Question: Do you think traditional products will continue to be popular in the future?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Yes, I believe that traditional products will continue to be popular in the future, as they represent our cultural heritage, identity, and values, and provide a sense of continuity and authenticity in a rapidly changing and globalized world.

Reason: Traditional products are often associated with quality, craftsmanship, and uniqueness, and can create a strong emotional connection and attachment among consumers, particularly those who value tradition, history, and cultural diversity.

Example: For instance, in my country, traditional products such as hand-woven textiles, pottery, or wood carvings, are still in demand and appreciated by locals and tourists alike, despite the availability of cheaper and mass-produced alternatives. These products not only provide income and employment for local artisans and communities but also promote the preservation and promotion of traditional skills and knowledge.

Alternative: However, some people may argue that traditional products may face challenges and competition in the future, due to factors such as changing consumer preferences, global market forces, or the decline of traditional practices and lifestyles.