Question: Have you ever been influenced by a TV show or character?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Yes, I have been influenced by TV shows or characters, as they can provide role models, inspiration, or education, and can shape one's values, attitudes, or preferences.

Reason: TV shows and characters can have significant impacts on people's identity, socialization, and learning, particularly during adolescence and young adulthood, when people are more susceptible to peer and media influences.

Example: For instance, when I was a teenager, I was influenced by the character of Sherlock Holmes in the TV show Sherlock, as I found his intelligence, logic, and social awkwardness inspiring and relatable, and it motivated me to read more about detective stories and logic puzzles.

Alternative: However, some people may argue that the influence of TV shows or characters may depend on individual differences, such as personality, family background, or social context, and may be limited by critical thinking or media literacy skills.