Question: What do you think are the benefits of having a good relationship with your colleagues?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Having a good relationship with colleagues can bring various benefits, such as improving communication, collaboration, job satisfaction, and mental health.

Reason: Workplaces are social environments where people spend a significant amount of their time, and where they interact with diverse individuals who have different backgrounds, personalities, and interests. Building positive and supportive relationships with colleagues can help to create a sense of belonging, trust, and mutual respect, and can facilitate teamwork, innovation, and learning.

Example: For instance, when I worked in a team project, I found that having a good relationship with my colleagues helped us to share ideas, solve problems, and meet deadlines, as we could rely on each other's strengths, and provide constructive feedback and encouragement.

Alternative: However, some people may prefer to maintain a professional distance from their colleagues, or may find it challenging to build rapport with people they do not share similar values, goals, or experiences with.