Practice TOEIC Reading Comprehension Test 031

Questions for TOEIC Reading Comprehension Practice Test 031

Question 1. What is the main message of the passage?

(A) Professionals should reduce their caffeine intake.

(B) Exercise can help combat afternoon fatigue and increase productivity.

(C) The work environment is primarily to blame for fatigue.

(D) Every worker should invest in good sneakers.

Question 2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason professionals avoid exercise breaks?

(A) They believe they can accomplish more without breaks.

(B) They feel embarrassed exercising at work.

(C) They think they lack the time.

(D) They want to power through tasks.

Question 3. What can be inferred about the professionals described in the passage?

(A) They usually have a healthy diet.

(B) They are resistant to change.

(C) They are unaware of the benefits of exercise.

(D) They sometimes rely on caffeine or sugar to combat afternoon fatigue.

Question 4. Why does the author suggest integrating short exercise breaks?

(A) To increase the company's profits.

(B) To build physical strength and muscles.

(C) To rejuvenate the mind and body, leading to enhanced productivity.

(D) To reduce the need for professional training.