Question: What is the role of government policies in addressing climate change?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Government policies can play a critical role in addressing climate change by setting targets and standards for emissions reduction, promoting sustainable practices and technologies, and providing incentives and support for climate action.

Reason: Climate change is a global and systemic issue that requires coordinated and concerted action at all levels, from local to international. Government policies can provide the necessary framework and tools to guide and regulate the behavior of individuals, businesses, and organizations, and to mobilize resources and expertise.

Example: For instance, governments can establish carbon pricing mechanisms, such as carbon taxes or cap-and-trade systems, to incentivize emissions reduction and generate revenue for climate action. They can also promote renewable energy and energy efficiency through subsidies, mandates, or public investment.

Alternative: However, government policies can also face obstacles such as resistance from vested interests, lack of political consensus, or insufficient resources or capacity. Therefore, it is important for governments to engage with stakeholders and civil society, and to adopt transparent and accountable processes for policy development and implementation.