Question: What can schools do to support students who struggle academically or emotionally?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Schools can support struggling students academically or emotionally by providing extra help and resources, counseling services, mentorship programs, and a supportive and inclusive environment.

Reason: These measures can address the individual needs and challenges of students, promote their academic and personal growth, and prevent or address mental health issues.

Example: For instance, if a student is struggling academically, the school can offer tutoring sessions, study groups, or extra classes to improve their performance. Similarly, if a student is dealing with emotional issues, the school can provide counseling services, peer support groups, or mentorship programs to help them cope and develop resilience.

Alternative: Schools can also support struggling students by providing accommodations for learning disabilities or physical disabilities, creating a positive and non-judgmental culture, or partnering with community organizations or professionals to offer specialized services.