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 012

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 013

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 014

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 015

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 016

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English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 019

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 020

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 021