Question: How do you deal with noisy roommates or neighbors?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: If I have noisy roommates or neighbors, I would first try to talk to them and politely explain the situation. If the problem persists, I may consider involving the landlord or building management to find a solution.

Reason: Dealing with noisy roommates or neighbors can be frustrating and disruptive to one's daily life, so it is important to address the situation in a constructive and respectful manner.

Example: For example, I may explain to my roommate or neighbor that the noise is affecting my ability to sleep or concentrate, and ask if we can come up with a compromise, such as setting specific quiet hours or using headphones when listening to music.

Alternative: While talking to the noisy roommate or neighbor may be the first step, there may be alternative strategies for dealing with noise, such as using earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones.