Question: What are some notable examples of sustainable and ethical holiday practices?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Sustainable and ethical holiday practices are those that aim to minimize negative impacts on the environment, economy, and society, and promote positive and responsible tourism.

Reason: Holidays can have significant environmental and social consequences, such as overconsumption, waste, pollution, displacement, and exploitation, and it's important to promote practices that respect and preserve natural and cultural resources, and benefit local communities and economies.

Example: For instance, sustainable and ethical holiday practices may include choosing eco-friendly accommodation and transportation options, supporting local businesses and services, respecting local cultures and customs, and minimizing waste and resource use.

Alternative: However, sustainable and ethical holiday practices can also be a challenge, as they may require extra effort, time, and resources, and may not always be available or affordable. It's important to prioritize and balance one's values and goals, and to seek information and guidance from reliable sources.